Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 385 Disputes

Chapter 385 Disputes
The person who spoke was Shi Bangyao, the right capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

This famous official was sent by Zhu Youjian to Henan Province after the incident in Xinyang Prefecture to oversee the relocation and resettlement of victims by the local government. This visit lasted for nearly a year, and he did not return to the capital until the end of the tenth year of Chongzhen.

"If Shi Qing has any suggestions, feel free to speak up!"

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, I believe that although the strategy of the first assistant is feasible, but according to my own position, if officials still rely on survey and cooperation to enter the post station and enjoy the public funds of the court for their own benefit, and the favor is still there, there will be many frauds. This is really a temporary solution! Therefore, I think that it is better to directly ban Kanhe and pay allowances according to rank, so as to prevent others from falsely using Kanhe to enjoy the benefits. This is my humble opinion, and I hope the Holy One will think about it! "

Shi Bangyao's suggestion is to look at the problem from the perspective of his own profession.

He is very familiar with the atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty's officialdom, and Wen Tiren's proposal of inspection and reconnaissance seems reasonable, but in fact there are still big loopholes to exploit.

The relationship between people in the officialdom is the biggest obstacle.

It is very difficult for a Yi Cheng who has no rank to resist someone who enters under the banner of a certain high-ranking official.

Under the coercion of some people, [-]% of Yicheng will choose to turn a blind eye and close his eyes. Anyway, it is not his own money, so why offend a powerful person?
And if you want to prevent this kind of waste of public funds, the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is indispensable.

But this matter is too difficult, with the current power of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it is simply impossible to do it.

There are too many post stations in the Ming Dynasty. Nearly [-] post stations are distributed in more than a dozen provinces. How many censors will be needed and how long will it take to supervise them?
But the flaws of the system cannot be ignored. Shi Bangyao thought for a long time and finally thought of this method.

Shi Bangyao's proposal made Zhu Youjian's eyes light up immediately. This suggestion is a bit like the taste of later generations changing from dark to bright. If it can be implemented smoothly, the commercial attributes of the post station will be stronger and management will be less. Troubles and loopholes.

But if it is done now, I am afraid that it will be resisted by the entire official group.

Almost all the officials believed that the inn belonged to the imperial court, and it was official and dignified that they could stay for free, so why should they spend money to serve the imperial court?
Even if there is a subsidy, it will not work, if it spreads like that, it will lose face, and their face is the face of the court, and if they lose face, it means the court loses face.

It's not about money, it's about face, understand?Face is greater than the sky.

Therefore, although Shi Bangyao's suggestion is good, it cannot be implemented for the time being.

Sure enough, before Zhu Youjian could tactfully say what he meant, there was already a voice of opposition in the temple, and the reason was exactly the same as what he thought.

"Report to Your Majesty, I do not agree with Shi Xiantai's proposal!"

It was Yang Sichang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War who spoke out against it.

"The post station has been receiving imperial officials for a long time. It is this that distinguishes officials from others. All officials in the world work for the imperial court, and the post station is also state-owned. How can the court ask for fees from officials? ? If this is done, if it spreads out, it will cause the world to ridicule, and it will hurt the face of the world's bureaucrats, so it is not advisable!"

Yang Sichang shook his head while talking, the expression on his face was also quite dissatisfied.

"The minister echoes the words of this soldier! In the past, when we were in distress, we didn't do this. Now the court's finances are very ample, and it will be even more abundant in the future. How can we do such an unjust act under such circumstances? Shi Xiantai is absurd!"

Hou Xun also stood up and expressed his opposition, and with more sufficient reasons.

The imperial court didn't do this when they were poor, so why do they start to calculate when they are rich now?
"I agree with the department's theory. The proposal of the chief assistant is extremely feasible. I believe that officials all over the world will also follow the rules. However, Shi Xiantai's proposal is a bit too much! Your minister seconded the proposal of the chief assistant, please. My emperor thinks about it carefully!"

Fan Jingwen, who seldom expressed his opinions, also stood up and unequivocally sided with Yang Sichang and Hou Xun.

Among the remaining important ministers, Wen Tiren was originally dissatisfied with Shi Bangyao's opposition to him. Although he did not explicitly express his support for Yang Sichang at this time, silence is the best way to express it.

Although Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu were slightly dissatisfied with Shi Bangyao's proposal, because they participated in too few discussions, they didn't want to make enemies as soon as they came up, so they unanimously adopted the method of not expressing their views.

As for Yan Junshan and Song Yingxing, the two young ministers of Sinong Temple, because their grades were too low, and it was their first time attending the meeting, they didn't dare to express their attitudes at all.

"Hmph! The post office consumes a huge amount of state money every year, and a considerable part of it is spent by many officials. If we follow the proposals of this constitution, we can save a lot of money every year! Although the current state finances are a little rich, there is still some money left. How many hungry people are waiting for the court’s money and food? If we can save a penny of silver, the common people will have a penny of relief. We live on rich clothes and fine food on weekdays, so do we still need to snatch food from the mouths of the common people?”

Shi Bangyao glared at Yang Sichang and asked questions one after another.

"Shi Xiantai's remarks are exaggerated! The imperial court has its own special funds for the resettlement of the disaster victims. Why do we say that we are robbing them of food? If we follow Xiantai's words, then our daily enjoyment should be the same as that of the common people? Shicai What this officer said is to discuss the matter according to the actual situation, and Xiantai should not arbitrarily accuse you of crimes!"

Facing Shi Bangyao's questioning, Yang Sichang retorted without showing any weakness.

"Okay, okay! Please don't argue! Shi Qing's words are dedicated to the country, and the rest of the ministers' words also have some truths. Let's stop here! Let's discuss the business first! Yan Qing, Song Qing , What advice and news do you two Qing family have?"

Zhu Youjian waved his hand to stop the debate among several people, and called the two Si Nongsi who participated in the discussion for the first time to speak.

"Qi Zou Sheng Shang, what the minister and the other two wrote is related to temple affairs, and has a little relationship with the resettlement of the victims. I hope the Holy Majesty will report!"

After hearing the emperor's roll call, Yan Junshan and Song Yingxing, who had been sitting there without saying a word, hurriedly got up. After they looked at each other, Yan Junshan saluted and spoke.

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, the chief minister repeatedly mentioned the meaning of the Holy Majesty's emphasis on agriculture. The minister, Song Shaoqing and Wen Sicheng went through the relevant books and documents of the previous dynasties. After several discussions and consultations with the Da Si Nong, it was agreed that the Jingxiang area should be used as our court food. Completely develop the rice base. In this way, this place will become another key point for the resettlement of the victims. If the victims of the Henan province move to this area nearby, it will also greatly reduce the various losses of the court. After rough calculations by the ministers, Jing The uncultivated land in Xiangxiang can reach hundreds of thousands of hectares, and its agricultural and aquatic products are enough to support millions or even more disaster victims. Your ministers and others respectfully ask the emperor to make a ruling, and our department will send people to Jingxiang to guide farmers in intensive farming. After it is successful, it will be fully promoted!"

There is a well-known saying in later generations: "Huguang is cooked, the world is full", but this sentence only appeared in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.

Although the area around the two lakes has been developed since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Huguang Province has become the main grain production area of ​​Ming Dynasty, and the rice grain produced has become the main component of Cao grain.

But up to now, there is still a large amount of undeveloped fields in the Jingxiang area at this time because there has not been a population explosion that will occur more than a hundred years later.

After consulting a large number of files, Yan Junshan and others compared it with the existing population of Huguang, and finally came to the conclusion of comprehensively developing the Jingxiang area, which is densely covered with water networks.

"Okay! Although Sinong Temple has not been re-established for a long time, it is really commendable to have such a long-term vision to coordinate the layout! You can submit the title of this matter, and it can be implemented after the Supervisor of Rituals approves it! Hope! Qing waits for you to do things with your heart, work hard, and when you succeed, I will not hesitate to reward you! Please go back to your seat!"

Yan Junshan's proposal made Zhu Youjian feel better.

Sinongsi's work efficiency impressed him.

In such a short period of time, it is possible to think of increasing the production of fields in the Gyeonggi area on a pilot basis, and then proposes the comprehensive development of Jingxiang, and these two measures are targeted, not simply to gain their own attention, but to do things with this kind of sincerity The attitude should also be praised.

The rapid development of ocean trade in the late Ming Dynasty directly led to the rapid rise of the handicraft industry in the south of the Yangtze River.

Every day, a large amount of silk, tea, porcelain, raw silk, cotton cloth and other products were shipped to related countries in the East and West, and a huge amount of silver and other products and materials needed by the Ming Dynasty were brought back from other countries.

While this kind of prosperity in commerce and handicrafts has also rapidly reduced the area of ​​cultivated land in the main grain-producing areas of the south of the Yangtze River.

Stimulated by huge interests, both the gentry and the common people have changed their fertile land into mulberry fields in exchange for higher profits.

It used to be that Su Song was cooked and the world was full, but now Su Song already needs grain and rice from Huguang to support him.

The large-scale development of Jingxiang happened to be an effective supplement to the development of commodity economy.

It seems that the intensity and speed of immigration from Henan to Huguang needs to be increased.

There is no shortage of food in Huguang, and it is bordered with Henan. Immigrants nearby will save the government a lot of costs.

Now the disaster victims in Henan are also migrating to the Huguang area, but they have not gone deep into the Jingxiang area. They just use the relatively abundant water area at the junction of the two provinces as a resettlement point.

"Decree to the governors of Henan and Huguang, and order them to arrange relevant people to connect with each other, arrange free areas, and expand the number and speed of immigrants as soon as possible! Wen Qing, the Department of Health will organize multiple medical teams to carry enough medicines to go to Henan and Huguang For the two places, do a good job in epidemic prevention and disease prevention, and the necessary expenses will be paid from Taicang! For the arrangement of the victims, I will also allocate money from the internal funds to the two provincial governments!"

Wen Tiren got up and cupped his hands to receive the order, thinking in his mind which place would be more suitable for Wen Kan to make meritorious deeds.

Or Gyeonggi.

The development of Jingxiang has not yet started, and it will take at least a few months until everything is ready.

The current solar terms are in the spring plowing time, and the capital is close to the emperor, and within the scope of his control, if there is any need, he can help in a short time.

After the success of Sinongsi's trial planting in the Gyeonggi area, Jingxiang's affairs will just begin, and Wen Kan will be allowed to join in at that time, so as to get credit for both sides.

While Zhu Youjian was discussing state affairs with his important ministers, more than a dozen large ships with thousands of materials and materials slowly left the pier at the Tianjin Wei Wharf, two hundred miles southeast of the capital, and then headed south along the coastline. .

This is the fleet led by Zheng Zhifeng and Fang Yizhi, who were ordered to go to the West. Several of the ships contained [-] selected orphans, and [-] Jinyi school captains escorted them. The rest of the ships were loaded with various Supplies for consumption by hundreds of people along the way.

Zheng Zhifeng's fleet will go all the way south, and then stop in Hangzhou and Fuzhou. After meeting the large commercial fleet waiting there, they will form a large-scale fleet and head westward together.

After more than half a year of planning and preparation, this is the largest fleet in Ming Dynasty since Zheng He's seven voyages to the West, loaded with a variety of goods and books, and also carrying Zhu Youjian's hope, finally set sail up.

If all goes well, when they return a few years later, they will bring some advanced technologies and concepts back to Daming, and at the same time spread the glory of the Han civilization to the places they pass, and let those ignorant people know that this world There is still a strong, rich, intelligent, and civilized country like Ming Dynasty in the world.

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward that no one has used this account.

(End of this chapter)

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