Chapter 436
"General Sun has worked hard! The car camp is indeed a sharp weapon in the world! This official and Qin Du have witnessed the great power of the car camp! This battle has really earned the reputation of the car camp! There is no need to rush to chase the enemy. Donglu suffered a serious injury this time. It’s huge, we need to rest and recover in the short term, and we will definitely not return north soon! After clearing the battle formation, it’s not too late to chase the enemy!”

Under the great victory, Sun Chuanting, who has always been majestic and prudent, couldn't help showing a smile on his face, while Qin Liangyu left in a hurry after seeing Sun Yingyuan.

Seeing his subordinate Erlang fighting bravely and causing many casualties, Qin Liangyu, as the coach, was both relieved and distressed, but Ma Xianglin hadn't been spotted for a long time, so she had to rush over to see what was going on.

Sun Chuanting and Qin Liangyu watched clearly what happened on the battlefield just now.

Just when the right wing was in danger, Sun Chuanting stopped Qin Liangyu from going to fight in person.

He was different from Qin Liangyu who was troubled because he cared about the casualties of his children, while Sun Chuanting made his judgment based on the overall situation of the battle.

He knew that the current situation seemed critical, but in fact the Qing army was at the end of its strength, and Zhou Yuji was already dispatching grenadiers to support it.

Moreover, the chariot battalion from the east had defeated the intercepted Qing army and was pressing towards the back of the two white flags.

If the general of the Qing army is not mediocre, the only way to go at this time is to order a retreat, otherwise he will fall into a dangerous situation of being attacked by the enemy.

Sure enough, as Zhou Yuji dispatched the grenadiers to the two wings, the extremely violent offensive of the Qing army was immediately stopped, and after realizing that they might be attacked from both sides, the general of the Qing army decisively issued an order to retreat.

"General Sun, you send someone to dispatch the medical team in your camp! Although our army won this time, the casualties are not small. The soldiers are exhausted and need to rest and recover!"

After receiving the order, Sun Yingyuan gave an order, and a soldier rushed away.

"Can you leave suitable troops in the camp for defense? At this time, we must guard against the eastern captives taking advantage of our army's carelessness and sending troops to sneak attack on our important places!"

Sun Chuanting withdrew his gaze from looking around, looked at Sun Yingyuan and asked.

"Scholar! I have reserved [-] chariots in the camp. As long as Jiannu dares to sneak attack, I will teach him whether to come or not!"

Sun Yingyuan clapped his hands back confidently.

"Well, with this preparation, I believe that Jiannu can't get any cheap! However, just in case, General Sun led his troops to follow behind and pressed down on the camp of the Eastern Prisoners, forcing them not to act rashly. After the soldiers here are assembled, I and Governor Qin will lead the army to join your troops!"

Sun Chuanting nodded and gave the order.

The Qing troops on the left and right flanks and in the middle were retreating one after another, because there were thousands of cavalry in the formation, and the white-armed soldiers who had lost a lot after the war could no longer cooperate with the Qin army in pursuit.

The battlefield is full of busy civilians and medical rescue personnel.

They are searching for the wounded officers and soldiers to treat them, the remains of the fallen soldiers also need to be burned as soon as possible and the ashes collected, and the corpses left by the Qing army must be dug and buried as soon as possible.

The season has come to the end of February, and the temperature is getting higher and higher. If the corpses and the flesh on the ground are not cleaned up in time, the epidemic is likely to break out.

The Qing army will need time to recover after this heavy setback, and they will not rush back north in at least two days. Besides, Chen Qiyu has already gone to the north, and the Qing army on the opposite side will not be so easy to retreat to the Songjin line.

Now the Ming army's goal of looking for opportunities to mass-kill the main forces of the Eight Banners has basically been achieved, and then it only needs to follow the Qing army northward, and look for fighters during the period.

Sun Chuanting was very satisfied with Sun Yingyuan's prudence and stability.The Holy Majesty is really knowledgeable. The generals who have been promoted in the past few years are talented in various fields, and they can be independent.

Judging from the battle situation just now, the firepower of the [-] vans covered a huge area, and the Qing army under heavy defeat was powerless to fight against it, and the heavy camp was as solid as gold.

"Follow your orders!"

Sun Yingyuan received the order, Shi Ligong sent Sun Chuanting to leave, and then returned to Cheying with his own soldiers.

"We have followed Mingren's way this time! After repeated battles, my Eight Banners athletes suffered heavy casualties! Mingren's infantry is fierce, and there is such a weird artillery vehicle, continuing to fight will only increase losses! Let's discuss it now! What should we do next!"

Dorgon suppressed the negative emotions such as anger, remorse, and unwillingness in his heart, and went straight to the topic.

Dorgon and others who had returned to the camp gathered in the tent to call Geng Zhongming who stayed behind and Shang Kexi who escaped to discuss the next strategy.

Kong Youde and his 3000 men were covering the retreat of the Qing army with Abatai, so the two did not appear in the account.

In today's World War I, the casualties of the two white flags were the most serious.

After a rough enumeration, more than [-] people were killed in the two white flags, and the number of wounded was more than a multiple of the casualties. Many of them were seriously injured by shells and thunderstorms. It is estimated that it would be difficult for them to survive for a few days.

The most terrible thing is that the white armor soldiers sent out killed and injured as many as a hundred people, which made Dorgon feel like a knife was twisted in his heart.

In this era without antibiotics, the chance of wound infection is very high, especially for soldiers who were hit by lead, it is almost impossible to survive, and the number of deaths will continue to increase.

Because the two red flags only launched an offensive once, after being killed by Zhentianlei on a large scale, they were busy moving the corpses and cleaning up the wreckage of the shield vehicle. The two white flags are nothing in comparison.

The two blue flags on the right wing did not gain any advantage in the fight with the white soldiers, and they were hit by the Ming army's grenadiers for a round, and they withdrew after nearly a thousand casualties.

Only a little more than half of the 3000 people from the Eight Banners on the left wing came back, and the cavalry on the right wing were basically intact because they had not yet found a chance to join the battle.

All in all, the Qing army killed more than 6000 people in this battle, and more than [-] people were lightly or severely injured. knew.

The loss this time was close to or even surpassed that of the Battle of Hunhe that year, but the Battle of Hunhe ended with the victory of the Qing army, but this time it was a disastrous defeat, and there was an extremely rare scene where the Qing army fled.

While all this made Dorgon and the others extremely ashamed, there was a hint of fear in their hearts.

When did the invincible Eight Banners warriors become as fearful and cowardly as the Ming people?

When did the Ming army become so powerful and good at fighting?

The several Ming armies that appeared in a row not only made it difficult for the Qing army to fight against them in terms of firearms, but even the hand-to-hand combat that the Eight Banners were proud of could not take advantage of it.

"Prince Rui's words are very true! Our army's strategy of judging the people's food and morals seems to be brilliant, but in fact, we have fallen into the trap of the wise man! Now we must know the next move of the wise man as soon as possible, so that our army can act accordingly. Countermeasures! However, the first point is that this place cannot stay for long, and the sooner you return to the north, the better!"

Yue Tuo was no longer in the mood to mock the seriously damaged two white flags.

The current situation is already extremely severe, and the Ming army's huge number of artillery vehicles is completely helpless. In a flat land like western Liaoning, no matter how strong the Eight Banners soldiers are, they cannot get close at all.

As long as the Ming army takes artillery vehicles as the guide, there is no other way for one's own side but to retreat.

"You two lords, I feel that since the two lords intend to return to the north, the road ahead must be protected! Ming people have always been cunning and cunning, and there are garrisons in castles along the way. If these Ming troops come out together, we will The army's back road may be cut off!"

Geng Zhongming, who has always been reticent, suddenly expressed his worries.

The fact is just as he worried, at this time Azig's troops in the rear are in a hard fight.

 Thanks to the old book friends, no one has used this account for a reward of [-] coins!Thanks for cheating people who don't know the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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