Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 390 Disagreement

Chapter 390 Disagreement
Just when Lei Sheng, the general of Deshengbao, dispatched his fast horse to send the news to Songshan and the capital successively, the inside and outside of Yizhou City, a hundred miles north of Jinzhou, had become a sea of ​​flags.

The Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty, the Eight Banners of Mongolia, the Banner of the Han Army, and [-] North Korean gunmen who were ordered to go south arrived in Yizhou one after another. It became noisy and lively.

This time, apart from the two yellow banners with more than 16 people staying in Shengjing, Jianzhou can be described as an all-out mobilization. All bannermen over the age of 50 and under the age of [-] all went out with the army. This time can be regarded as the largest scale since the founding of the Qing Dynasty. This shows Huang Taiji's determination and courage to attack the Fort outside the Pass in one fell swoop.

The coach of the Qing army this time is Prince Zheng Jierhalang, Hauge, Dorgon, and Yuetuo as deputy, and the rest, such as Azige, Abatai, and the princes of the Eight Banners of Mongolia, etc. You can only obey orders under the account.

However, Huang Taiji and Prince Li Daishan stayed in Shengjing to be responsible for the mobilization of follow-up personnel and the preparation of food and supplies to ensure urgent needs ahead.

"Everyone, this king was ordered by the emperor to supervise the division to go south. Before leaving, the emperor issued a decree, ordering this king to command the entire army with the strictest military regulations. All beheaded! Except for the same clan, everyone works together in the same hall, so this king will put the ugly words first, and if someone violates military discipline at that time, don't blame the military law for being ruthless!"

In a large tent outside the south gate of Yizhou City, Jierhalang was summoning the kings, Baylor, Beizi, and many Meilezhangjing and Jialazhangjing for a discussion. moved out.

Dorgon, Haoge, and Azige all looked like they had their nostrils upturned, and they didn't take Jierhalang's words seriously at all.

Prince Cheng Yuetuo and the others solemnly got up and responded.

Jierhalang was very angry when he saw the attitude of Dorgon and others.

But brothers Dorgon and Azige hold the powerful two white flags, and Hauge is the successor that Huang Taiji intends to train. I have no binding force on them at all, and it is useless to be angry.

"This time, the Qing Dynasty used the power of the whole country to attack the land outside the customs of the Ming Dynasty, in order to lay a rich place for future generations, and obtain more good things such as gold, silver, cloth, slave food, etc. for our own enjoyment. This If we can do our best to secure Songjin Guangning and take down Shanhaiguan after a few years of stability, the Huahuajiangshan of the Ming Dynasty will be placed in front of us like beautiful women who have taken off their clothes, isn’t it up to us to play with?!”

Jierhalang said that he was about to burst out laughing when a cold snort came over: "Prince Zheng, don't think too far, Shanhaiguan is still invisible thousands of miles away, let's find a way to take Jinzhou first! As long as Jinzhou is captured, our trip will not be in vain, otherwise, everything else will be nonsense!"

It was Dorgon who was sitting opposite Hauge who spoke.

The big pie thrown by Jierharang is not attractive to him.

The huge Jinzhou City is a big mountain standing in front of the Eight Banners. This big mountain completely covers the west of Liaoning. Jianzhou tried its best to win Jinzhou several times, but in the end they all failed.

"Prince Zheng, I think what Prince Rui said is right. The walls of Jinzhou are tall and the cannons at the top of the city are extremely powerful. According to our current strength, it is almost impossible to win in a short period of time; not only Jinzhou, but even Songshan is better than Jinzhou. The area is small, but the artillery is quite a lot. These two cities, together with the second forts of Daxing and Xingping behind them, have heavy Ming troops stationed there. If we don't want to remove them, I'm afraid it will hurt the morale of our army! "

In order to avoid the embarrassment of Jierhalang, Prince Cheng Yuetuo led the topic to the right track after taking the conversation.

Last year he led the two Red Banners, the Mongolian Eight Banners, and the Han Army Banner to the south, suffered a lot in Daxingbao and Songshan, and had to retreat back to Shengjing in despair after losing troops and losing generals.

After reporting the two battles in detail, Huang Taiji didn't blame the rising star of the Eight Banners too much, he didn't cut him off, but he didn't arrange major matters for him to deal with.

This time, Yue Tuo, as Jierhalang's deputy, after discussing with his father Daishan, brought all the main force of the two red flags to Songjin, ready to seek an opportunity to avenge the last time, and let others see the two red flags by the way Strength.

The topic of Jierharang just now was obviously too far-reaching. Although it was to boost the morale of the army, for the group of people who had fought old battles in the camp, these unnutritious grand plans were probably meaningless.

The wealth of land and population is won by fighting, not by talking.

"Hehe, the emperor has already thought of what Prince Cheng said. You have to use the trench-digging tactics you used last time!"

Jierharang replied with a smile.

"I said Prince Zheng, digging trenches to besiege the city and lure the enemy to fight for reinforcements sounds good, but I'm afraid it won't work this time!"

Dorgon on the side couldn't help but interjected.

"Oh? What is Prince Rui's opinion? Why do you say this strategy is not feasible? Then according to Prince Rui's opinion, what should we do?"

Jierharang asked with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, although my Qing Dynasty has gathered a large number of soldiers this time, the momentum is naturally there, but the food and grass has become the most difficult thing! How much is the daily consumption of the [-] army plus those slaves? How long will it last? The Ming Dynasty has so many products, and Jinzhou City has so few soldiers and so many reserves, how can it not consume as much energy as our army? If it takes a long time but I get nothing, then I will spend countless in vain and return to Shengjing again. , what are the advantages? When the food and grass are exhausted, what should we do next to build a state?"

Dorgon originally disapproved of Huang Taiji's gambling move of mobilizing heavy troops to go south, but because most of the top leaders of the Eight Banners agreed with this strategy, he had no choice but to obey orders.

But he was still suffocating in his heart, and this time he finally found the right time to express his doubts.

Dorgon's words resonated with many people in the tent, and many acquaintances began to whisper among themselves.

"What the old fourteen said is not bad! The emperor's thinking is too simple! It is true that our Jianzhou lacks food and supplies, and we should grab it from the Ming Dynasty, but the place is poorly selected! I can't think of a way to break the city. , they sent more than [-] horses to besiege the city and fight a war. They really can’t afford it! Why don’t you use the method of the last two breaches, and have to waste food, grass and supplies in this land boundary? What is the emperor thinking?! "

The hot-tempered Azig said loudly angrily.

He, Dorgon, and Duoduo also privately discussed the matter of looting Daming, and agreed that breaking through the side wall was the best way.

Because there have been two successful experiences, even if the Ming army has strengthened its defense, it is conceivable that the defenders cannot compare with the Ming army on the front line of Songjin in terms of firearms or number of personnel.

And the benefits of attacking the side wall are even more obvious.

As long as a hole is broken, the next step is to directly face the Gyeonggi area of ​​the Ming Dynasty. There are many cities and towns in such a large area, and the defense force is extremely weak. , and then break through the town to loot and return, that is the best strategy.

But this time Huang Taiji insisted on using stupid methods to fight against the Ming country, and also delusional to seize the land outside the customs of Ming country, this is simply a whimsical move.

"Prince Rui, Twelve Baylor, be safe and don't be impatient! How can the emperor not think of what we are thinking? This time we are not going to fight the Ming Kingdom according to the original method, but have another method!"

 Thanks to book friends Fame Ruyan, book friends Smurfs, and book friends Lin Lingsu for their rewards in 2018.The grades of this book have been dismal, like chicken ribs. Maybe I am not suitable for writing novels. I have already had serious doubts about myself. No matter how hard I try to write, I can’t change the ending of poor grades. Xiaobai Shuangwen is the right way. My rigorous writing style is doomed to failure.

(End of this chapter)

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