Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 378 New Years

Chapter 378 New Years
Although Xue Lian, Marquis of Yangwu, and others are dignified, their relatives can go to the harem because of their gender. They themselves are not eligible to enter the palace after the Qianqing Palace, but Zhou Kui and others are allowed to enter the harem. You can enter and exit normally.

This is the difference between honor and honor.

Xungui is still an outsider no matter what, and Xungui is a relative, and has a blood relationship with the nobles in the palace. In the past when we paid attention to relatives, this is equivalent to half of the family.

"Hehehehe, how about my sister come in? You have to find someone to teach my nephews well, and I will make arrangements in the future. And Xue Qing, you must also keep in mind that the discipline of the children at home must not be relaxed , if there is material that can be cultivated, no matter whether it is literary or martial arts, it may not have a bright future!"

In the Hall of Zhaoren, after the emperor and his ministers sat down separately, Zhu Youjian said with a smile.

There are many honorable children in Ming Dynasty, and because of the good conditions, most of them become useless when they grow up, wasting the excellent genes of their ancestors.

Some people may say that it is because of the imperial court's restrictions on nobles and nobles that their children are not allowed to become officials, which has caused this group to be in a state of drunkenness and dreams.

In fact, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty did not have clear restrictions on the noble children's official career.

The so-called not being allowed to be an official is because the civil official group is afraid of the nobles, for fear that there will be an aristocratic family that is both in military power and an official in the court, thus forming an uncontrollable situation that threatens the interests of the imperial power and the civil official group. That's why this situation that everyone knows but doesn't talk about has gradually come into being.

In fact, even if the civil servants did not try to limit the Xungui Group, those second-generation ancestors who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths did not intend to study and become officials at all.

Because it's not necessary at all.

According to Daming's preferential treatment for nobles and its own privileges, which noble family does not have tens of millions of wealth and luxurious life?
Even if you are a concubine or a maidservant, at least you can live your life without worrying about food and clothing.

Besides, Xungui's families all started between the ranks of the army, and the education of their children is basically free-range, and there is no very systematic tutoring method, which has also led to the emergence of almost no talents in the Xungui Group of Ming Dynasty. past situation.

Zhu Youjian wants to try to change this situation.

In his plan, as long as they are talents, no matter how high or low they are from, they should have a platform for them to display their talents. If they cast a wide net, they might catch a big fish.

"Brother Huang, I have never relaxed the education of my children in my daily life. Even if they fail to become talents, they will never be ashamed to the heavenly family! Brother Huang sent a famous doctor to help, and Le'an is still in good health! A few days ago, Le An felt chest tightness and wanted to vomit, and the doctor found out that Le An is already pregnant, and next year, the emperor brother will have to spend money again and give an extra gift money! Hahahaha!"

In recent years, from a little consort captain who was not valued to the present Zongzheng Mansion Dazongzheng, the door-keeper has also become the chief treasurer of the Royal Commercial Bank. The emperor's affection for him is well known, and he is in a good mood. , Gong Yonggu, who has always been elegant and generous, also made a rare joke.

"Well, happy event, happy event! Hehehehe! This period of time can be said to be full of joy! Son-in-law, you will not be able to return today if you are not drunk! I will let you know from Le'an! By next year's New Year's Eve, I will hand over the New Year's silver hair to a few nephews, lest you be short of it and keep it as private money! Hahahaha!"

Zhu Youjian, who was already in a good mood, felt even more at ease after listening to Gong Yonggu's words, and it was extremely rare that he burst out laughing.

"My majesty, the ministers understand my emperor's intentions, and they are usually very strict in disciplining the children in the mansion, and no dudes are allowed to come out of the mansion! My emperor cares about the ministers, and the ministers are all grateful Heart, I only hate that there is nothing to repay!"

After Zhu Youjian laughed, Xue Lian, Marquis of Yangwu stood up first, bowed and bowed to Zhu Youjian to salute, Marquis Xinle Liu Wenbing, Xuancheng Bowei Shichun, and Gong Yonggu also stood up and saluted together.

"Sit down, sit down, sit down, today is a small New Year's gathering, and a family banquet. You and others are not outsiders, so don't be too restrictive. Now that the New Year's Day is approaching, and there is nothing left and right, you should let go It's good to drink!"

On the 11th day of the first lunar month in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the nearly one-month annual leave finally came to an end. Firecrackers were set off in every yamen in the capital to show the opening of the yamen. kicked off.

At the hour of the hour, the square in front of the Huangji Hall in the Forbidden City was crowded with people. Officials at all levels who were waiting to participate in the first great court meeting in the 11th year of Chongzhen gathered here. With various moods, they gathered in groups of three or four. Whispered about various topics.

The members of the cabinet, senior officials of the third rank and above, Yang Wuhou and other dignitaries are on the left and the right, standing in the front row under the steps of the palace gate.

There was a sudden sound of orderly footsteps, and 120 generals in Jinyiwei, who were about the same height and body shape and dressed in bright armor, lined up from both sides of the hall, starting from the platform in front of the hall, and continued to line up. After arriving a few steps in front of the members of the cabinet, they all stood upright and looked straight ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a eunuch from the Horse Supervisor appeared on the stage, waving a long static whip and flicking it in the air. After a bang, the noise in the square stopped abruptly.

"All officials clean up their appearance, and see you at the pilgrimage!"

A young eunuch walked up to the steps and sang loudly to the officials below the steps with a shrill voice.

As the sound of singing and drinking fell, all the officials in the square adjusted their appearance a little, and led by Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Xue Lian, Marquis of Yangwu, they walked up the steps step by step.

And until all the high-level officials above the fourth rank entered the spacious and bright Huangji Hall, the middle and low-level officials in the square were still waiting in line to climb the steps.

"The Emperor is here!"

After the high-ranking officials in the hall stood firm, following Wang Chengen's loud singing, Zhu Youjian, who was dressed in a crown, turned out from the back of the hall, strode up the imperial steps, and turned around to sit on the dragon bed.

With the sound of drums and music from the Jiaofang Division, all the officials inside and outside the hall knelt down on the ground one after another, shouted long live and performed three prostrations and nine kowtows.

"All ministers and workers should play early if they have something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

Following Wang Chengen's shouts, the hall was completely silent, and no one came out to play.

This is also a customary rule. The Grand Court Meeting is just a solemn and solemn etiquette, which is used to show the majesty of the emperor and the bearing of the court, and is not a place for discussing state affairs.

The Great Court Meeting system of the Ming Dynasty was revised repeatedly according to the emperor's disposition. When Zhu Youjian crossed over, it was a time of internal and external difficulties, so such a large-scale meeting had never been held.

It was not until today that the current situation was completely stabilized that Zhu Youjian held this grand court participation under the persuasion of Wen Tiren and others.


"Congratulations to my emperor!"

Following Wang Chengen's shouts and the praises of the officials, Zhu Youjian got up and got off the imperial steps and returned to the apse.

After the civil and military officials bowed and watched the emperor leave, they turned around and left the Huangji Hall one after another.

A large-scale court meeting ended like this. The middle and lower-level officials who were not qualified to enter the palace, even the emperor didn't see what he looked like, but they could only leave the palace with the crowd.

As for the cabinet chief assistants Wen Tirenyi, Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Hou Xun, and Fan Jingwen, four newly promoted academicians, the Imperial Envoy Shi Bangyao of the Right Capital who temporarily presided over the affairs of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Minister of the Ministry of War Yang Sichang, two ministers, and the left and right masters of Sinong Temple Qing and other important department chiefs were ordered to stay.

According to the emperor's decree, the remaining ministers gathered in the Zhaoren Hall of the Qianqing Palace to start the first state affairs meeting of the new year.

"Qi Zou Shengshang, the whole year of Chongzhen's ten years, the situation of our Ming Dynasty has changed a lot compared to before. Whether it is the resettlement of disaster victims in the northern provinces or the payment of taxes in the south of the Yangtze River, there has been a better improvement. Go to Taicang The total value of money and materials put into the warehouse is about 400 million taels. However, due to the initial success of the refugees’ expansion of land and wasteland, the amount of relief money and materials distributed by the disaster-stricken provinces, prefectures and counties has also been greatly reduced. Now the local governments in the Northland are fully digging wells Building canals and constructing water conservancy projects, so that the administration of the imperial court can benefit more people. The Inspectorate and the pro-army also stationed in various places to conduct strict investigations on whether there is corruption, bribery and negligence. With so many strategies in place, If there are no large-scale natural disasters, it is expected that all aspects of this year will be better than last year! I believe that this is all due to my emperor's wisdom, wisdom and determination. If things go on like this, the prosperity of Ming Dynasty will be in the near future. Reappearance! Congratulations to my emperor! Congratulations to Daming!"

As the important ministers got up to congratulate and salute with loud voices one after another, the chief assistant Wen Tiren finished his brief summary of last year and his outlook for the new year, and the atmosphere in Zhaoren Hall became solemn.

 Thanks to book friends Duo A Meng, Kai, book friends Lin Lingsu 2018, and book friends for tipping that this account is no longer used.

(End of this chapter)

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