Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 362 Dare to Fight

Chapter 362 Dare to Fight
"Okay! I admit that the words of Mr. Putman and Mr. Colonel are very reasonable! In order to allow fair trade to continue for a long time, on behalf of the East India Company, I agree with the Dutch army to use force to solve this problem! But I hope that after the war begins, not Causing a large number of civilian casualties, especially not to kill women and children, that kind of behavior is very inhumane! In this war, the East India Company will send people to accompany the army, and after observing the situation in this regard, write a report and submit it to me!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Pahlavit finally agreed to this military operation.

"Your decision is not wrong, Mr. Pahlavit! Our goal is to destroy the Ming army. As for civilians who will produce goods for us in the future, we will not open fire on civilians unless there is an accident!"

Fan.Deck stood up happily and extended his right hand to Pahlavit. Pahlavit smiled and extended his hand to Fan.Deckard's hands were tightly held together.

"Very good! Now we have finally reached an agreement! Mr. Colonel, how many people do you plan to take with you this time? The Ming army has a lot of troops. The total number of the two barracks should be around 500. Our Although the army is good at fighting, if the number is too small, it may be difficult to win a decisive victory. But if the number is too large, the defense of Zeelandia and the generals will become a problem. Mr. Colonel, do you have the best way to solve these problems? Woolen cloth?"

Now that the problem of dispatching troops has been resolved, the next step is how to fight the battle well. Out of concern about the large number of Ming troops, Putman still opposed Fan.Deck made a reminder.

"Your Excellency, we now have 53 soldiers in Zeelandia City, 340 soldiers in Chikan City, and 54 soldiers in Utrecht Fort. I have already considered the situation of the Ming army that you mentioned. This time I will We plan to take away 600 people from Zeelandia, 200 people from Chikan City, and soldiers from Utrecht Fort. This adds up to 800 people in total. These officers and soldiers can form a complete regiment, plus my 820 There are 600 guards in total, and the remaining [-] people are enough to guard the two castles, our Utrecht Fort has powerful firepower to keep the enemy out of the city of Zeelandia!"

When it comes to Utrechtburg, Van.Deckard's face was full of confidence and pride, and Putman also smiled and nodded in agreement.

Utrecht Fort was built on the only land passage leading to Zeelandia from the outside world, only ten miles away from Zeelandia.

This castle is a typical European bastion. The platform base is about ten feet above the ground, and then the castle is built on the base.

Utrecht Fort is equipped with eight turrets, which are equipped with artillery of different calibers, which can carry out uninterrupted firepower strikes on enemies from far and near. The waste of firepower is reduced to a certain extent.

The shooting holes on the fort are also divided into upper, middle and lower layers. Once the enemy breaks through the artillery blockade and approaches the city wall, they will be shot and killed by muskets from different angles.

Although there are usually less than one company of soldiers stationed in the fort, once a war breaks out, the troops of Zeelandia City can quickly reinforce it.

The Dutch army on the island, from officers to soldiers, had reason to believe that Utrecht Fort would never be breached unless it was besieged by tens of thousands of enemies.

"Then I am here to congratulate Mr. Colonel on his triumphant return in advance! At that time, I will report to Congress another great victory of our army!"

"Old Sun, Chen Dashuan led 1000 people to meet the enemy from the front. In addition to the camp guards, I led 300 people to ambush five miles to the left of the camp, and you led 300 people to ambush on the right. Once Chen Dashuan and the red-haired ghost get entangled If we are together, we will split up and fight out, you take the back road, I will lead someone to stop him, and this time I will definitely teach the red-haired ghost to come and go!"

While Putman and others were discussing to launch an attack on the settlement, Wu Qun was also deploying a combat plan to the two generals under him.

"Commander, it's better for me to lead the charge. You should take the back road. You are our coach. It is too dangerous to charge. If something goes wrong, Dashuan and I will have to be beheaded by the imperial court. Then we are too serious." Injustice!"

"That's right, we are more wronged than Dou E!"

Chen Dashuan on the side muttered softly.

"Fart! I'm not dead yet! What a fart you are! Chen Dashuan, are you cursing me? Do you fucking want to be beaten again?! Om?"

"Hey, general, don't you want to be angry? I just followed the old grandson's words. I don't want to curse you. Besides, even if you die, this general will not be my turn, right?"

Chen Dashuan's heartless appearance made Wu Qun and Sun Rengui dumbfounded, while Lin Rong, who was invited to participate in the discussion, couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Get out! You rascal can drive me to death just by talking! Hurry up and get ready! I'm thinking that the red-haired ghost might be coming over in the next few days. Fight, say that you can’t lose anything, otherwise it would be too embarrassing!”

"You can rest assured, General! With my old Chen here, all the red-haired ghosts and blue-haired ghosts are all ghosts under my sword! Without further ado, I just go up and down with my sword, one knife at a time, General You just need to lead people to pick people's heads!"


Seeing Chen Dashuan come out of the wooden house with a playful smile, Sun Rengui said with a smile: "Commander, when the fight starts, do as I said. Failure is impossible!"

"Mr. Sun Qian, don't underestimate the red-haired fans. Jinghai Bo's powerful forces don't dare to turn against them easily! I have heard more than one person say that all countries in the world are very afraid of these red-haired fans. What! I heard that the projectiles fired by the cannons on their ships can explode on the ground, and the lethality is really astonishing! I just don’t know if their infantry have such powerful power!”

Lin Rong's words made Wu Qun and Sun Rengui feel a little heavy in their hearts.

Wu Qun also asked the leading sailors on the Zheng family's fleet about these Dutchmen entrenched in the city of Zeelandia. The Mao ghosts all had expressions of fear on their faces.

The leader of the Zheng family's fleet even said bluntly that the Dutch have extremely sharp firearms and strict military discipline. They are fierce and fearless in fighting. If the number of troops is not several times higher than that, it is best not to fight head-on.Otherwise, not only will the battle be defeated, but the casualties will also be heavy.

"Commander, how about we report to the imperial court and ask for more reinforcements? These two thousand brothers have followed us to the island from Shandong for more than a year, and more than a dozen people have died due to disease. I don’t know how many casualties will be caused. If the casualties are too great, how can we explain to the villagers when we return to Shandong in the future!”

"Old Sun, there is no need to mention this matter of asking for help! It is a matter of course for soldiers to eat food and be loyal to the country. How can we explain it? I have been in the army for several years, has the court ever shortened our food and salary? My Wu Has a certain brother ever embezzled a brother under him? Compared with when we were under Wu Shangwen's men, it is a world of difference now! The emperor treats us well, the military salary is paid on time every month, and the brothers all send it home Didn’t the parents and brothers in the family all follow suit? Why did you shrink back when you heard that people died in the war? Could it be that more than a year of peaceful life has made you less timid?”

Wu Qun squinted at Sun Rengui with a very dissatisfied tone.

"Commander, Sun Rengui is not a coward who is afraid of death! I heard that the red-haired ghosts are not easy to fight, so I feel that I can't fight them head-on! I think that if the red-haired ghosts come to attack, we have the right time and place Renhe, wouldn’t it be better if we could think of a way to teach the sons and daughters to reduce casualties as much as possible, and win the battle in the end?!”

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward that no one has used this account.

(End of this chapter)

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