Chapter 395
It was about the same time as Chen Qiyu's previous speculation. On the seventh day after the discovery of the Qing army visiting the horses, alarms were heard from the castles south of Songjin, and the Qing army came south along the official road without hesitation. Pointing directly at the Ningyuan area.

The Ming army's heavy camp built in the tenth year of Chongzhen occupies a large area. Except for the natural barriers of mountains and seas on the east and south, the north and west are all made of local materials. The wooden fence, and two two-foot-high watchtowers also stand about ten steps behind the west and north wooden fences.

Different from the general watchtowers in the camp, the top platforms of these two watchtowers built with bricks and stones are very wide and strong, and two [-]-jin Fran cannons are placed on each, and stacked in the corners of the platforms. There are several types of gunpowder, and several gunners of the Ming army are either looking into the distance, or sitting quietly chatting, waiting for the upcoming battle.

In addition to more than a dozen warehouses for storing grain and grass materials scattered in the camp, rows of wooden houses for tens of thousands of people to rest and live in completely cover the entire camp.

Seen from the outside, this camp is no different from the usual ones, with only a small number of Ming soldiers patrolling inside, but on the open ground that cannot be detected in the southeast of the camp, rows of neat tents have been set up. After getting up, except for a group of soldiers patrolling along the passage between the tents, more than [-] generals and soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion sat quietly in their tents, waiting for the military order issued by the superior.

The remaining troops of the Yongwei Battalion, led by the general Sun Yingyuan, received information from outside the pass that the Qing army was gathering in Yizhou. They were ordered by Zhu Youjian to pull out the camp and leave the pass, and began to dig trenches before the Qing army. Arrived here during the siege of Songjin.

This team of more than [-] people is the car camp that has been formed for a long time.

The entire battalion consists of 280 vans, each of which is equipped with a [-]-jin small Frangler, one driver, three gunners, four gunners, five sword and shield players, and five spearmen.

The whole vehicle is powered by bullocks. During the battle, the bullocks cover their eyes with sackcloth and put cotton balls on their ears to prevent them from being frightened and causing the vehicle to lose control.

Afterwards, the vehicle swings horizontally, facing the front with a side compartment with a gap, and the Franco cannon fires from the gap, while the gunners stand on both sides of the Franco machine and shoot.

The sword and shield hand and the spearman are responsible for close hand-to-hand combat after the enemy breaks through the firepower to protect the safety of the gunner and gunner.

Although it has been formed and trained for more than a year, the cooperation of the soldiers has been quite tacit.

And gunners and gunners have a huge sense of security because they are on the platform, so the rate of fire is much faster than gunners in a square formation. Some gunners can already reach less than two hundred The level of three shots in the breath.

This is already a very fast speed in the tedious loading and launching process of firecrackers in the past.

After Zhu Youjian heard the news, he was still a little lost psychologically.

Because this is much more than what he expected according to the timing calculation of later generations.

He originally hoped for a strong army with two shots in one minute, but before the popularity of flintlocks, this idea was purely a luxury.

The flintlock developed by Bi Maokang was limited by the raw materials and could not solve the problem of high misfire rate, so it could not be popularized on a large scale for the time being. Only a small amount of short blunderbuss could be made and distributed to the army's Yebushu, and It is used by senior generals and Tiqi in Jinyiwei.

The purpose of Sun Yingyuan leading his troops this time is to seize the opportunity, make full use of the advantages of firearms, and cause the Qing army the greatest degree of damage.

Although the Qing army has fought against the Yongwei Battalion several times, and they are already prepared and vigilant against the firearms of the Ming army, the firepower of the Che Ying is several times stronger than that of ordinary gunmen. As long as the Qing army still adopts the old style of fighting, then wait Theirs will be a haunting nightmare.

The [-] Qin troops who were in charge of guarding the supply camp divided the camp into two places, one located hundreds of steps away from the north gate of the supply camp, and the other set up a camp at the west gate not far away.

The two camps also use logs as fences on all sides, and two camp gates are opened. Among them, the camp at the north gate has 3000 people, led by Zhang Yuanqin, the deputy general, and the 2000 people in the camp at the west gate are commanded and defended by guerrilla He Shoudao. .

Because the strength of this part of the Qin army is too weak, the attacking Qing army will be several times that of the Qin army. Without receiving a clear order from the Ministry of War, Zhang Yuan ordered that the entire army should not come out of the camp to fight the enemy without an order. Focus on defense.

Since these two military camps were stuck at the vital point where the Qing army attacked the supply camp, if the Qing army wanted to go around and directly attack the rear supply camp, the side and rear would be hit by the firepower of the Ming army, so these two camps became Qing army. The first two nails to be removed.

Because each of the four corners of the two camps had a fort equipped with Franco cannons with a range of hundreds of paces, no army dared to attack other places at the risk of being bombarded by the artillery at will.

At about the 11th of February in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, more and more figures of Qing army scouts appeared around Zhenyuan Fort and the camps of the Qin army. Some bold Mongolian Eight Banners Tartar sentries even passed between the two camps of the Qin army. In the open area, he directly approached the wooden fence of the supply camp and looked around.

However, the Ming army ignored the actions of the Qing army and allowed the Tazi sentry to show off their equestrian skills and investigate everywhere.

As the sun rose to the top of the head, dust and smoke rose in the distance, and the huge roar of the large horse team trampling the ground resounded across the field, and various flags were faintly visible in the dust and smoke.

Near noon, more than [-] Mongolian cavalry of the Eight Banners and [-] cavalry of the Two Red Banners, led by Yubeile Abatai, entered the Qin army's camp a few miles away to the east of Zhenyuan Fort.

The sentries of the Qing army rushed to Abate's mount on galloping horses, and reported to Abate one by one the various information they detected. Then, under Abate's loud orders, the Qing soldiers around him The generals took orders and left one after another.

Following the passing of military orders one after another, teams of cavalry rushed to all sides. Except for a small number of rangers scattered around to guard the Qing army, the rest of the cavalry dismounted one after another.The Mongolian cavalry and the Eight Banners cavalry either fed the horses with beans from their pockets, or rested in groups of three or four, waiting for the master's next order.

In the late afternoon, there was a faint noise coming from the north, and as the distance got closer, this noise turned into shouting and cursing.

Under the supervision of the brigade of Qing troops, [-] Han Chinese dressed in rags or carts or carrying loads rushed over with a large amount of food, grass and baggage.

Afterwards, amidst bursts of trumpets, the leaders of the packers of each banner yelled and cursed, and brought the packers who came empty-handed to the various banners. After counting the number of people, they went to , Scattered away carrying various tools and equipment such as shovels, hoes, logs, etc.

Their main task is to set up camps in the divided areas based on the previously surveyed terrain for the Eight Banners Qing troops to camp.

In the lively and noisy scene, around Shen time, more than ten Qing army camps scattered around stood up one after another. When it was just dark, teams of the main force of the Qing army came from the north one after another.

After night fell, the torches lit by the Qing army were like a long dragon, winding southward from a distance, and did not stop until late at night.

 Thank you book friend ZhengyuanHX for your reward, which made you spend money.I won't write too much detail about the battle scenes in the future, because it will violate the rules, please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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