Chapter 389
Seeing two Ming soldiers attacking him one after the other with knives, Hu Sheli, who was unarmed, was not afraid at all. He sideways avoided the two smashing guns, and then a tiger pounced on the Ming army who was rushing forward. pounce.

The Ming soldier rubbed his body and raised his knife to stab straight. Hu Sheli avoided the stabbing long knife with one side of his body. Before the opponent retracted the long knife and made the next move, Hu Sheli stepped forward and punched him hard The upper end of his right arm holding the saber, under the tremendous force, the right arm of the Ming soldier suddenly dropped limply, and the long saber in his hand fell to the ground.

The Ming soldier was covering his right arm with his left hand, his face was covered with cold sweat, and he had lost his resistance in a short time. Hu Sheli immediately kicked him on the lower abdomen, and the Ming soldier stepped back a few steps. Fatigued on the ground, bright red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Another Ming soldier took advantage of Hu Sheli's side-to-side gap and slashed at his ribs with a knife. Hu Sheli hurriedly strayed and tried to dodge, but he was still caught by the upper half of the knife. His cotton armor was cut open, and a long cut was made on his ribs, and the blood instantly stained half of his white armor red.

Hu Sheli, who was in severe pain, let out a noise, and took advantage of the situation and kept running forward.

Although he is powerful in force, his strength is also rapidly drained by the severe pain of the two wounds on his body, and he cannot force himself in front of a sharp blade.

At this moment, Gao Jin, who was shot in the shoulder not far away, was in a precarious situation.

Just when Cui Xingyun killed two Qing soldiers one after another, a Qing soldier discovered and rushed towards Gao Jin. Since Gao Jin couldn't use his right arm, he could only use his left hand to hold the pistol that had been loaded with ammunition long ago. The army fired a shot, but it missed the target just a few steps away.

The Qing soldier was startled by the loud noise of the handgun, and after realizing that there was nothing wrong with his body, he rushed forward with all his strength, and the pick knife in his hand also gathered momentum and stabbed straight at him.

Seeing this, Gao Jin didn't have time to throw the pistol, so he could only dodge and stagger to the side to avoid it, and then sprinted forward with both feet, trying to get rid of the Qing army's slashing under the cover of trees.

But he was only focused on avoiding the Qing army who was chasing after him, and he didn't notice that another Qing army had quietly approached him from the side.

Just as he was running for a while and slowed down to observe the situation, a tiger-tooth gun stabbed towards him from the side. Gao Jin, who was distracted, had no time to dodge, and the sharp point of the gun pierced through the cotton armor and went straight into his ribs.

Under severe pain, Gao Jin fell to the ground, stepped sideways, grasped the barrel of the gun with both hands and yelled, and swung it horizontally with all his strength. With a stagger, the gun body also dropped.

Enduring the severe pain, Gao Jin pulled the tip of the gun out of his ribs, and a stream of blood spurted out. He threw away the short gun and threw himself together, throwing the Qing soldier to the ground, and the two rolled and wrestled together.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of occupying the upper body, Gao Jin hugged the opponent's head with both hands, and slammed his head into it fiercely. There was a crackling sound of bones, and the bridge of the Qing soldier's nose was knocked down, and the blood immediately splattered spread across the face.

Before Gao Jin was hit again, the Qing soldier stretched out his hand to support his chin so that he could not use his strength, and punched Gao Jin's ear violently with the other hand.

A buzzing sound echoed in Gao Jin's head, and his sanity became a little unclear in an instant.

While there was still a sliver of clarity in his mind, he bit the tip of his tongue hard. The severe pain cleared his mind. He ignored the pain caused by the continuous beating of the Qing soldier, and put his left hand on the right shoulder. The long arrow pulled out suddenly, and then took advantage of the momentum to insert the three-edged arrow into the right eye of the Qing soldier.

The Qing soldier didn't have time to let out a miserable howl, and the sharp arrow shot out of his brain, killing him instantly on the spot.

Gao Jin let go of the arm holding the arrow shaft, and while breathing heavily in his mouth, he let out a hey laugh, blood flowed down his mouth, and then leaned aside from the Qing soldier's body to the ground.

From when Gao Jin was stabbed to when he counterattacked his opponent, it took only a dozen breaths of time, and the Qing soldier who had been chasing him had already rushed over, and he was about to cut Gao Jin with all his strength. Kill on the spot.

At this critical juncture, a fist-sized stone flew over with the gust of wind, and hit the helmet of the Qing soldier who was holding the knife, and knocked him to the side at once, and the strength of his whole body also vented.

More than ten steps away, Cui Xingyun, who had finished throwing stones, rushed towards him with knives in both hands.

The Qing army who was hit on the head by the stone stabilized his mind, and he didn't care about beheading Gao Jin when he saw it.

The so-called picking knife is actually a kind of long-handled big knife, similar to Guan Erye's Qinglong Yanyue knife, which is good for slashing immediately, but it looks clumsy in the jungle.

The ten people led by Hu Sheli were also scouts from the Qing army, who were good at fighting on horseback, and were accustomed to using weapons at hand. In addition, the two sides belonged to encounter battles, so this Qing army didn't bother to choose weapons on horseback. Driven by inertia, he still used the pick knife he usually used.

Cui Xingyun saw that the opponent's weapons had grown, and if he fought head-on, he would not be able to get close at all. Maybe he would be in danger if he was accidentally slashed by a long knife, so he, who is experienced in fighting, chose to turn around and run away.

The Qing army was in a state of ready to go, but unexpectedly, the Ming army on the opposite side looked menacing, but was actually very timid. He must have chosen to run for his life after knowing that he was not his opponent.

This is the consistent style of the Ming army.

While feeling contemptuous in his heart, the Qing soldier stepped forward and chased after him.

Cui Xingyun consciously slowed down his pace, and when he reached a thick tree, he stopped for a while, and then turned around quickly.

The Qing soldier just rushed to the front, saw Cui Xingyun turned around, and immediately raised his saber to sweep across, trying to cut Cui Xingyun into two pieces.

Cui Xingyun saw the opponent's long sword sweeping towards his chest and abdomen. Just when the sword was old and could no longer change, suddenly he knelt on his knees and his upper body leaned back. The long sword of the Qing army carried a A gust of wind swept across his face, and finally slashed the tree trunk behind him fiercely. The sharp blade was embedded in the tree several inches deep, and it was impossible to retract it in a hurry.

At this moment, Cui Xingyun straightened his waist and stabbed straight with the long knife in his hand. The sharp point of the knife pierced the opponent's cotton armor. plunged in.

The Qing soldier let out a miserable howl, let go of the handle of the knife, and grabbed the blade that went straight into his stomach with both hands, as if to prevent the deadly sharp blade from continuing to penetrate into his body.

Cui Xingyun turned the handle of the knife and turned everything horizontally. The Qing soldier slowly knelt down with his eyes wide open. Looking from a distance, he thought the two were worshiping each other.

With a crisp sound of "Kacha", Cui Xingyun stood up and swung his knife horizontally, a stream of blood spurted out about a foot high. The head of the Qing soldier flew up and quickly fell to the ground, rolled around a few times and then stopped with his face facing upwards. On a face full of horror, eyes like dead fish looked at the sky.

Cui Xingyun kicked the Qing army who was still kneeling on the ground, and shouted at Gao Jin not far away: "Hold on! Go back and I will find you a mother-in-law!"

Then he rushed towards Hu Sheli, who was a little further away, with a knife.

Hearing Cui Xingyun's shout, Gao Jin, who was already in a sluggish state, suddenly cheered up. He barely turned his body around, struggled to climb under a big tree, turned over and sat down with his back leaning against the big tree, and stretched out his hand to press the tree with difficulty. Apply to the wound to stop the massive loss of blood.

Hu Sheli sprinted for a few steps, dodged behind a tree and calmed down, and the Ming soldier who was chasing him stopped immediately, and did not rush forward to chase.

Not far away, a few loud roars came along with the screams, and Hu Sheli could tell that it was the sound of his subordinates.

This small Ming army weapon is too sharp.

Hu Sheli has fought against the Ming army for more than ten years, and has never seen such a short-fired gun that is ready to explode and has great power.

Personal bravery is worthless in front of such a destructive firearm.

It seems that this time I will fall into the hands of the Ming army.

Now the men he brought are almost wiped out, and no one can bring his own bones back to his hometown in Jianzhou.

Enduring severe pain, Hu Sheli pulled out the short crossbow stuck in the socket of his shoulder. The loss of blood from the two wounds caused his physical strength to drop rapidly, and his injured arm could no longer exert strength.

He suddenly turned around from behind the tree with a loud shout, and with the toes of his boots snapped up, a large mass of rotten leaves mixed with soil rushed towards the Ming soldier who was a few steps away.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent's line of sight was blocked, Hu Sheli rushed to him and plunged the short crossbow deeply into the Ming soldier's neck.

The long knife in the Ming soldier's hand fell to the ground, and his hands seemed to be raised to grab something, but after a few swings in the air, he finally fell to the ground and died.

Cui Xingyun, who had already rushed not far away, saw his subordinates being killed, his eyes were about to burst, and he yelled and rushed forward.

And just a dozen steps away from him, a Qing soldier saw that the situation was not good, and had already turned around quietly, turning around and fleeing north while no one was paying attention.

Just as Hu Sheli was about to lean over to pick up the long knife dropped by the Ming army, Cui Xingyun rushed towards him holding the knife in both hands. Hu Sheli had to dodge sideways, and then tried to repeat the same trick, intending to find a gap to kill the enemy while running .

But Cui Xingyun quickly stepped forward and slashed, Hu Sheli couldn't turn around, so he could only step back and dodge again.

Taking advantage of Hu Sheli's unsteady footsteps, Cui Xingyun yelled again, retracted the long knife and leaped down vertically like lightning. This time Hu Sheli could no longer avoid it.

The bright sharp blade slashed from the middle of his eyebrows to his chest and abdomen, and a large stream of blood sprayed out. Hu Sheli didn't make any more movements, and fell straight on his back to the ground.

Cui Xingyun used all his strength to slash his face in anger, almost splitting his face in half.

At this time, the five members of the back team, Ye Bushou, had already killed the three Qing soldiers with pistols and crossbow arrows, and rushed over.

Gao Jin had already passed out. After using willow bark to boil water and dry the powder to sterilize and bandage his wound, Yebushou and others cut down branches with long knives and daggers to make a simple stretcher, and took turns to carry him back.

The other wounded who was less seriously injured gritted his teeth and insisted on following behind.

Several corpses that were not collected at night were also tied to the horses and brought back to Desheng Fort.

Yebushou found the horses of the Qing army. After searching, all the heads of the Qing army were cut off and tied under the horse's neck. As for the armor and weapons, they were all abandoned on the spot.

In this small-scale encounter, the Ming army beheaded ten Qing soldiers, including a white-armored soldier, while five of them were killed and two were seriously injured. It was a tragic victory.

If it wasn't for each of them carrying a pistol and a short crossbow, the final result is still unknown.

 Thanks to the book friends I am my persistence, the book friends are sweet and not salty, and the book friends Lin Lingsu for their rewards in 2018.

(End of this chapter)

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