Chapter 394
"According to the report from the road search, the place where the Ming country stored food, grass and supplies has been found out, and the Ming army's defensive force is not much. This is really a good opportunity for the Qing Dynasty! Now let's discuss who will lead the army and send it. How many soldiers and horses are going to take this place, no matter who goes, they must take it with all their strength! As long as we have the food and supplies of the Ming army, then this time we can accomplish great things in the Qing Dynasty!"

Jierhalang, who was on the main seat, looked at everyone in the tent with a red face and said with a smile.

Located in the Qing army camp more than ten miles northwest of Songshan City, a group of princes Bei Le Beizi, princes of the Mongolian Eight Banners, Kong Youde and others gathered in the Chinese army camp to discuss the next step of the battle strategy.

"How can such an important place of the Ming army be easily explored by scouts? I always feel that this matter is not that simple! The two white flags were led by a white-armored soldier with ten sentries to find out the army's grain road halfway. It was intercepted and killed by the Ming army! Only one of the ten people escaped back, and the white armor soldier was also killed on the spot! This means that the Ming army was very strict in guarding the grain road, and this is definitely not what Zu Dashou's men can do! Detective Maju can detect such important places without any effort, is there some kind of trap in it?"

As soon as Jierhalang's voice fell, Dorgon was the first to raise doubts.

A Qing army who fled back during the encounter with Cui Fate's troops recounted the situation he encountered, which made Dorgon, who had originally regarded the Ming army as nothing, become vigilant.

Judging from the traces of this small Ming army and the weapons it equipped, it is obvious that it belongs to the new army of the Ming Dynasty. This shows that in the fortress south of Songjin, all the elite new troops of the Ming Dynasty are stationed.

The traditional Ming army in western Liaoxi would never send Ye Bubuu to conduct routine patrols in the rear, and they did not have the kind of short guns that were ready to go off and had great power.

Since there are an unknown number of new Ming troops living in the south of Songjin, why didn't the scouts sent by Jierhalang from the east encounter similar situations?
There seems to be something wrong here.

Dorgon's words caused a lot of resonance in the tent.

For these senior generals of the Eight Banners who have fought old battles, any suspicious areas must be investigated in detail, and no further action can be taken until it is proved to be harmless.

It is true that the Ming army cannot fight, but this Ming army has been locked in Jinzhou City.

The Ming army they are facing now is very different from before, and they must not be negligent during the battle, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

"Old Fourteen is right! If we are talking about the ancestor Dashou group, except for the Liaoxi cavalry, even if he digs a hole for us, we will still kill him! But now the Ming Dynasty has brought out this group of new troops. Come on, that's a big difference! It's not that we can't beat them, but that if we beat them, we will lose a lot. It is true that our Eight Banners are invincible, but our number of members is too small. It hurts so much to die. I see, I have to find a way to find out!"

Azig still stood decisively on his brother's side.

Putting aside other ideas that are not on the table, Dorgon's caution is still necessary until the unknown danger is ruled out.

After Azig finished speaking, Merezhangjing and Jialazhangjing of the Two White Banners also stood up to express their support for their master. It can be concluded that most people still tend to support the views of Dorgon and Azig.

"Prince Cheng, what do you think of this matter? Although what Prince Rui and Twelve Baylor said seems to have some truth, but I, the Qing Dynasty, have suppressed the Ming army outside the border for more than ten years, so I shouldn't be timid over such trivial matters, right?"

As the commander-in-chief of the First Army, facing the doubts of Dorgon and others, Ji Erhalang felt a little bit ashamed in his heart. In a fit of anger, he bypassed Dorgon and directly threw the question to Yue Tuo.

"I think the words of Prince Rui and Twelve Baylor are very reasonable, but no matter what, since I have found out what I need in the Qing Dynasty, there is absolutely no reason not to take it! Don't the Han people have a saying: God does not take , You must be to blame! The Ming Dynasty has always had a case of civil servants leading troops, this time may be the commander's deceptive act, or he may have used this strategy out of guilty conscience. It is up to Prince Zheng to make up his mind on how to do it! "

Yue Tuo talked for a long time, and it sounded like he was innocent of both sides, but in fact he still favored Jierhalang.

As the two princes most loyal to Huang Taiji, Jierhalang and Yue Tuo also became one of Huang Taiji's important means to check and balance the two white flags.

"Prince Cheng's words are good! Since I have found what I urgently need in the Qing Dynasty, I have to take it anyway! It's just that the Ming army seems to be on guard now, so let's discuss what to use instead. Measures to deal with it! I feel that it is the most labor-saving to rush forward with heavy soldiers, no matter how he guards against it, those grains and supplies are piled up like mountains, even if the Ming people want to move them, it is too late!"

Jierhalang nodded to Yuetuo and expressed his thoughts.

In fact, from the point of view of the entire Jianzhou high-level, including Huang Taiji, they don't know anything about Sun Tzu's art of war. Whether they are fighting the Ming army or sweeping the Mongolian tribes, they all adopt this simple and direct method. force to flatten the opponent.

The Eight Banners, who are accustomed to adopting this method, even sneered at the various ancient tactics of the Han people.

In their view, even if you are full of resourcefulness, you still have to fight with swords and guns in the end. As long as you lose in the battle, everything else is nonsense.

"It's okay to forcefully defeat it, but the food road in the back road must be taken care of. This time, all the Zhuangzi around Songjin ran away, and there was no food left. We have to rely on the food brought by our own. If this army Nearly [-] miles away, there are Songjin and Ming troops in many fortresses, it would be troublesome if someone cut off the way back!"

Yue Tuo said with some worry.

From the time when the Qing army began to gather in Yizhou, Hong Chengchou issued an order in the name of the supervisor to let the civilian military households in the south of Songjin and north of Ningyuan begin to withdraw to the south of Ningyuan in turn, except for those whose fields were still turning green. Except for the crops, take away all that can be taken away, and do not leave any usable items for Jiannu.

This method of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields made Jiannu who wanted to hunt for food everywhere return empty-handed.

"Prince Cheng is right. Although our [-] army is invincible in this world, it is not a bad thing to be careful. In my opinion, we will divide the army into three ways: one way to attack the Ming army's supplies, and the other All the way to set up camp, back and forth at any time to respond, the third way is to monitor the Songjin Ming army at the present place. In this way, even if the Ming army has any tricks, it will not be of much use, what does Prince Zheng think?"

"Prince Rui's strategy generally has no mistakes or omissions, but I think it is best for the front team to send more soldiers and horses, and then divide them into two places. One team will attack the Ming army's main camp, and the other team will deploy defenses in the south to intercept and kill the Ming army. The reinforcements sent by Ningyuan will prevent the attacking army from being attacked on both sides!"

After thinking for a while, Yue Tuo made corresponding supplements to Dorgon's plan.

"How about the distribution of troops? Who will lead the three teams?"

Azig on the side interjected.

"Prince Cheng will lead the two red flags of Manchuria and Mongolia, two blue flags and the Han army flag as the front team for this attack, Prince Rui will lead the two white flags in the center to support, and the king will lead the rest of the troops to monitor Songjin! That's it! Tomorrow, we will send scouts to go first. , The army will set off later!"

 Thanks to book friend ZhengyuanHX for the generous reward of [-] points!Thank you for your generosity!Thanks to Hui Jun'an and book friends for tipping that this account is no longer used, thank you for your long-term support!By the way, I would like to recommend two new books by my friends, "The Little Literati of the Great Ming Dynasty" and "The Little Young Master of the Tang Dynasty". These books are popular for younger generations. Everyone is interested in reading them. They are both on the street. It is reasonable to take pictures of each other. Books My friends are more forgiving.

(End of this chapter)

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