Chapter 383
There are many people who are similar to those who do brocade clothes as postmen. Such unsung heroes who remain anonymous all their lives exist in every dynasty, hiding in neglected corners, obscurity, and devotion to their duties. The secrets revealed are taken away from the world.

Zhu Youjian even thought that there might be such people around him in his previous life, and he might have rubbed shoulders with many such people in the busy city.

"Wen Qing's discussion is very appropriate. The current situation is completely different from when it was abolished back then. It is imperative to reopen the post office. However, there are still many urgent improvements in the management of post stations, express shops, and delivery stations in the past. Otherwise, once it is reopened, in addition to wasting money and food from the court, the loopholes in it may fatten a group of rats! Has Wen Qing thought about this matter?"

Facing the topic of Wen Tiren, Zhu Youjian fully affirmed it at first, but then he also put forward his own ideas and concerns.

Judging from the original post station and related personnel and facilities, the total expenditure for the operation of the entire Daming post station should be around 200 million taels a year. If Taicang alone is responsible for this huge expenditure, it must be beyond its capabilities.

Although there is no shortage of this money in internal funds, if the old management model and system are not reformed, a large part of it will be squandered or even corrupted by others by various means.

Although Zhu Youjian has always pursued the attitude of dealing with things when the water is clear and there are no fish, and allowing gray areas to exist within the tolerable range, he does not want to be taken advantage of by others.

The courier station must be fully restored and improved, the related system must also be revised, and the original unsupervised management method must be changed.

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, I have had a rough look at the relevant documents I delivered to the post station, and I occasionally talked about it with the second son of the family when I was resting. The minister Kan also went to Gyeonggi several times during the rest. The post stations in various counties have been surveyed. After several times of research, the ministers and father and son agreed that the burden of post delivery is too heavy for the imperial court's finances. They can only find other ways besides reducing expenditures, and use income to compensate expenditures. It is possible to reduce public funds to subsidize. If the method is beneficial, even if the court reopens the station, the cost will be greatly reduced! After thinking about it, I feel that there seems to be something to do, so I have today's discussion!"

In order to make Wen Kan leave a good impression in the emperor's heart, Lao Wen also worked very hard. Not only did he tell his son his plan, but he also sent Wen Kan and his servants out to the post station to visit and investigate, in order to take advantage of the advantages and disadvantages when submitting the submission. When the success is achieved in the future, the emperor will immediately think of Wen Kan, the person who initiated it at the beginning.

"Oh? Wen Qing still doesn't forget to worry about state affairs in his spare time, which is extremely rare! What are Qing and his son talking about? Let's talk about it!"

After hearing Wen Tiren's words, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but cheer up.

Although he already has immature plans for reforming the post-transmission system, he still hopes to hear extraordinary insights and methods from people in history.

"I would like to obey the holy order. After many investigations on this matter, the father and son thought that, first of all, the existing express delivery shops and delivery offices should be combined into the post station, and the post stations set up every sixty miles should be located on the original site. Make changes, so that it will be more conducive to the control of delivery; secondly, in addition to post couriers and post soldiers, husbands, grooms, car owners and other related people are all under the jurisdiction of the post station, and the imperial court is responsible for raising horses and maintaining vehicles. , Pulling carts and transporting expenses, avoiding the distress of many people from going bankrupt because of self-sufficiency, and truly let my emperor's benevolent government benefit the people of the world!"

"Wait a minute! What Wen Qing said just now mentioned the number required for self-sufficiency. Does it mean that those who have been the backbone of our Daming Post for 200 years still need to bear the cost of their own hair?"

Zhu Youjian interrupted Wen Tiren's narration suddenly, leaned forward, looked directly at Wen Tiren, his face was full of doubt and shock.

Although he knew about the backwardness of various systems in the Daming post system, he had no idea that those practitioners had to spend their own money to serve the country. When he heard it for the first time, he couldn't believe his ears.

Since he traveled through time, his attention has been focused on major matters such as suppressing thieves and reassuring the people, doing business and making money. He has not paid too much attention to the matter of post delivery. It was not until Wen Tiren mentioned this matter that he thought of the postal system of later generations, and I want to apply the methods of later generations to carry out reforms.

But what he never expected was that the people at the bottom of the post station who worked so hard all day had to spend their wealth to serve the court, so how miserable would the fate of this group of people be?
"Hehe, my sage takes care of everything every day, so it's normal to be ignorant of such small details. Your sage should know that officials of the Ming Dynasty used reconnaissance to enter and leave post stations, use horses, vehicles and manpower during their long journeys. Send out but not take it back, gentry pass it on to each other, wash and make up four times with one piece of paper. The servants are as powerful as tigers, and the lives of ordinary people are like silk! The postmen, coachmen, and husbands are not bankrupt to pay for their property, but their wives and children are sold out. Response. When the people are destitute and their wealth is exhausted, they will be devoured by wolves and tigers. Local officials also arbitrarily withhold funds for post stations and embezzle private fat. Under such circumstances, there is a huge cost of post delivery!"

Wen Tiren had anticipated the shock of the emperor.

He knew that as long as it involved the suffering of the people, the emperor would definitely attach great importance to it.

He searched through the history books, and he had never seen an emperor who was so kind and caring to the people at the bottom.

Although Song Renzong, who is praised by the world, is also famous for his kindness to the people, he is not as good as the current emperor's eleventh.

"How could this be so! How could this be so! It's simply unreasonable! My mistake! My mistake! This matter must be changed! It must be completely changed!"

Zhu Youjian's face was ugly at this time, a nameless fire stagnated in his heart, but he couldn't find an outlet to vent it.

Wen Tiren's narration did not involve specific cases, but the imaginable miserable scene still appeared in Zhu Youjian's mind, which made his originally happy mood suddenly turn bad, guilt and self-blame filled his whole mind .

All the officials in Zhaoren Hall were also touched by Wen Tiren's description, and their faces were filled with awe.

They have all settled in the post station, and many of them have used the manpower and material resources of the post station, and most of them thought that it was from the imperial court's public funds, and they used it with peace of mind, but they didn't expect the inside story to be like this.

"Holy Majesty, calm down! The situation in the post has been around for a long time, and it was not caused by my emperor; now that I know the disadvantages, it is inevitable to make advantages and eliminate the disadvantages. Therefore, I have a few suggestions to submit, and I ask my emperor to consider them!"

After Wen Tiren persuaded Zhu Youjian, he brought the topic back on track.

"Wen Qing, go ahead and speak bluntly! The situation in the post office has become a place that harms the people, and the rectification must be done strictly and quickly!"

Zhu Youjian frowned.

No matter what suggestions Wen Tiren puts forward, the rule of using personal wealth to serve the country must be abolished immediately. One day more of this evil government will exist, and many victims will struggle in suffering for one day.

"The minister believes that the chief disadvantage of the post station is the service. The minister suggested that starting from this year, when officials of the imperial court stop at the post station, except for enjoying their needs according to their ranks, they are not allowed to use the post station's head, chariots and horses. If it is true If there is an urgent need, you have to spend money to hire an envoy; moreover, the official survey and cooperation can only be used by yourself and your relatives, and your name, place of origin, age, appearance, and official position must be indicated on the survey and cooperation to prevent others from using it fraudulently; When receiving the officials stationed in the station, it is necessary to check and verify their identities. Anyone who does not hold the survey and cooperation will be regarded as fraudulent use. According to the intention of the old minister, this article should be posted and hung in a conspicuous position of the post station, so as to suppress possible violations with the imperial regulations dispute!"

Wen Tiren is going all out this time.

These two regulations directly blocked the way for officials to take advantage of the opportunity. Once it was actually implemented, Lao Wen's name would definitely be cursed by those officials who were used to taking advantage of it.

"Great kindness! Wen Qing's two strategies hit the vital point directly, and he is really a direct minister who is dedicated to the country! You are the chief assistant, and I am very relieved!"

Zhu Youjian's admiration this time is indeed from the heart.

Of course he knew how many officials would resent Wen Tiren's proposition.

No matter what the purpose of Wen Tiren's move is, as long as there is no loss in the big picture, and it is beneficial to the country and the people, then he is a trustworthy person.

 Thanks to book friend Daming, and book friend for the reward that no one has used this account.

(End of this chapter)

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