Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 433 The sudden appearance of the monster

Chapter 433 The sudden appearance of the monster
Just when the Ming and Qing armies launched an offensive and defensive battle, a sudden battle was also taking place about five miles to the east of the battlefield.

When Yue Tuo and others led the main force to fight the Ming army reinforcements, they deliberately left the Han army flag in the camp, and they were responsible for monitoring the Ming army's supply camp to prevent unforeseen events.

The reason for leaving the Han army flag is very simple. The main reason is that the remnants of the Ming army fled into the supply camp, and the Han army flag is better at defense than offense. It can be used to guard the food and supplies of the camp, in case the Ming army suddenly takes extreme actions. action.

Although it has been several years since Kong Youde and others surrendered, under the dual effects of the Eight Banners' strict military discipline and military merits, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has been greatly improved, but in the eyes of the Eight Banners, they are still not much different from the Liaoxi Ming army. scum.

Kong Youde and others naturally have no objection to this.

Since the proud Masters of the Eight Banners looked down on their combat effectiveness, they were just happy to suffer less damage.

After the Eight Banners army left the camp, Kong Youde discussed with Shang Kexi and Geng Zhongming, and decided to divide the remaining 3000 Han army banners into three divisions. Kong Youde led [-] people to move forward to the north gate of the Ming army's supply camp. Put on an offensive posture to intimidate the Ming army in the camp.

Shang Kexi led 3000 people to move the camp to the west gate to prevent the Ming army from escaping from the west, or copying the rear of the Qing army's left wing after they came out.

The remaining troops were led by Geng Zhongming to guard the camp, especially guarding against the north, so as not to be raided by the Ming army who came out of nowhere.

A few days ago, the food and grass in the Abatai camp were burned and everyone was on high alert.

If it is not done in a few days, no matter who the leader is, his head will fall to the ground in the end.

After Kong Youde moved forward with his men and horses, the sentry who had been trying to find out the situation of the Ming army camp came to report back. The Ming army had arranged a lot of crossbowmen behind the barracks. Looking in through the barracks.

But the rows of wooden houses behind the barracks blocked the view, making it impossible to clearly see the movement of the Ming army inside.

Originally, Kong Youde wanted to take this opportunity to capture this camp in order to present a big gift to his masters. After listening to the sentry's report, he ordered his cronies to lead a thousand soldiers forward, ready to come first Test the Ming army's reaction.

But before the 1000 people approached the camp gate, the Dafolang cannons on the two forts in the Ming army camp fired one after another.

Although the two towering forts had been discovered a long time ago, so the formation of 1000 people was not tight, the two rounds of shelling still caused more than a dozen casualties.

These two forts are equipped with large Francophones weighing more than 1000 jin. Their range is much farther than that of the medium-sized Francophones of [-] jin, and their lethality will naturally be much greater.

Seeing this, Kong Youde had no choice but to order the 1000 people to withdraw.

He didn't feel sorry for the casualties of these dozens of people. As he was familiar with the performance of artillery, he knew in his heart that even if the packers stepped forward to demolish the camp fence, once they entered the camp, they would be fatally hit by these two cannons.

Because after the distance is close, the shotguns fired by the Franc machine will cause a terrifying damage effect, coupled with the attack of the Ming army's firecrackers and bows, I really don't have enough troops.

Shang Kexi, who led his troops to deploy two miles outside the west gate, did not take any risky moves.

A few miles behind him is the army of the two white banners, and thousands of Mongolian cavalry from the eight banners are resting on the ground a few miles away from him to the south, as long as he blocks the Ming army in the opposite camp and covers the two white banners Everything will be fine in the back road.

Thanks to the backing of the mighty Eight Banners army, they have a huge sense of psychological security, and Shang Kexi's soldiers are extremely relaxed.

Except for a small number of sentries who rode back and forth to check the movement of the Ming army camp, most of the soldiers were sitting or standing with their backs to the Ming army camp, pointing and talking at the two sides that had already started fighting in the distance, without turning their backs at all. Take the possible danger seriously.

So when the Ming army suddenly opened the camp gate and rushed out, Shang Kexi and the 3000 people were in a panic. The sentry in charge of the guard did not dare to go forward to fight, so they could only retreat with their horses and get out of the range of the Ming army's bows and arrows.

Shocked, Shang Kexi kept yelling orders, and the soldiers hurriedly got up and formed a team amidst the Shangguan's scolding.

Fortunately, there was a distance of two miles between the two armies, and the Ming army who had left the camp could not quickly rush to the front. It is still gratifying that the troops finally set up their formation after the chaos.

At the same time, the Ming army who left the camp also completed their formation after two hundred steps forward. The formation was still a phalanx with musketeers in the middle and spearmen on both wings. Hundreds of archers were arranged on the right side of the formation A small square.

Zhang Yuan, deputy commander of the Qin Army, stood in the front row with a few soldiers.

Just after the Ming army completed the formation first, one after another of the vans powered by cattle slowly drove out of the camp gate, and Sun Yingyuan, the commander-in-chief of the Yongwei Battalion, stood on the first car in person.

According to the pre-determined strategy, the van that came out first drove to the two wings, facing the north and south sides respectively, while the vehicles behind headed straight to the west.

Although Shang Kexi came from the Ming army camp, the van had disappeared for many years. With his previous status and knowledge, he didn't recognize such a strange thing at all.

Coupled with the cover of the Ming army phalanx, he could not urge his subordinates to attack, so thousands of people, including him, could only watch the vans drive out of the Ming army camp.

Shang Kexi’s intuition from years of battle tells Shang Kexi: This kind of ox cart will be an extremely dangerous thing, and it is very likely to cause huge damage and consequences to one’s own side.

Although it was covered by the car boards, there must be something deadly in the car. The strength and murderousness displayed by the soldiers of the Ming army on the car made Shang Kexi suddenly feel creepy.

It would have been nice if I had brought cannons, Shang Kexi felt a sudden burst of remorse.

He immediately gave some instructions to the soldiers around him, and the three soldiers turned out of the army formation, stepped on their horses and galloped away in the north, south and west respectively.

The ox carts of the Ming army seemed to be endless. Two carts drove out of the gate side by side, and the van carts that came out first had already set up their formation one after another.

The phalanx of the Qin Army in front had been divided into several teams under Zhang Yuan's order, and they withdrew to the back under the leadership of their respective battalion officers.

The purpose of their coming out is to cover the car battalion to go out of the camp smoothly. Now that the mission has been completed, all that remains is to protect the rear of the car camp.

Sun Yingyuan gave an order, and more than a hundred vans heading straight for Shang Kexi's department began to move forward, and the gunners, sword shieldmen, and spearmen followed behind their own vehicles.

Shang Kexi and his generals didn't think of a good way to deal with it in desperation. Right now, they had no choice but to face the battle, so they had to bite the bullet and order the soldiers to prepare for the battle.

When they were about [-] steps away from the Han army flag, after the vans stopped one by one, the driver turned the front of the car to one side, allowing the compartment to rush towards the Qing army on the opposite side.

When the van was moving forward, Shang Kexi took a few soldiers back to the rear, and handed over the command to his trusted lieutenant general Xu Yongnian.

In the face of unfamiliar dangerous things, he is old and cunning, and he doesn't want to take the risk easily.

Although Xu Yongnian also sensed that the danger was coming, but as the main general, it was impossible to back down.

So he loudly ordered the musketeers in the middle and the archers on both sides to move forward, ready to start a confrontation with the Ming army, and the spearmen and sword shieldmen stepped forward to fight at any time.

At this moment, the panels of the carriages of the Ming army's carts, which were as high as human shoulders, were suddenly opened one after another, and a Frang machine with a door on the gun mount appeared in the sight of the Qing army without warning.

 Thanks to Venus for the graphics card and Lin Lingsu 2018 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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