Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 434 The Response and Countermeasures of the Qing Army

Chapter 434 The Response and Countermeasures of the Qing Army
Since the bull's ears were already blocked, the drivers of each car only needed to quickly cover the bull's eyes, and then quickly hid in the car formation to complete the task.

Before Xu Yongnian and the soldiers of the Qing army could react, a series of small Frang machines that had already been loaded with ammunition fired at almost the same time. More than a hundred shotguns were ejected from the muzzle, while solid projectiles were ejected from the side.

Since the birth of artillery, this should be the first concentrated fire of artillery in human history, and it is still close range. Such lethality can be described as extremely terrifying.

Dozens of artillery pieces in front of the Ming army bombarded them in one round, and no one in the Qing army who was within the range of the shotgun stood still.

The gunners and archers of the Qing army who were walking forward were swept by thousands of fan-shaped shotguns, leaving behind a place of broken corpses and rotten flesh.

During the whole process, no one screamed at all, and [-] Qing gunners and [-] archers were killed in an instant.

The Qing army in the rear was not much better.

The cross-fire network composed of dozens of solid projectiles almost covered the entire rear of the Qing army. The raindrops of projectiles smashed into the crowd in an instant. After landing, they bounced around and smashed all the objects in front overturned.

From the opening of the baffle of the van to the shooting of the Frang machine, all this happened in an instant, but the damage caused to the Qing army was devastating.

Xu Yongnian, who was standing in front of the line of spearmen, was smashed into a pile of rotten flesh by the bullets. Because of the tight formation of more than two thousand spearmen and sword and shield fighters, hundreds of people were killed or injured by the bullets looting at high speed.

Shang Kexi, who witnessed the tragic situation in front of him, said nothing, turned around and galloped to the horse a dozen steps away, got on the horse, turned the horse's head around and galloped north, and several soldiers also hurriedly jumped on the horse and rushed to catch up.

Hearing the sound of cannons sounding behind him again, Shang Kexi felt cold in his heart.

Where did this monster-like cannon come from?The masters of the Eight Banners are brave at any time, but I am afraid that they will be powerless against this kind of thing.

I'm afraid I'm going to be alone this time, and I don't know how many of the 3000 people under my command will survive.

It is conceivable that once he was defeated, the backs of the two white flags were completely exposed to the sudden appearance of the Ming army, and a big defeat could already be seen.

Fortunately, I sent someone to inform the two white banners and the eight Mongolian banners just now, so the masters will be more or less on guard, maybe they will see things that they can't do anything about, and maybe they will leave the battlefield early.

But why did the Ming army, which had been weak before, suddenly become so powerful?
In several battles in a row, the Ming army encountered were all stubborn. Not only were the firearms sharp, but even the combat skills and morale of the army had completely changed from before.

If things go on like this, Daqing may be a pill.

There was a trace of regret in Shang Kexi's heart.

If I had known that Daming still had such a strong army, I would not have defected at all.

Frang's machine gun quickly finished the second round, and the living Han army banner soldiers finally began to flee.

The Ming saber shield and spearmen in the chariot formation launched a pursuit, and the drivers drove the ox cart again, heading towards the back of the two white flags without any haste.

Dorgon, who received the message from Shang Kexi, felt anxious for a while.

The white soldiers in front of him are like a hard bone. In the back formation, he saw that the formation of his subordinates was stagnant, and he knew that the front formation had encountered obstacles. Seeing his own archers struggling to move forward under the bombardment of the Ming army's artillery, he became anxious. Uneasy, he was a little relieved.

Just before he decided how many troops to send to support Shang Kexi, he was startled by the sudden sound of cannon behind him. He immediately turned to look east, but because the distance was too far, he could only see the rising Gunpowder smoke, but the specific battle situation is not clear.

Because the soldiers sent by Shang Kexi did not see the artillery loaded in the van, they just said that there was a Ming army preparing to copy the two white flags, and the number should be more than [-], so Dorgon was not too serious. care too much.

But the faint sound of artillery made him immediately realize the seriousness of the problem.

The cannons of the Ming army were the most headache and fear for the Qing army, and there was no other way to deal with them except for hard resistance.

Dorgon immediately ordered decisively, and the 2000 people behind the two white banners immediately turned to face the enemy eastward. The Mongolian Eight Banners on the south side gathered troops and horses and went straight to the flank of the Ming army on the east road. To attack, it is necessary to wipe out this Ming army in the local area, so as not to give the Ming army a chance to join.

After giving the order, Dorgon thought about it for a moment, and then sent a fast horse to report to Yue Tuo in the middle. While reminding him of his idea, he asked him to divide his troops to intercept according to the situation.

Jialazhangjingkulecha of the Two White Banners marched eastward with two thousand and eight banner soldiers.

The army had just walked out of a mile, and saw a large number of defeated soldiers fleeing from a distance.

Needless to say, it is gratifying that the Han army flag was defeated by the Ming army.

While wiping away the resentment in his heart, Kule immediately ordered the whole army to move forward quickly, trying to defeat the Ming army at a place far away from the main force, so as not to distract the Qing army who were fighting fiercely.

Shang Kexi's defeated soldiers who escaped by chance did not forget their military discipline. After seeing the flag of Kulecha's troops, they made a detour and fled to both sides early in order to avoid colliding with the large formation of the Qing army.

Kulecha rode on his horse and looked eastward. Because the distance had been shortened, the formation of the Ming army in front was already clear at a glance.

The scene he saw two or three miles away made him suddenly bewildered.

Except for groups of sword and shield fighters and spearmen who were returning, there were carts dragged by scalpers approaching like moving fortresses, which brought him an extremely dull and depressing feeling. , made him feel very uncomfortable.

Could it be that the Ming army relied on this kind of large cart as a fortification, and then hid behind the cart formation and attacked with firearms?

How to break such a traffic formation?
The two armies facing each other soon encountered each other within two miles.

And the Mongolian Eight Banners in the south also received Dorgon's military order, and three thousand cavalrymen pressed towards the car camp like a dark cloud.

Following Sun Yingyuan's order, more than a hundred vans on the left opened up, and a car set up a formation facing the south. Le rub department.

Nearly [-] carts on the right flank faced north in order to guard against possible enemies in the north.

Since the Ming army's car battalion began to deploy in advance when the distance between the two sides was more than one mile away, this made Kuleza's plan to make a surprise attack while his foothold was not stable go bankrupt.

In desperation, the Qing army had no choice but to use a strong attack to break the formation.

Kule looked at the cart of the Ming army more than a hundred paces away, looked carefully for a long time, but found no trace of the cannon, and immediately gave the order to attack when he was puzzled.

Meanwhile, the Eight Banners of Mengmeng in the south had rushed to the front of the formation with only one more acceleration.

The leader of the Mongolian Eight Banners, Mel Zhang Jing, had already raised his right arm and slashed down fiercely, signaling the whole army to rush to the cart, trying to break through the enemy's formation as soon as possible with the loss of a few troops.

The task of breaking the formation was also given to more than [-] white armored soldiers in heavy armor.

These most powerful soldiers of the Eight Banners switched to heavy weapons such as giant axes, hammers and maces, and marched towards the Ming army more than a hundred steps away at a leisurely pace. Blade smashed the cart and slaughtered the cattle pulling the cart.

Behind the white armored soldiers are more than a hundred red armored soldiers, which is second only to the white armored soldiers, and their combat power is also very powerful.

Then there were [-] elite soldiers, ready to rush in and fight after the white armor soldiers broke through the driving formation.

The impact area of ​​this arrow-shaped small formation is not large, but once they break through a corner of the formation, the entire formation of the Ming army will be quickly destroyed.

The remaining [-] or so Qing troops, led by this array of arrows, fanned out in all directions.

What Kuller didn't know was that he made a fatal mistake.

Because of contempt and anger, he didn't send someone to summon the defeated Han army flag to ask for details, so he didn't know how the front team was defeated so quickly.

Before the white-armored soldiers could take thirty steps, the baffle of the van was suddenly lowered again.

 Thanks to 13823136678 for the reward of [-] coins.Thank you for the sweetness and non-saltiness, and the lighting in the room is good for rewarding.

(End of this chapter)

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