Chapter 428

"Go! Call for some coats to remove the horses! Call for more!"

Abatai watched the horse-repelling array set up by the Ming army hundreds of steps away, and the long line of forts behind him, feeling anxious, and frowned tightly.

He has fought against the Ming army for more than ten years, and has participated in more than a hundred battles, but he has never seen this kind of formation.

In the field battles with the Ming army with different numbers of large and small units outside the customs, the Ming army was not only weak in combat power, but also not as bright as it is now. A infantry broke the formation, followed by a one-sided massacre.

But the current Ming army is not only extremely powerful, but also comes up with all kinds of weird methods, which makes the Eight Banners, who are used to easily winning in the traditional style of play, feel extremely uncomfortable.

The various fortifications of the Ming army have surpassed the cognition of the Eight Banners.

After Zhu Youjian summed up the experience of later generations, these fortifications instilled his ideas and ideas into several officials of the Ministry of War.

This method of three-dimensional firepower strikes at all levels of far, middle and near has indeed surpassed this era, like a bright light lit in the dark night, it brightens the eyes of military officials who have been sticking to traditional combat methods.

While being extremely amazed by the emperor's creativity and ideas, Yang Sichang and others took the lead in carrying out small-scale experiments among the Yongwei Battalion, Qin Army, and Baigan soldiers near the capital.

After repeatedly simulating various cracking methods that may be adopted by the Eight Banners, the officials from the Ministry of War, the generals in command, and the low-level generals in each army agreed that adopting this method is equivalent to transplanting city defense warfare into field warfare. Jiannu fought against each other. According to the current weapons and equipment in Jiannu's hands, even if they could finally break the Ming army's fortifications, the price they paid would definitely be unbearable.

All the insiders, including Yang Sichang, Sun Chuanting, Qin Liangyu and others, were amazed at the emperor's magical writing.

No matter in public or in private discussions, the emperor's ingenuity that can change the trend of the war shocked everyone, and the feeling of awe in my heart was also born spontaneously.

In their view, the emperor who had never been on the battlefield was able to figure out such an unprecedented combat method, and there was no reason at all to explain it clearly except for the gift of heaven.

After that, the Ministry of War immediately wrote a document to the defenders of the Yongwei Battalion, Beijing Battalion, and Qin Army outside the pass, describing in detail the specific operation method of this three-dimensional combat mode, and specially drew detailed maps for the reference of the generals of the armies.

Therefore, there was a typical example of the Qin Army's Zhang Yuan Department retreating calmly after using fortifications to kill and injure Jiannu in large numbers with fewer enemies.

For many high-ranking generals of the Eight Banners, such as Abatai, Yue Tuo, and Dorgon, this new thing that had never been seen before really made people scratch their heads, and they couldn't think of a good way to deal with it for a while.

That being the case, it would be better to drop ten times with one force, anyway, some people's lives are filled in it.

More than half an hour later, [-] soldiers were dispatched from the back camp, and many of them were holding huge axes, sawing ropes and other things, and prepared to forcibly dismantle the Ming army's horse-rejection formation.

Facing the crowd of people hundreds of steps away, two thousand white-armed infantrymen and one thousand crossbowmen sat on the ground resting and waiting, as if they were not here to participate in the battle, but to visit.

On several forts facing the coming packers, some gunners and loaders were checking the preparation of the cannons, some were pointing at the dense crowd on the opposite side, and some gunners even leaned on the Looking around at something on the barrel, Gang Wei put the piles of enemies in his eyes.

As the first to practice this defensive formation, the Qin army and the white-armed soldiers both had great confidence in their own defense line. Seeing that the coats who were also Han faces were about to come to die, the soldiers did not have any compassion in their hearts. Affection.

No matter what the reason is, he became a servant of Jiannu, but now he is serving in the enemy's camp. It is not a pity for such a person to die.

The Qing army, who knew the powerful artillery of the Ming army, divided the [-] soldiers into groups to reduce the damage of projectiles to dense targets.

There are about five to 600 people in each group of these soldiers. Each group is led by the leader who controls them daily. Behind each group are dozens of cavalry with bows and knives. They were suppressed when they fled under artillery fire.

With the yelling of the Qing army, the coaters of the Ming army's cannons were already seen walking towards the rejection of the horse with a feeling of fear.

"Load ammo!"

On several forts facing the packers, the main gunners gave orders at the same time, and then the loaders began to get busy quickly.

The gunner held the handle of the poker and put the poker into the burning brazier on the other side. After a while, one end of the poker turned dark red.

Amidst the loud sound of "Duang", a French machine started first, and a large puff of gunpowder smoke rose, and was blown away by the warm south wind.

The one-jin projectile drew a beautiful arc and flew towards a group of coats that were about to approach Juma.

Immediately afterwards, amidst continuous loud noises, several Franc cannons also fired one after another.

On several adjacent turrets, the gunners and loaders worked together to move the gun carriages, aiming the muzzles at the swarming coat from the flanks.

Hearing the sound of the cannon, before the coaters raised their eyes to look up, several bullets slammed into the densely packed crowd, and the bullets bouncing continuously after landing immediately plowed several blood paths in the crowd.

Immediately, there was a sound of screams and wailing, and the broken limbs and arms were accompanied by a large amount of blood gushing out, which quickly left several pieces of ground in a mess.

This horrific scene and howls resounded in all directions, and the coats who were not hit couldn't help but screamed in despair, pushing and avoiding each other, trying to escape from the place where the projectile fell.

There are still more than ten steps away from Juma, and the groups of coats are already in a mess.

At this moment, the Fran cannon, which loaded and fired extremely fast, fired again one after another, and the high-speed projectiles once again set off a bloody storm among the crowd.

After being looted by projectiles three times, the packers who were divided into several groups could no longer bear the bloody scene and the great sense of fear it brought about. Everyone cried and screamed and threw down their hands After the things, there was an uproar.

The Qing army who was in charge of supervising the formation remained silent. Those with knives urged their mounts to come forward and slashed at their heads. Those with bows drew their bows and set arrows, and shot the fastest fleeing coat to the ground.

In an instant, more than a hundred Baoyi either fell to the ground, or were killed by arrows, and the rest of Baoyi stood on the ground in panic and did not dare to move any more.

"Lord Baylor has an order! Dismantle the rejected horses and reward everyone with 50 taels of silver and two stones of grain! The top ten performers raise their flags! Those who die in battle burn and bury their silver at ten taels! Those who retreat will be beheaded!"

Under Abatai's order, several guards galloped towards the group of coated crowd, shouting loudly to hand out the rewards.

Since ancient times, money has touched people's hearts, not to mention such a huge reward.

"Going forward is death, and retreating is also death! Let's fight hard! If you can't go back, you can become a master!"

"Medium! Medium! At worst, it's death! Let's go all out! Ten taels of silver can buy a life, it's worth it!"

"Paozi can only hit a few people at a time! He can really beat us! Fight hard!"

Several hardcore coated leaders took the opportunity to shout.

Sure enough, under the instigation of these few people, thousands of Bao Yi finally burst out with long-lost blood, picked up the axes and saws thrown on the ground one after another, shouted and rushed to the horse rejection formation again.

It's a pity that their blood was not used to rob those who oppressed them.

A complex in which the victim has feelings for the perpetrator, and even helps the perpetrator in turn.This emotion causes the victim to have a good impression of the perpetrator, to rely on him, and even to assist the perpetrator.

The victim will have a psychological dependence on the hijacker.Their life and death are in the hands of the hijackers, and they are very grateful to the hijackers for letting them survive.

They share fate with the hijackers, regard the future of the hijackers as their own, and regard the safety of the hijackers as their own.

As a result, they adopted an "us against them" attitude, treating the rescuer or the righteous party as the enemy.

This is a typical symptom of Stockholm Syndrome.

The millions of Han Chinese who have been plundered from the territory of Ming Dynasty by the Eight Banners for many years are patients with this syndrome, a group of terminally ill, incurable, pitiful and hateful fools.

 Thanks to the Lord of the Great Era for the continuous rewards, and thanks to the writer Gong Bodekang for the rewards.I have something to do these days, not because I was arrested for prostitution, please don't get me wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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