Chapter 431
After surviving the blows of the Ming army's bow and crossbow, the Qing army launched an offensive.

Facing the white-armored soldiers rushing forward, the stout Mr. Deng opened his eyes wide, his hands tightly gripping the thick white wax gun barrel, his body leaned forward slightly while sinking slightly, his toes slightly bent and grasped. On the ground, the whole body is full of strength, like a beast crawling in the grass and seeing its prey, it is ready to step forward and stab the spear in its hand.

The 23-year-old Mr. Deng, whose real name is Deng Er, gained a great reputation in the army because of his bravery and outstanding achievements in combat. He must go to the front row to attack in every battle, and he is deeply loved by Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin.

Qin Liangyu also deliberately took the meaning of taking the lead and changing his original name to the current Deng Xianshi.

Hu Tubao, a slender white-armored soldier of the Zhengbai Banner, held a nine-foot-long tiger-toothed gun with two barbs on the lower part of the triangular-shaped spear. He lowered his head and shrank towards a soldier in the front row of the Ming army. With a light of indifference and bloodthirsty.

Hu Tubao, who was just over [-] years old, participated in several raids into the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and hundreds of Ming army generals and soldiers died under his guns.

In Hu Tubao's eyes, Ming people are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

They are weak and timid, and do not deserve the smooth silk, delicious meals, gorgeous houses, and those beautiful women. Only the warriors of the Eight Banners are worthy of these things.

Since he became an adult and was selected as an armored soldier, Hu Tubao, with his bravery and cold blood, has grown from a poor man with only a few lambs, a pair of bows and arrows, and a broken long knife in his family to a man with five coats and three men. A master of famous Han women, gold, silver and jewelry worth thousands of dollars, and countless cattle, sheep, mules and horses.

All these properties were obtained by him with a knife and a gun.

Sometimes when he was drunk, he would occasionally proudly think about such a good situation, which he didn't even dare to think about when he was a child. Speaking of it, he really has to thank those extremely weak Han people.

Although the Eight Banners can't give birth, the Han people seem to be able to do everything.

Since that's the case, let's wait for them to finish everything, and we Eight Banners children will use knives and guns to get it.

These damned nikans seem to be inexhaustible, and after one crop is slaughtered, another crop is born.

In the blink of an eye, Hu Tubao was only about ten feet away from the white soldier he was targeting. He took a big step forward with his waist and legs, and stabbed the tiger-toothed spear with the knife in his hand towards the soldier's back. belly.

The human abdomen is the softest, as long as it is pierced into the body by a sharp tiger-toothed gun, the two barbs under the tip of the gun can smoothly drag the opponent out.

Hu Tubao liked to hear the screams of the enemy before they died, especially the eyes full of horror and despair, which made him feel extremely refreshed.

It was Deng Xianshi that Hu Tubao stabbed with his long spear.

In a noisy battlefield where people face each other and people are crowded, one needs to rely on keen battlefield intuition and extremely quick reactions to avoid the weapons on the opposite side.

Deng Xianshi, who has rich experience in front of the battle, has been staring at the enemy's eyes. At the moment Hu Tubao stepped forward to stab, Deng Xianshi twisted his body, from facing the enemy directly to facing sideways. At the same time, the spear in his hand was like lightning. Stab Hutubao in the face.

The tiger tooth gun and the white gun hit the target almost at the same time.

The difference is that Hu Tubao's tiger-toothed spear pierced Mr. Deng's ribs. Although it pierced through the iron armor, the two barbs under the tip of the spear were blocked by the iron armor, while Mr. Deng's white spear shot directly from him. The bridge of the nose pierced through the brain and then came out.

Hu Tubao let go of the tiger-tooth gun, and slowly knelt down on the ground with a long gun in the middle of his forehead, with the kind of panic and despair he was used to seeing in his eyes.

He, who has been through battle for a long time, never dreamed that he would be stabbed by an ordinary soldier of the Ming Dynasty, and it was a fatal blow.

In his impression, not to mention any soldiers with high martial arts skills in the Ming army, even those generals with bright armors were vulnerable to a single blow.

On the wall of his Shengjing mansion, there are several long knives used by the generals of the Ming army. These are all his trophies and have been stored at home with the permission of the prince.

Xianshi Deng stretched out his right foot and kicked Hu Tubao to the ground, and retracted the white gun with red and white brains and blood on the tip.

The time was short, the fight between the two of them only took a few breaths of time, and at the same time, the companion beside him was constantly injured and fell to the ground.

Before Mr. Deng could take off the tiger-tooth gun from his body in the future, a red baya la behind Hu Tubao jumped over his body, shouted, and smashed the mace in his hand towards Mr. Deng head-on with the sound of the wind.

In a hurry, Mr. Deng didn't have time to dodge at all, he could only forcefully lift up the white stick in his hand, trying to block the opponent's mace.

But when the iron rod weighing more than ten kilograms fell down, the force was too great after all. Mr. Deng tried his best to deflect the iron rod a little, only to hear a crisp cracking sound, and the iron rod hit his left shoulder. , All of a sudden half of his shoulder collapsed.

The slap of the white pole not only shifted the position where the iron rod hit, but also reduced the force of the iron rod. Coupled with the protection of the iron armor, Mr. Deng was only injured and did not die on the spot.

Deng Xianshi endured the severe pain, and before the opponent could take back the iron rod in time, he stabbed forward with a gun in his right hand, and hit the Hongba Yala's throat.

Although his strength was greatly weakened due to his serious injuries, the sharp point of the spear still pierced deeply into the neck of that Hongba Yala. A stream of blood overflowed from his mouth, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Deng Xianshi suffered two heavy wounds on his back, and was unable to fight any more. A white soldier behind him took a step forward and replaced him.

Xianshi Deng reluctantly took off the tiger-tooth gun hanging from his ribs and threw it away. He pressed the wound tightly with his right hand to prevent excessive blood flow, then turned around and slowly retreated. vacancy in the row.

The distance between the left and right rows of white-bared soldiers is close, but there is still room for the front and rear rows, in order to allow the wounded soldiers to withdraw, and the result of staying in place can only be death.

Deng Xianshi is brave, but there are only a few people who are as brave as him, and the fighting power of the Eight Banners White Armored Soldiers is really amazing.

In particular, they are using heavy weapons such as maces, flails, long-handled giant axes, tiger-toothed guns, and pick knives, which are very effective in killing white soldiers.

Deng Xianshi's more than 650 people in this battle, under the fierce attack of the white armor soldiers, have suffered heavy losses in the first two rows, and the twenty white armor soldiers have just lost more than half.

This is mainly due to the fact that the defense of the white armor soldiers is too strong.

Although the three layers of heavy armor can still be pierced by sharp spears, they can't hurt their lives. This makes the white armor soldiers a little less scruples and a little more courage when fighting.

Seeing many relatives die on the spot, the ferocity of the white soldiers was completely aroused.

A white-armored soldier had just knocked over a white-armed soldier with an iron rod, and a white-armed soldier threw his spear out of his hand and rushed forward, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.

Taking advantage of the white-armored soldier being unable to move for a while, another white-armored soldier turned his spear around and slammed the hard iron ring at the end of the gun on his helmet, which immediately smashed his iron helmet It was deeply sunken, half of the head was almost collapsed, and blood mixed with brains gushed out.

A Hongba Yala took the opportunity to swing the pick knife, and chopped off the head of the white soldier who had lost his weapon.

The battle had just started within a few hundred breaths, and both parties had already suffered huge losses, with hundreds of soldiers each falling to the ground with casualties.

Although the combat strength of the two sides was almost the same, the Qing army had an advantage in numbers, and the white-armed soldiers soon fell into a bitter battle, and the situation became extremely unfavorable for the Ming army.

The Francophone on the fort has stopped firing.

Because the two sides were already close to hand-to-hand combat, the gunners did not dare to press the muzzle too low, which would only cause indiscriminate damage.

At this critical juncture, the Qin Army's grenadiers were ordered to rush over to the precarious right wing.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a full order.Friends who have skipped booking let go, can you spend a few more money to make a full booking?My requirements are not high, I just want to have an average order of [-], which is enough.

  Thanks to the Lord of the Great Era, the ultimate click reward.

(End of this chapter)

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