Chapter 427 Rout
"Fill the sub-drug!"

"Light the match!"

Standing on the easternmost side of the first row, Huo Min, the general of the Qin Army's Fire Gun Battalion, looked at the North Korean gunners who came in line, with a contemptuous expression on his face, and gave an order after turning the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't know that the opponent was a North Korean gunslinger, Huo Min immediately judged by intuition that they were here to give away the head after seeing the scattered queues of the opponent and the clearly visible fear expressions on the faces of the soldiers in the front row.

It is a pity that the face on the opposite side is a face similar to that of the Han people, not those fierce-looking Jiannu. Such a victory will bring much less military merit.

With the sound of the trumpeter's horn, the gunners took out the fixed ammunition wrapped in oiled paper, which was shorter and thicker than the cigarettes of later generations. After stuffing it into the mouth of the gun, tamp it with a stick, put away the stick, and then take out the fire pot, blow the dark fire inside to ignite the match, then clamp or rush the fire rope to the faucet clip, and then put the fire pot Earn in the arms.

In this tedious process, the North Korean musketeers had already reached a place seventy steps away from the Qin army.

"Raise the gun!"

A well-maintained gun with a black body was raised flat, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed forward.

When the Ming army on the opposite side raised their guns, the fear in the hearts of the North Korean army turned from guerrillas leading to ordinary soldiers, and their fear turned into panic, and their footsteps became chaotic.

Some soldiers involuntarily quickened their pace under the high tension, while the footsteps of some soldiers became heavy and slow.

Seeing that he was about to mess up before the exchange of fire, a guerrilla leading the team drew his knife and slashed across, knocking down a soldier who had stopped, and then the guerrilla raised his blood-dripping long knife and hissed loudly. : "Array in formation! Those who walk in disorder will be cut! Raise the gun and move forward!"

As soon as his words fell to the ground, before the soldiers recovered from the chaos, a sharp and high-pitched trumpet sounded suddenly, and then a burst of firecracker-like sound spread across the wilderness.

Unknowingly, the North Korean gunners in the front row had reached about fifty steps away from the Qin army, and the Qin army gunners in the first row activated the gunfire in their hands.

According to the range of the improved gunpowder and gunpowder, the effective killing range of the Ming army's gunpowder against a target wearing only cotton or leather armor has reached [-] paces. However, in order to kill the enemy to the greatest extent, Huo Min finally chose Get closer and fire again.

It worked.

The gunners in the first row kneeled and fired and stayed still after firing. The bowed gunmen in the second row quickly fired the gunners. The gun in his hand.

The North Korean musketeers never dreamed that the Ming army would fire the muskets at such a long distance. In the smoke, except for dozens of muskets that misfired for various reasons, nearly [-] pieces of lead fired in an instant. shot to.

The North Korean gunners were caught off guard and suffered a real head-on blow.

In the bloody storm, screams resounded across the field, and the soldiers in the first two rows of the two phalanxes were almost swept away by the rain of bullets. A total of [-] soldiers did not even raise their firearms, and in the blink of an eye, less than half of them remained.

It stands to reason that the front-loading smoothbore guns of this era are extremely poor in accuracy, and neither the range nor the killing effect is far from such a terrifying effect. But don't forget, although the North Korean gunners on the opposite side have a loose formation, they are still very dense.

Under this uninterrupted barrage of focused fire, as long as you are within the envelope of the projectile, the probability of not being hit is extremely small.

Seeing this, Sun Chuanting, who was looking far away, immediately issued an order. As the flag bearer beside him waved a small triangular red flag, a Qin army battalion officer who had been watching the building car immediately issued an order, and the formation of [-] spearmen began to move forward.

The North Korean gunners opposite the Ming army were in a mess.

The guerrillas in the left-wing phalanx had been shot and killed on the spot, and the right-wing guerrillas had not yet issued an order to advance or retreat under the panic. A few steps forward, quickly set up the three-stage strike posture, and two thousand spearmen have already arrived behind the phalanx of gunners.

With the breeze blowing in the wilderness, the condensed large cloud of gunpowder smoke is slowly dissipating, and the panicked figures of the Korean gunners are already looming.

Another sharp trumpet sounded, and the second round of bullets roared towards the North Korean gunners. Hundreds of North Korean gunners were shot to the ground, and a lot of blood made the ground muddy.

When the last row of gunners finished fighting, the battalion officer of the Ming army gave an order, and the 200 spearmen were divided into two teams, with [-] people in a row, rushing towards the stunned North Korean gunners.

The Korean army has never been a strong army, otherwise it would not have been beaten to collapse by more than 1 people under the two white flags.

They were completely blinded by this kind of firepower that they had never seen before. Seeing many familiar figures and faces, they were knocked down to the ground in an instant, or were killed or injured. They fled in all directions, as if a pack of wolves were chasing after them.

Seeing this, the spearmen of the Ming army rushed forward one after another, and the originally tight formation became loose. The battalion officer who led the team did not stop them, but rushed forward with a spear in hand.

Because the Ming army charged forward with force, while the North Korean musketeers turned around and fled, and because of the formation, the soldiers in the middle were either yelling or screaming, so they couldn't speed up and flee for a while, and they were suddenly caught by the Ming army. rushed to the front.

The firecrackers that have lost the distance are really not as good as a firestick. Seeing the Ming army chasing after them, the North Korean gunmen who crowded the city gave out desperate cries. Many people simply threw away the firecrackers and tried to escape quickly. But he was still stabbed to the ground by Zhang Yulong's long spear.

Jiang Youcheng, who was hiding in the back because of his vigilance, stared at everything in front of him in a daze. This kind of one-sided massacre was something he had never encountered in the army for many years.

That's horrible!
I thought it was a battle that would cause a lot of damage to the Ming army even if it was difficult to win, but I didn't expect my side to lose so quickly.

Before reaching the range of one's own side, they were slaughtered like pigs and sheep. The soldiers who I thought were very strong now looked like children who had no resistance.

"General! Run! The Ming army is coming!"

"General! Save your own life first!"

The few guards around him were terrified and shouted loudly.

Jiang Youcheng turned his head and looked north. The soldiers in front of the two red flags were walking towards this side. The Ming army who was chasing and killing deserters had already begun to gather and retreat. Gather! Follow me to kill the enemy!"

The guards around Jiang Youcheng were taken aback by his general's sudden draw of the knife.

A guard who reacted very quickly thought that the general wanted to commit suicide, and was about to pounce on him to grab the knife, when he suddenly heard Jiang Youcheng's cry, he was stunned for a moment, and then he saw a large number of Eight Banners soldiers coming, he Immediately understood, he picked up the trumpet casually and puffed his cheeks and blew the trumpet of assembly.

When the Qing soldiers with the two red flags rushed over, the spearmen of the Ming army more than a hundred paces away had calmly withdrawn to the main formation.

Dorgon, who was riding a horse watching the battlefield in the distance, had a gloomy expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, the North Korean musketeer, whom he regarded as his killer weapon, was so vulnerable.

These damn North Koreans, and that damn Jiang Youcheng!
At that time, when asked about the gap between the gunners of the Ming army, the shameless Jiang Youcheng told himself reservedly: The two armies are almost the same, but he can't bear to attack his suzerain army. Don't blame Prince Wang Rui!
I actually really fucking believed in this evil!

These North Koreans who can only brag!
Filled with anger, Dorgon took the reins and rode away without saying a word.

In order for Yue Tuo to see his hidden trump card, he temporarily gave up commanding the two white flags to brag in front of Yue Tuo.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a joke!
 Thanks to the old book friend, the master of the era, for the reward.I don’t know how my formation and the planning of the two sides in these chapters are. This is what I imagined when tens of thousands of troops from both sides fought.

(End of this chapter)

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