Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 379 Modifications

Chapter 379 Modifications
"Everyone loves your life! I am very pleased with what Wen Qing said just now. No matter how you look at it now, Daming is striding forward in a better direction! The reason why he can achieve this today is because Thanks to the concerted efforts and solidarity of all officials and officials! In the new year, I hope that you will guard against arrogance and impetuosity, use a stronger sense of mission and responsibility as motivation, and aim at the well-being of the people of the world, and work diligently. Have the courage to take responsibility and build our Ming Dynasty into a country rich in people and strong in the country as soon as possible, so that the light of our Han civilization can illuminate every corner of the world! Ladies and gentlemen, work hard!"

Zhu Youjian originally wanted to make an impassioned statement, but after all, the limitations of his previous life identity were there, he lacked the corresponding vocabulary in his mind, and his emotional expression was also lackluster, so he could only reluctantly publish it. After a testimonial, my heart was filled with embarrassment.

"Your servants must abide by the sacred metaphor!"

The standing officials all had solemn expressions, and then solemnly agreed in unison to show that they had kept the emperor's entrustment in their hearts.

Although Zhu Youjian felt that what he said was not good, in the perception of the officials, these words were already very inspiring.

The emperors of the Ming Dynasty have never delivered such a speech to the ministers in such a way, and no one has ever stated the mission and responsibility that the ministers should have, and no one has mentioned that the civilization of the Han family should be illuminated to the world. .

Although they don't know the concept of the world, it doesn't prevent them from being able to understand the meaning of this word, and this sentence sounds very exciting.

"Ten years of Chongzhen have passed, and the most important things in the new year are two: one is the battle between Guanwai and Jianlu, and the other is still the matter of garrisoning the fields and reassuring the people; these two things, one internal and one external, are related to the country The safety of the country must be placed at the top of the list, and you can offer advice and suggestions around these two major events, coordinate the layout, and make overall plans to make it successful as soon as possible! Next, let’s start with Yang Qing!"

After all the officials sat down, Zhu Youjian set the tone for today's meeting, and named Minister of the Ministry of War Yang Sichang to speak first.

"The minister obeys the order!"

The personable Yang Sichang got up and saluted Zhu Youjian, then came to stand a few steps away from the throne, took out an inscription book from his sleeve with his left hand, spread his hands out, coughed and began to speak.

"The Holy Majesty, the ministers and others have discussed the battle outside the pass many times, and the strategy for the battle has been basically formed. The ministers and others believe that our army should adopt the basic strategy of waiting for work at leisure and prolonging the fighting time as much as possible in this battle. Instead of fighting head-on, they lure the enemy to go deep, forcing their front to extend to the front and rear of Ningyuan Town, looking for opportunities to gather and annihilate small groups of prisoners with superior forces, and accumulate small victories for big victories. "

After Yang Sichang stated the strategic plan of the Ministry of War in a simple and clear manner, he stopped talking and waited for Zhu Youjian's inquiry and other people's doubts.

"Where did the Ministry of War come from for this strategy? Please tell me a little bit about it!"

Zhu Youjian was quite surprised by Yang Sichang's speech.

For the upcoming battle outside the customs, he has called relevant people to participate in the discussion several times, and the main tone of the entire battle has been set, the main tone of the frontal decisive battle, the raid on the two wings, and the quick decision. He did not expect the Ministry of War to make such a big change. .

In Zhu Youjian's vision, the Yongwei camp and the chariot battalion were used as the vanguard, and the remaining troops and the Beijing camp were the main forces advancing from the front. The Qin army was on the left and the Sichuan soldiers were on the right. They formed a formation in the open area between Yizhou and Jinzhou. The Jurchen Eight Banners, the Mongolian cavalry and the Han Army Banner were hard against the front, and the firearms dominated by the Ming army caused heavy damage to the Jianlu, and then the remaining tactics were determined according to the battlefield situation.

According to the general view of later generations, Jianlu's combat effectiveness is not as strong as advertised. Judging from the existing equipment level and high morale of the Ming army, even if Jianlu cannot be defeated head-on, there will be no battle in the Songjin War in history. The rout occurred.

He just wanted to exchange human life for human life, consume Jianlu's vital strength, and then when he learned that the two lairs had been attacked and his morale was depressed, the whole army rushed forward and tried to completely maim him in a single battle.

This combat plan has been generally recognized by relevant personnel, and the Ministry of War often communicates closely with those commanding generals to study and formulate corresponding tactics to deal with various possible situations.

"Qi Zou Shengshang, the reason why the ministers changed the original strategy was only made after comprehensive consideration. After repeated confirmation, the ministers think that this strategy is the best!"

Yang Sichang replied with a firm tone.

"The meaning of this soldier is that he is worried that the officers and soldiers are not the frontal enemies of Jianlu, and if they are defeated, they will be frustrated and defeated?"

Before Zhu Youjian answered, Sun Chuanting, who sat down, took the lead in asking the question, which happened to be the same as Zhu Youjian's question.

"Warrior, don't think about victory before thinking about defeat. Sun Xueshi's doubts are indeed one of them! My lord, although the Ming Dynasty's elite troops are gathered outside the pass and in the Gyeonggi area, I'm sorry to say that most of our army has never I have confronted Jianlu head-on, and I am very unfamiliar with its formation and tactics. Sun Tzu said: Know the enemy and yourself, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; If you want to destroy or rebuild the captives, then knowing yourself and the enemy is the best policy, and if you want to do this, you have to fight with them many times to know, otherwise the outcome is unpredictable!"

Faced with Chen Qiyu's question, Yang Sichang admitted frankly that this was indeed one of the reasons why the Ministry of War changed its strategy.

Now Da Ming has almost climbed to the top of the quagmire. As long as he exerts his strength again, he will completely escape from the big pit more than ten feet deep. At this critical moment, he must be cautious every time he exerts strength, otherwise it is very likely Fall short.

Once the army fails to confront Jianlu head-on, the consequences will be unimaginable. This is a crime that no one can bear.

The Yongwei Battalion had already confronted Jianlu several times, but the several battles were fought under extremely favorable conditions. Although they all won in the end, their own casualties were not small.

This reflects from the side that Jianlu's combat effectiveness is indeed very powerful, far beyond what the domestic thieves can match.

Although the Qin army is also an elite division, if it confronts Jianlu head-on, the outcome is two-sided, and the Sichuan army is also facing the same problem.

In a large-scale frontal battle, once the two wings are broken by the enemy, the main force in the front will be flanked, and the result is self-evident.

Whether it is the Yongwei Battalion, the Jingying Battalion, the Qin Army, or the Sichuan Army, these are the only elite officers and troops in the Ming Dynasty. If these troops are destroyed, the situation that has just improved will deteriorate rapidly again. Maybe Shanhaiguan Territories outside will also change hands, Jianlu's soldiers will go straight to the outside of the pass, and the capital will also face a daily panic situation. Under the panic, anything is possible.

After much deliberation, the Ministry of War finally revised the original strategy and chose the safest battle plan to present to the emperor.

The biggest feature of this plan is to focus on stability and try to avoid field battles with Jianlu.

The strategy of the Ministry of War is that from Jinzhou to the south to Ningyuan, every fortress along this route will deploy heavy defenses, give full play to the advantages of firearms, hold on to the fortresses, and then surround and kill those with fewer troops if they are sure. Jianlu.

"Yang Butang's general strategy is not very wrong, but more than 20 officers and soldiers plus tens of thousands of civilians, nearly [-] people gather outside the customs. If it is consumed for a long time, the daily cost will be astonishing. I don't know. How long can the Ministry of Households support? The salary is not bad, but food and grass must never be lacking, I hope the Holy Majesty and everyone will think about it!"

 Thanks to book friend Hui Jun'an, book friend whose account is no longer used, and book friend Duo A Meng and Kai for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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