Chapter 347

After Yang Sichang thanked the emperor for his praise, he sat down, secretly happy in his heart.

As Wen Tiren recommended Xun Wenli, the prefect of Hezhou, as the prefect of Changzhou, the candidates for the chief officials of the four prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River were finally settled.

The supervisory censor and Jinyiwei have begun to be stationed in the big mansion to supervise the performance of the main officials of the local government and report their performance to the emperor and the cabinet at any time.

Under such strict supervision measures, the actions of those who are competent and dereliction of duty will be recorded in the file, which will be more conducive to the efficient and clear administration of officials.

When these two supervisory agencies covered most of the prefectures and counties in Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian believed that a clean and honest government that had never been seen in the world would be born during his ruling period.

This is not an extravagant hope or fantasy, because compared with the huge population size and the same huge management organization in later generations, the current local officials are too easy to be targeted.

After all, the number of economic officials sent by the imperial court is too small, and their every move is eye-catching. Jin Yiwei can clearly understand their daily behavior with a little effort.

In fact, the existing governance system of Ming Dynasty is quite transparent, every link is basically carried out in the open, and the transparency of government affairs of the local government is even higher.

Take the simplest example: a case.

Everyone on the earth knows that when the magistrate decides a case, the common people are allowed to listen in the lobby.Although those who dared to attend were those who were not related to the case, but those who were idle and boring, ordinary people really did not dare to enter the yamen.

Theoretically speaking, the common people can attend, not to mention the censor and Jin Yiwei.As long as these two are present, the magistrate's actions, words and conclusions will be recorded. Under such circumstances, how dare you let the magistrate bend the law for personal gain?
The most important thing is that maybe they are both civil servants, and some censors may be able to deceive the superior and the inferior by letting go, turning a blind eye, or even cooperating with them, but who dares to bribe Jin Yiwei?Even if someone dares, will Jin Yiwei get a layer of skin in the end?

Zhu Youjian intends to extend Jinyiwei's on-duty system implemented in the capital to the local government, and no one can say no to such a thing.

There are school lieutenants in the department of the capital, and you, a small local yamen, can compare to the center of the imperial court?

"Yesterday, I had a whim, so I went out of the palace to inspect Wenyuan Pavilion. This is also the first time I have gone to the cabinet office since I became the throne. Although I have heard for a long time that the cabinet handles public affairs is not very spacious, but I did not expect it to be so small. Si. Although I don't like extravagance, I can't sit back and watch the cabinet ministers work in such an environment. After thinking about it last night, I decided to expand the cabinet office to maintain the dignity of the court. Fan Qing can send the officials of the camp to go there after the meeting Survey, and then formulate a repair plan. While not affecting the official affairs of the cabinet, choose an opportunity to expand. During the expansion, a dining hall, a place for night rest, and a place for undressing and bathing will be added, and the money and food consumed will be calculated and paid by the Ministry of Households!"

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, Wen Tiren opened his mouth, but he didn't intervene in the end.

Because he suddenly figured out that the number of cabinet members will soon increase to at least six people, and then the number of Zhongshusheren and book office officials in the two rooms will also increase accordingly. The number of people in the house has increased several times, and it will not be able to work if it is not expanded.

All the ministers raised no objection to the emperor's move, especially those who were expected to join the cabinet, they were all extremely satisfied with the emperor's caring act.

Especially Yang Sichang, who loves cleanliness very much, every time he went to the cabinet, he was very dissatisfied with the small bed in the inner room where the cabinet ministers slept on duty at night.Hearing the details of the emperor's special instructions, Yang Sichang suddenly felt that he and the emperor were actually the same kind of people, both elegant people who paid attention to the quality of life.

Then it's the turn of today's third topic: the establishment of a new division.

"Qizou Shengshang, I think that since the founding of the country by the Taizu, the power and responsibility of the court department is sufficient to deal with the situation of our dynasty. Why do we have to set up a new Situ to consume the country's money? What kind of situation does this put the ancestral system in? "

The one who spoke was Zhang Guowei, Minister of the Ministry of Rites. This guy knew that Zhu Youjian was evil in the last discussion, and it was impossible to join the cabinet, so he stood up again with the mentality of breaking the jar and looking for death.

"Zhang Butang's words are wrong! The system of our dynasty followed the system of the former Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, and the later Taizu made corresponding changes according to the shape of our dynasty. Take the predecessor of the cabinet as an example. The left and right prime ministers took Pingzhang affairs as the second prime minister, and the central province was the most important department in handling the government affairs. Taizu subsequently abolished the post of prime minister in the 13th year of Hongwu, and participated in the maintenance when he changed to co-run universities. After Taizong ascended the throne, Participate in the maintenance of the government by attending lectures, reading, editing, and reviewing, forming a cabinet, and assisting the king in handling government affairs. control?"

It was still Wen Tiren who came out to beat Zhang Guowei in the face, and Lao Wen beat Zhang Guowei again based on the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

He had heard from Zhu Youjian's words last night that the newly established department would be related to his son's future, so when Zhang Guowei first stood up to oppose it, Lao Wen refuted it unceremoniously.

"There is no need to say too much about the establishment of a new secretary, minister, etc. This is something I have considered carefully. I have observed that the rise and fall of the past dynasties were all caused by fields and grains, and the rise of the previous bandits was also due to a grain. Words. Under repeated droughts and floods, thousands of people had no food to live on, and the bandits bewitched and hijacked them, which led to the corruption of the northern border of the Ming Dynasty.

Thanks to the hard work of all the ministers and the hard work of the officers and soldiers, the thieves were wiped out, and my people never suffered from being displaced. "

Zhu Youjian's remarks were not new. While the courtiers were sitting in a state of distress, they were all secretly guessing what level of department the emperor planned to set up. Wouldn't it be another tasteless department like the Department of Health?

"Feeling that the people regard food as the sky and food as the foundation of the world, I decided to imitate the system of the former Song Dynasty and restore the Si Nong Temple in the outer court to be responsible for the production of fields, rivers, lakes and seas. There is one Zhengqing in the Si Nong Temple. The number and rank of the remaining ministers and chief bookkeepers are set by the cabinet in conjunction with the Ministry of Officials. Sinong Temple is responsible for persuading and teaching agriculture, mulberry, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery throughout the country. For the affairs of the provinces, Zuo Shenzheng of each province, the Tongzhi of each prefecture and county, and the chief bookkeeper are connected with them and responsible for the laws and decrees issued by them. Sinong Temple has the right to make suggestions on the promotion and transfer of local officials who are connected, and it is used for the examination of merit by the Ministry of Officials. refer to!"

Restoring the Sinong Temple is one of the big things that Zhu Youjian wanted to do last year. His purpose is to gradually change the current backward production methods of Daming, and use more advanced methods and measures to increase the grain yield per mu of the entire Daming, so that more The people were freed from hunger and poverty.

There is no stability without agriculture, no life without business, and no wealth without work. These three points run through the development of the entire farming society, and the first point is the cornerstone for the smooth operation of all social activities.

In the absence of high-efficiency compound fertilizers, in order to increase food production, in addition to the help of God, intensive cultivation, land reclamation and new acres, a large number of promotion of the use of advanced farm tools, construction of water conservancy, large-scale application of human and animal manure, plant ash retting, and large-scale livestock Utilization and other measures are very effective means and methods.

But all these favorable conditions are inseparable from the guidance and support of the imperial court.

To put it bluntly, in fact, it is necessary for the imperial court to spread money on a large scale. According to the current income of Taicang, although it has been greatly improved compared with Chongzhen eight years ago, it is still not enough to afford such a huge investment. catch.

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward that no one has used this account.

(End of this chapter)

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