Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 346 New Regulations

Chapter 346 New Regulations
Hou Xun's title book was forwarded to Zhu Youjian.

This time he recommended Zhao Zhiyong, the doctor of Henan Qingli Department of the Ministry of household affairs.

Like Wang Wenhui recommended by Fan Jingwen, Zhao Zhiyong was also outstanding in resettling the disaster victims. He traveled between Henan and Shandong provinces for two years, personally calculating, distributing, dispatching, and supervising disaster relief grain and rice supplies. The use of life-saving materials by the imperial court has basically not been squandered and wasted.

In fact, the recommendation of Fan Jingwen and Hou Xun was carried out under the instruction of Zhu Youjian.

For the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs, where the turnover of officials has always been extremely slow, once you enter these two departments, it is difficult to have a chance to be promoted again, unless you have a strong enough background.

The main reason is that the professionalism of these two departments is too strong, and the daily affairs of the department are very heavy, and the probability of making mistakes is also extremely high.

Because once the mistakes accumulate, they will be recorded by the officials in the Jingcha, and it will be quite difficult to get promoted.

From the founding of the country to the present, the chief officials of these two ministries have rarely died well, and it is difficult for the officials in each division of the ministries to have a bright future. This phenomenon is extremely unreasonable. One of the problems that the inspection is going to solve step by step.

With the complete improvement of the situation, Zhu Youjian's focus is shifting to how to mobilize the enthusiasm of officials, so that the space and platform for them to be used is the result he wants most.

The main achievements of local chief officials are reflected in the money and food handed over to the court. Under the premise that they cannot increase taxes privately, the amount of money and food handed over by prefectures and counties means the quality of the local economy.

Officials in the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households who deal with numbers are the most proficient in understanding and using money and food, which is several times better than most civil servants who only know how to study poetry and books hard.

These officials are real practical talents, and they will not be deceived by the subordinate staff after they take office, because they are better at calculating than the subordinate staff.

Zhu Youjian's purpose is to let the talents of these two departments flow together, and promoting them outside is the simplest and most effective way.

Because once one or several chief officials in the ministry are promoted and released, the vacant positions will be replaced by subordinates, and such a chain reaction will maximize the work enthusiasm of officials.As long as you have a vision for your own future and feel that you have a head start, people's work enthusiasm and enthusiasm will be stimulated.

After being promoted to the fifth rank, the doctor became the magistrate of the fourth rank. His official uniform changed from green to red, and his rank suddenly entered the ranks of senior officials. This kind of promotion is the best stimulus for all middle and lower officials.

The recommendations of Fan Jingwen and Hou Xun were also confirmed by Jin Yiwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.Both of these two are top picks in terms of ability and integrity, and they are both under forty. As long as they don't make big mistakes in their positions, their future prospects can be said to be smooth.

Zhu Youjian wanted to send a signal to the officials of the Ming Dynasty: pragmatism is the foundation of promotion, and empty talk will be completely marginalized. This new regulation will be implemented for a long time, and will become the primary standard for evaluating local officials by the Ministry of Officials.

After the vast majority of the candidates were released to the ruling party in the pilot test, they thought they could live a luxurious life full of chanting the wind and admiring the moon all day long, while the implementation of the new regulations directly told them: indulging in enjoyment may be It means the end of career.

Of course, Zhu Youjian has no objection to officials enjoying life.Pursuing a more quality lifestyle is the innate nature of human beings, which cannot be denied or prohibited.

But the premise is that you, as the chief officer of one party, are only eligible to enjoy it in your free time after you have made corresponding contributions.

The more you contribute to the court and the people, the more luxurious your life is. If you do the opposite, the local supervisory censor will naturally not let go of the opportunity to impeach you.

"The people recommended by the two lovers are all people with outstanding talents and outstanding political achievements. Only people with such talents will be the ministers that our court urgently needs! Zhao, the Langzhong of Henan Qingli Division of the Ministry of Household Affairs, is the magistrate of Huai'an Prefecture, and he took office immediately after explaining the things in his hands. The two of them took the vacant positions in the Ministry. The cabinet will make a ruling together later, and I intend that the replacement candidate should be elected by the Ministry, so please keep this in mind!"

Zhu Youjian immediately announced two personnel appointments. Both Fan Jingwen and Hou Xun accepted the order and returned to their original positions with joyful faces, and Zhou Yun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was just afraid that the emperor would hold the power to appoint officials below the fifth rank, and then he, the minister of the Ministry of officials, would become a display.

"I want to recommend one person, this person is Luo Fulong, the magistrate of Fancheng County, Henan Province. This person is not an old acquaintance of the minister, but the minister and the minister. In the Zhitang newspaper, I accidentally saw it when commending civil servants with military merits in various places. According to the military intelligence report of Hong Hengjiu, then governor of the five provinces, Luo made a lot of contributions in dealing with the mutiny of the Sichuan army in the eighth year of Chongzhen, but so far But he was not rewarded. Although I don't know his achievements as an official, Hong Hengjiu praised him in the Tang newspaper. In order not to lose his talents in the imperial court, I suggested that the Ministry of Officials give him a detailed inspection. Use it with discretion!"

Yang Sichang got up and saluted, and then played.

He didn't know Luo Fulong, and the reason why he stood up and recommended him was purely to show Zhu Youjian his public heart.

Luo Fulong's name was discovered by him in the military newspaper by accident.

Hong Chengchou alluded to his loyalty and wisdom in this report to quell the rebellion of the Sichuan army, saying that he did not use soldiers to suppress and kill, but influenced the six thousand soldiers of the rebellion in the name of the court's righteousness, so that all the soldiers knew their way back. Return to its command of moderation.

Yang Sichang naturally scoffed at Hong Chengchou's self-boasting move.

Because after Hong Chengchou praised Luo Fulong, the county magistrate, after the report, Yang Sichang judged that the matter was definitely not that simple.Although it is difficult to study the details of the counter-insurgency, it is by no means as easy as Hong Chengchou expressed, and Luo Fulong, the magistrate of Fancheng County, must have played a very key role in it.

In line with the principle of leaving a good impression on the emperor on important occasions, Yang Sichang boldly recommended Luo Fulong.

Although he didn't know the achievements of this young magistrate as an official, but being able to play a major role in the mutiny of thousands of officers and soldiers at least proved that this person's ability should be quite outstanding.

As for why he hasn't been promoted until now, it must be that there is no one in court.For this kind of genuine Jinshi who has both ability and no backing, if an important minister extends a helping hand to him, he will definitely be grateful for the rest of his life in the future.

As long as this person can make some achievements in his official career in the future, he can not only gain a good reputation of knowing people with his eyes and choosing officials for the country, but also gain an extra support in the court.

"Oh? As a civil servant, but also able to make military achievements, it must be a usable talent. After the meeting, the official department will review his files. As long as he passes the evaluation over the years, he will be promoted accordingly! Yu Shang is able to draw materials for the country, and this kind of ethics of doing things with heart is worthy of emulation by all ministers!"

Zhu Youjian highly appreciated Yang Sichang's move.

Since he was able to make military achievements first, and Hong Chengchou endorsed him later, it at least proves that this person has merit.

You must know that according to the power Hong Chengchou had at that time, if he hadn't made great contributions, he would not have spoken for a small county magistrate.

As for whether he is really qualified as an official, as long as Jin Yiwei is sent to investigate and visit, the final conclusion will be drawn soon after comparing the merits of the official department's annual examinations.

Positions are easier to arrange. The second official in Yangzhou, Huai'an and other four prefectures is the most suitable position. If he is really talented, he will stand out in his post.

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(End of this chapter)

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