Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 384 Innovation

Chapter 384 Innovation
Hearing the emperor's praise, Wen Tiren felt a little proud.

He judged from the tone and demeanor of the emperor's speech that the emperor's words came from the heart.

His image as a lone minister and direct minister has been confirmed once again.

Everyone in the world said that he was flattering, had no bottom line in front of the emperor, did not have the demeanor of an outspoken minister, and followed the emperor's wishes in everything.

But isn't this world the emperor's?Is it wrong to obey the emperor?
As a minister, if you don't cater to the emperor, you have to put on the appearance of an admonishing minister and fight against the emperor everywhere. In fact, it's not for your own interests?
Isn't it right to listen to the emperor's words, think what the emperor thinks, and take the blame for the emperor?

Now that the situation has completely stabilized, people's livelihood will be the main thing that the emperor will pay more attention to next. What he has done in the past few years proves that the common people are the group that the emperor values ​​most.

Since we love the people today, we should follow this line of thinking to do things.

As for how many officials will be offended and how many scoldings will be attracted, let them scold as much as they want.

Cursing for a long time, I am still the chief assistant, and you are still rushing to the street.

The glory and wealth of myself and my descendants are all given by the emperor. Don't you want me to be an ungrateful thief?

I have offended so many people, and it is absolutely impossible to turn back, so I might as well go all the way to the dark.

Hmph, these idiots didn't understand at all. Judging from the behavior style of the past few years, the emperor's temperament has changed drastically. The emperor who always listened to the opinions of his officials has completely changed, and he is no longer the one who is easily deceived. , once touched the emperor's inverse scales, he would die without knowing how.

"What else can Wen Qing do to continue talking!"

Wen Tiren's two suggestions finally eased Zhu Youjian's depressed mood a little.

"I would like to abide by the sacred metaphor! Apart from the above two, I believe that throttling needs to start from the source. There are still more than [-] post stations in the Ming Dynasty, and it will reach nearly [-] after the full recovery. According to Previously, each post station required as many as [-] to [-] horses and [-] carriages. The consumption during the period was extremely heavy. It can even be said that most of the post transfers were consumed here! In this peaceful world, When border troubles fade away, emergency military situations are extremely rare, and it is no longer necessary to raise too many horses. I suggest that the number of horses in post stations should be halved! Furthermore, besides throttling expenditure, we should increase income! I suggest that the imperial court allocate funds, Expanding the post station, imitating the operation method of the inn and restaurant, using its profit to support the post, even if the profit is small, it is better than just going out and not going in. This is the humble opinion of my father and son, whether to adopt it or not needs to be decided by the Holy One!"

After Wen Tiren finished speaking, he saluted Zhu Youjian, showing exhaustion on his face.

After all, he is an old man over [-] years old, and his waist and legs are sore after standing for a long time.

"What you said is very appropriate! You are worried about the state affairs, and what you mentioned is directly pointing at the things that are harmful to people's livelihood. It is really the ruler of all the ministers! You sit down and rest, and I will discuss the above with the ministers!"

Zhu Youjian watched Wen Tiren slowly turn back to his seat and sat down, then looked at the rest of the people and said: "Just now, Wen Qing's narration is in line with the current disadvantages of the post, and his suggestions are refreshing! I don't know who Do you have anything else to add to this?"

In fact, he was very appreciative of several of Wen Tiren's proposals, especially the last one, which completely overturned his cognition of the stubborn and conservative officials of Ming Dynasty, and made him full of expectations for the comprehensive reform in the future.

Wen Tiren's suggestion of semi-commercializing the station is a stroke of genius. It is a pity not to do business with such advanced mind and consciousness, open mind and behavior.

As we all know, the post stations of all dynasties were built on the side of the road between cities. In addition to relaying emergency situations in various places, another main function is to provide information for passing officials who are too late to rush to the next city. Temporary foothold, and provide corresponding services for them, so that they will not suffer from wind, food and dew.

But for a post station occupying a prime location, this function is suspected of wasting resources.

In the past years, the travel of officials was strictly restricted. In addition to taking office, resigning, resignation, transfer, and inspection, no matter whether it is a high-ranking official or a low-level official from the ninth rank, they are not allowed to leave their own office during their tenure. within the purview of the authority.

On the contrary, the most common people on the road are merchants.

In order to make profits, a large number of merchants are busy in this vast land every day.

Many times, in order to seize business opportunities in a hurry, merchants and the grooms and porters they employ often miss the lodgings, and lodging outside the wilderness has become a common practice for many merchants.

In bad weather such as rain, snow and wind, merchants can only watch their goods get wet and soaked, and then lose everything.

Losing money is still a trivial matter, and what is even more frightening is that encountering bandits in the middle of the night while sleeping soundly, ranging from loss of goods, to death and loss of property, such cases have been common for thousands of years.

It's not that merchants don't want to live in a house that makes people feel at ease, even if they spend some money, most people don't care about it, but who would open a shop in the wild grass and wild slopes?

In the past when transportation was inconvenient, no one would open restaurants and inns far away from the city, unless it was someone like Sun Erniang.

The existence of the post station just solved this headache problem for merchants.

Because the post station was opened by the imperial court and it was official, no local bandits dared to attack the post station, rob money and kill people.

The majesty of the government is not allowed to be violated, even if you have knives and guns, the knives and guns in the hands of the officers and soldiers are sharper than yours.

Pedestrians and merchants are not allowed to settle in the station. Even if some quick-thinking merchants find the station and hand over money, they will only be allowed to rest outside the wall of the station overnight. This is the division of classes.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, the ancestors have already arranged their positions, and it is useless for you to have money. It is already very face-saving for you to sleep peacefully outside the post station.

Of course, caravans of officials and gentlemen can enter.

In addition to the fraudulent use of investigation and cooperation, for example, the master wrote a letter of greeting to the officials in the place of the route, and the officials who received the letter would understand what it meant. If the shopkeeper of the team shows some kindness, then you can enter the official inn in a grandiose manner.

However, most middle-level merchants who operate with small capitals, or have some accumulation but no connections, do not enjoy this treatment. Most of them will become the main source of tourists for semi-commercial post stations.

The implementation of the post station new policy will provide merchants with a safe place to shelter from wind and rain. From then on, these people no longer have to worry about the damage or theft of goods, or even the loss of people and money.

I believe this initiative will be warmly welcomed, but this does not include officials and relevant interest groups.

While thinking of this, Zhu Youjian suddenly had an idea: why not set up a car and horse business similar to the transportation company of later generations?

I don't know what stage the development of the four-wheeled carriage that I have explained has reached. It is a sharp weapon to improve transportation capacity. I haven't paid much attention to it during the end of the year.

If you want to run a transportation company, then the Four Seas Commercial Bank has a huge advantage in this regard.

The Four Seas Commercial Bank, whose branches are almost all over the Ming Dynasty, has become a giant in the commercial field of Ming Dynasty, and its development momentum is very rapid.

Four Seas Commercial Bank can fully use its own advantages to operate short- and long-distance freight.

Under the banner of the Four Seas Trading Company, no one dared to make any plans.

Now, no matter in the officialdom or in the shopping malls, many people know who the Four Seas Trading Company belongs to.

"Qi Zou Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

Suddenly, a deep and powerful voice interrupted Zhu Youjian's meditation.

 Thanks to the book friend, this account is no longer used, and the book friend's ultimate click reward.

(End of this chapter)

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