Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 363 The Enemy Arrives

Chapter 363 The Enemy Arrives
"Old Wu, I think Mr. Sun Qian's words are very reasonable! Knowing that Hongyi's firearms are sharp, if you line up and face the enemy head-on, you will not only suffer great damage, but also risk losing the battle. If you want to think of some coups, first dampen their morale, Wait for him to feel fear or to be unable to support for a long time, and then attack him with a dignified formation, and if all these methods are used together, the Hongyi will definitely be defeated!"

Lin Rong, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out his thoughts.

If anyone on the island is the least willing to fight, then that person must be Lin Rong, and since the war is inevitable, Lin Rong is probably the one who is most unwilling to lose.

The main reason is that the situation on the island is so good now.

Seeing that he was about to achieve great success, even when his name could reach Tianting directly, an accident that Lin Rong feared most was about to happen.

Over the past year, all aspects of the settlements have become increasingly stable, coupled with the unique natural conditions in central and southern Taiwan, Taichung County has achieved significant results in land reclamation.

Now the island has a total population of more than 2000, including the government army and more than [-] immigrants, and more than [-] livestock. The total land reclamation has reached more than [-] mu, and this number continues to grow every day.

In September of this year, after the harvest of the second rice field in the tenth year of Chongzhen, more than a dozen large granaries were newly built and filled with a large amount of unhulled rice.

These grains were bought and stored from the immigrants at a price slightly lower than the market price by using the silver escorted by the Jin Yiwei specially sent by Zhu Youjian by the county government.

Because of the three-year tax exemption policy for newly opened fields, the poor and hungry immigrants burst out with great enthusiasm for production.

In each family, as long as all the laborers who can work are dispatched and work in rotation, with the help of various large livestock purchased and transported by the Four Seas Trading Company, the newly reclaimed land is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the help of the group of Hokkien people who moved over from Zheng’s family, Shanxi immigrants finally learned how to plant and manage rice in the third season after two failed crop rotations, and achieved a large-scale harvest in that season. success.

During this period, with the intensive exchanges between immigrants from Shanxi and immigrants from southern Fujian, many immigrants in Shanxi also learned how to catch various aquatic products such as fish, turtles, shrimps, crabs, mussels, and eels, and how to cook them. The craftsmanship of delicious dishes.

The southern Fujian immigrants learned various crafts from Shanxi craftsmen, including how to hunt deer, bears, leopards, wild boars and other large wild animals and cooking methods.

As the friendship between the people in the north and the south continues to deepen, the initial misunderstandings caused by customs and language are gradually being resolved.

During the production and living process of the two sides in close contact, a young man from Fujian and a 16-year-old girl from Shanxi fell in love with each other, and finally got married in a very simple way after the consent of their parents.

After hearing the news, Lin Rong, the county magistrate, came to congratulate him personally and brought five taels of silver as a gift.

Because he knew the great significance of this matter.

As the chief official of Taiwan Island, my every move is widely concerned by the people. My arrival means that what the government hopes to see is the harmonious coexistence of different cultures and customs. This wedding will also become a kind of weather vane.

With the continuous bumper harvest every three to four months on average, every household’s new rice tanks, wooden buckets and dustpans are filled with rice, and supplemented with high-protein non-staple food such as various prey and river seafood, Shanxi From the beginning, the immigrants were reluctant to eat enough, and it has developed to the point where they can't finish eating if they open their mouths today.

Immigrants who were accustomed to a bumper harvest actively responded to the county government’s purchase action when they could not hold enough rice at home, and exchanged a large amount of rice for silver, copper coins and other daily necessities.

It should be said that the businessman's sense of smell is indeed extremely sensitive.

After learning about the continuous bumper harvest of grain on the island, the Fuzhou branch of Sihai Commercial Bank decisively began to build shops near the county government office, and then rented merchant ships to transport a large number of materials to the island during the calm season. Then the immigrants sold the food in exchange for land money and earned it back.

Li Jiashan, the general manager of the Fuzhou branch, is very flexible. He knows that if the firm wants to gain a foothold and develop in Fujian, it must first unite with the local gentry, otherwise it will be restricted by various factors.

After Li Jiashan got in touch with the ethnic surnames in southern Fujian, he decided to join hands with these people to expand the business.

This time the commercial bank's cross-sea business was jointly completed by several big households surnamed Lin, Cai, and Hong, and the risks and profits incurred during the period were finally shared by everyone.

These few families didn't take this business seriously at the beginning, but after Li Jiashan revealed to them that the imperial court was organizing more refugees from the northern border to move to Taiwan, and the island's population would reach millions in the future. , several family heads got together to discuss, and immediately and decisively decided on the cooperation with the Universal Trading Company.

Because they have all vaguely heard that the Four Seas Trading Company is the property of the nobles in the palace, and the large-scale immigration is definitely not something that happened out of thin air.The most important thing is to preemptively occupy the territory on the island and lay the foundation for earning high profits in the future.

I can see that with my wholehearted dedication, the original swamps, dense forests, and wasteland ponds have gradually turned into fertile fields, and the originally deserted and gloomy villages have become increasingly noisy and lively towns, and the first batch of rice produced on the island has already been shipped. After sending it to the mainland, Lin Rong was full of pride, but also full of expectations for his future career.

"Hey, Lao Lin, I never thought that I would underestimate you! Hahaha! Come here, let me hear what tricks you have!"

Wu Qun said with a smile.

"I just read some scriptures about how to avoid a strong enemy and attack from the side. I really don't know how to use it! Old Wu, if I have a clever plan, wouldn't I become a person who can accommodate both words and martial arts? You better underestimate me!"

After Lin Rong finished speaking, he picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, and began to sip on his own.

"Not to mention anything else, Lao Lin, it's a surprise for you to think so much. If you join the army and fight, you will definitely achieve a lot in the future, or if you think about it, you can enlist in the army. I'll make you a boss." ?”


After Lin Rong spat at Wu Qun, he turned around and ignored him.

"Hey! I know you don't want to part with that green skin, but you're still hoping to change into a big red one! Lao Lin, I think you will definitely get your wish!"

After Wu Qun teased Lin Rong for a few more words, seeing that the other party ignored him, he turned his head in embarrassment.

"Old Sun, what Lin Zhixian said just now reminded someone. Since Hongyi is good at fighting head-on, let's avoid his edge and attack him lazy! Hongyi must be transported ashore by a ship and then attack me, and I The location of the big camp is the key point of its inability to turn around! From the shore to here for nearly thirty miles, there are dense trees, ponds and bays along the way, and there is only one road. This is the advantage of the location, we must make good use of it!"

On the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month in the tenth year of Chongzhen, after more than half a month of preparations since the Governor's Mansion decided to dispatch troops last time, Fan.Eight hundred officers and soldiers led by Dyke arrived in the outer sea area of ​​the Ming army camp on four large ships.

Also arriving on the same boat were a thousand aborigines from the island, those Madou people and Mujialiuwan people who had fought against the Dutch before and were finally subdued by force.

Fan.The reason why Dyke brought this group of aborigines here was to loot more supplies and food after defeating the Ming army, and to use them as a supply camp.

When they were about five miles away from the coast, two giant ships with a displacement of [-] tons each lowered their huge anchor chains and stopped on the sea surface. up the shore.

Not long after, more than [-] sampans were hoisted from the ship to the surface of the water, and the dense rope net was immediately put on one side of the ship's side. Under the command of the officers, the first soldiers straddled the fire rope The gun and the canvas bag containing the ammunition were lowered from the rope net to the sampan one after another, and the landing operation officially began.

The title of sea coachman is not in vain. During this period, the Netherlands was the real overlord of the sea. The entire country with a population of less than 200 million had [-] ships of various kinds.

This kind of large ship with a displacement of over [-] tons and densely packed with more than a hundred cannons in the upper and lower cabins is not the most advanced. A [-]-ton giant ship has already begun mass construction after its trial voyage.

The birth of this giant ship with the largest displacement and the most ferocious firepower at the time indicated that the Netherlands would continue its maritime supremacy for a long time.

On the top deck of one of the giant ships, Van.Deckard scanned the shore with a binoculars in hand. On the sea not far ahead, the Dutch soldiers were paddling hard, and the sampan was rapidly advancing towards the shore on the undulating water.

"Mr. Colonel, these people of yellow race ran into the mountains in fright when they saw our warships. Their monkey-like appearance is just suitable for eating wild fruits in the mountains, hahahaha!"

Link, the captain of the Star Shield, sat lazily on a chair facing Fan with a cup of coffee.Deck said with a smile.

"Mr. Captain, although your point of view is reasonable, I don't completely agree with it! Don't forget our old friend——Earl Zheng of the Ming Empire. He has given our Dutch navy a lot of food. What a loss!"

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward that no one has used this account.Due to various reasons, many book reviews from fellow book friends cannot be replied, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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