Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 432 Unprepared

Chapter 432 Unprepared
Sun Chuanting, who was standing on the building car watching the battlefield, saw that the situation on the right wing was critical, and immediately ordered the Qin Army's grenadiers on standby to rush over for reinforcements.

At the same time, Dorgon, who was also watching the formation, gave an order, and the Qing army archers who were afraid of being hit by the Ming army's Flang machine gun also rushed forward, preparing to launch a fatal blow to the white pole soldiers.

At the same time that the left wing of the Qing army, where the two white flags were located, launched an attack on the Ming army, the two red flags in the middle and the two blue flags led by Abatai on the right wing also launched an offensive.

But the west gate of the Ming army's heavy supply camp five miles away suddenly opened. Zhang Yuan led the remaining 3000 people with [-] pikemen as the lead and [-] musketeers as the rear. [-] troops of the Han Army Banner assigned to watch outside the camp.

Facing the sharp firecracker formation of the Ming army in the middle, the Qing army still adopted the traditional style of play: with [-] shield chariots as the guide, [-] archers were distributed around, and Jiang Youcheng led the remaining [-] blunderbussmen in the front , Dozens of white-armored soldiers acted as the vanguard of tearing apart the formation of the Ming army, followed by a large group of soldiers.

This formation made it clear that it was a war of attrition, allowing the North Korean musketeers to go forward and shoot at the Ming army, and then taking advantage of the short gap between the reloading of the muskets, the white armored soldiers rushed forward.

With fear and uneasiness, the North Korean musketeers who had suffered a disastrous defeat bit the bullet and followed the shield chariot forward.

They all understood that the Qing army archers on both sides were not only going to shoot the Ming army, but if they dared to stand still, those archers would shoot them without mercy.

Since the two guerrillas who led the team were killed, Jiang Youcheng, who was terrified to death, had to step forward to command in person.

In order to save his life, he deliberately asked the two red flags for several thick shields, and ordered his guards to raise the shields to protect him.

Just when the shield cart pushed by the packers was still more than a hundred steps away from the front of the Ming army formation, the two Frang cannons behind the firecracker phalanx let out loud roars one after another.

Two projectiles slammed into the dense group of shield vehicles, and five or six shield vehicles were destroyed by the projectiles. For a while, sawdust and mud flew across, and the screams of the packers filled the sky.

Under the yelling and cursing of the Qing army supervising the formation and the gaze of the archers on both sides, the packers bit the bullet and continued pushing their carts forward, while the Ming army's projectiles smashed into the crowd one after another.

The North Korean musketeers behind the shield car fearfully stepped over the puddles of flesh and blood on the ground, bypassed the wreckage of the shield car everywhere, resisted the urge to turn around and run backwards, and moved forward tremblingly.

Amidst the constant firing of cannons and the baptism of falling projectiles, the coaters seemed to have spent the longest and most difficult time in their lives. The short hundred steps seemed to be a long journey with no end in sight.

Finally, after losing dozens of shield vehicles and hundreds of lives, the coaters in the front row finally pushed the shield vehicles to a distance of [-] steps from the Ming army, and the coaters at the back followed up one after another.

Following the order of Niu Luzhang Jing, the archer of the Qing army who led the team, the coats who put down the shield car turned their heads and ran back along the sides desperately, and those who could not reach the range could only wait in place.

Seeing that the shield chariot formation was completed, the archers of the Qing army began to concentrate in the middle, preparing to attack the Ming army gunners with the help of the shield chariot.

You must know that although the gunslinger has super attack power, its defense power is extremely weak.

The cotton armor on them could not resist the throwing and direct shooting of the Qing army's heavy arrows at close range.

Due to the cover of the shield car, the blunderbuss could not pose a threat to the Qing army at all, but the archers could throw them. Once this one-sided situation happened, the Ming army bludgeoners would soon collapse.

At this moment, a long-tuned trumpet sounded suddenly, and the Ming army's musketeers all turned around, strode back, and quickly left the battle formation.

Seeing that the Ming army had all left the range, Jialazhangjing, who led the team, was at a loss for a while, and the archers who were gathering in the middle were also at a loss.

Before the Qing army could react, two hundred grenadiers in mail armor rushed to catch up from the rear.

Under the amazed gaze of the Qing army in the middle road, they rushed to a place more than ten steps away from the shield chariot, and then quickly divided into several teams, and lit the Zhentianlei in their hands with a burning match. The iron bump that seemed to be cremated smashed over.



Explosions sounded one after another, and then the dust and smoke all over the sky completely covered the area around the Qing army's shield vehicle. The huge noise even covered the miserable howling of the Qing army behind the shield vehicle.

Now the Zhentianlei used by the Ming army is a new variety that has been improved several times.

The iron shell of each thunderbolt is thinner, and the projectile body is correspondingly reduced, and the weight has also been reduced from the original three catties to about two catties. This weight is more conducive to the throwing of the grenadiers over a longer distance.

Originally, the bombardiers could only throw the thunder that weighed three catties farther than twenty steps. After the weight was greatly reduced, all the bombers could throw it at a distance of thirty steps. Soldiers can even throw to forty paces.

In consideration of the need to reserve a shooting position for the archers, the Qing army's shield vehicles were also divided into two rows.

Coupled with the width of the battlefield, more than a hundred shield vehicles lined up in the front row, and the archers were gathering behind the shield vehicles, and it was too late to kill the Ming army. These factors added up and gave the grenadiers They provide the most favorable opportunity to attack.

From the sudden evacuation of the gunners of the Ming army to the swift arrival of the grenadiers to start throwing, all this took only tens of breaths of time.

This sudden change made it impossible for the Qing army, which was accustomed to traditional combat methods, to respond in a timely and effective manner. Of course, the final result was a big loss.

After the grenadiers each threw five thunderbolts and turned around to evacuate in a short while, the front and back of the Qing army's shield car positions were in a mess.

As the dust and gunpowder slowly dissipated, what appeared before the eyes of the Qing army archers and North Korean musketeers in the rear was a hellish scene.

Except for more than a dozen vehicles on both sides, almost all the shield vehicles in the middle were destroyed.

There was no living creature within twenty steps behind the shield car.

There were still limbs and broken arms of the Qing army everywhere, and the blood on the ground was mixed with human internal organs and brains, forming a pool of blood. The corpses of the Qing army archers were blown to pieces and it was difficult to identify them.

This sudden change caused the death of at least [-] Qing troops.

The Qing troops who were a little closer to the explosion range were not much better.

Many people were hit by broken porcelain pieces, iron nails, and iron pieces mixed in the Thunderbolt. Because these sharp objects spread extremely fast, their power is no less than that of bows and arrows.

In addition to these unlucky ghosts who were affected, more Qing soldiers were dizzy from the sound of the huge explosion close at hand, and many people's hearing had already been impaired.

The Ming army's battlefield strategy beyond the Qing army's cognition produced a very shocking effect, and achieved very good killing results.

In this way, the attack of the Qing army in the middle failed completely in a very short period of time.

The first thing they have to do now is to clean up the battlefield, carry the corpses back, and then remove the wreckage of the shield vehicle that is blocked in front of the formation, so that they can launch a new round of offensive.

The attack of the two blue flags on the right wing of the Qing army was not smooth.

Since the overall combat power was weaker than that of the two white flags, even though almost a hundred white armored soldiers were mobilized, under the tenacious resistance of the six formations of white soldiers, the effect of the two blue flags' advancement was not obvious.

The two armies have fallen into a bitter battle of equal strength.

At this time, the Qing army had no idea that a huge danger had quietly approached.

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(End of this chapter)

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