Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 437 Azig's Dream

Chapter 437 Azig's Dream
When Dorgon led the main force of the two white banners to go south to support Yue Tuo, Chen Qiyu led more than a thousand people to rush northward from the dense forest and hills on the west side.

Many people in later generations may have a misunderstanding about the huge virgin forest in the Northeast, thinking that it means impenetrable trees and insurmountable mountains.

In fact, the real situation is not the case.

The forests in the Northeast are mainly cold-resistant species such as pines and cypresses, so they are not as dense as the miscellaneous trees and shrubs in the southern forests.

Because there is a lot of space between the trees, it is not difficult to walk through it after entering.

Although the mountains in the northeast are continuous, most of them are just gentle slopes similar to hills, not steep mountains that require hands and feet and are difficult to climb.

Chen Qiyu, like Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou and others, is a leader among civil servants who are accustomed to trekking mountains and rivers, and sometimes even don't like to take risks.

Whether he was suppressing bandits in northern Shaanxi, or when he later served as the governor of the five provinces, holding heavy troops and shouldering the heavy responsibility of eradicating banditry in the Ming Dynasty, Chen Qiyu often ate and slept with the officers and soldiers.

During the rush, he successively dispatched several soldiers of the Liaoxi Army who were familiar with the terrain, holding the military dispatch seal he carried with him, and the planned action strategy, to the several fortresses closest to the Qing army on the middle road, and ordered the garrison officers to The army followed orders.

And he himself went to Zhenshanbao to take command.

After traveling fast all the way and staying overnight in the mountains, Chen Qiyu arrived at the mountain behind Zhenshanbao at about [-]:[-] PM on the second day.

Chen Qiyu was able to trek for more than a hundred miles in the mountains in two days as a university student. His resilience and perseverance can be said to be extremely rare in this world. So far, only Lu Xiangsheng can match it.

Zhenshan Fort is one hundred and sixty miles away from Ningyuan. The fort is located on the west side of the official road. lead.

After resting for half an hour, in the evening of the same day, Chen Qiyu brought more than ten soldiers to the west wall of Zhenshan Fort, while Han Guan and Li Lu continued to march northward with 1000 men.

After a personal soldier stepped forward to communicate with the sentry soldiers on the wall of the fort, he put the letter with the seal of the officer into the bamboo basket placed on the wall.

Not long after, Wei Chuan, dressed neatly, hurried over along the corridor on the fort wall.

Although he saw that the seal was correct, because he didn't know Chen Qiyu, for the sake of safety, Wei Chuan ordered a large basket to be hung with a long rope and put it down, and then dragged Chen Qiyu and others up one by one.

After seeing Chen Qiyu in casual clothes, Wei Chuan immediately confirmed that this was indeed an important official of the court, because the calm and prestige emanating from Chen Qiyu was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"The humble Beijing camp guerrilla Wei Chuan see Xueshi Chen! Because the enemy is present, the humble official has to be careful. If there is any offense, please look at the scholar Haihan! The bachelor took the risk of trekking here with a noble body, and the humble official admired it from the bottom of his heart !The bachelors are also invited to go to the government office to rest!"

Wei Chuan hurried forward, knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists above his head, paying respects with military salute.

"Hehe! Get up! Guerrilla Wei did a great job! That's what a general should do! The Beijing camp is indeed strict from top to bottom! In order to finally win the battle with the Eastern Captives, I deserve to work a little bit harder! Wei Guerrilla leads the way!"

The exhausted Chen Qiyu waved his hands and smiled.

He could see that the guerrilla's words of praise came from sincerity, after all, he was doing military affairs as a civil servant.And this move spread to the emperor's ears, which was of incalculable benefit to his official career.

Chen Qiyu has been in the army for a long time, and he has no intention of blaming Wei Chuan for his behavior. On the contrary, he has a great affection for this young and elegant guerrilla general.

"Guerrilla Guard, how far is the Donglu's support army from here? How many troops are there? How many soldiers do you have under your command? How is the firearms equipped? Is the morale of the army available?"

In the second hall of the garrison office in Zhenshanbao, Chen Qiyu took a few sips of a cup of crude hot tea, looked at Wei Chuan who was standing under the hall, and asked straight to the point.

"Bachelor! Two days ago, the army of slaves pulled out their camp and marched southward. There are about 1000 supporters left behind. The camp is in the northeast, about [-] miles away from this castle! The generals and soldiers led by the humble office have [-] members. Seven hundred of them, including eight hundred musketeers, [-] and [-] pikemen, three hundred archers, and three hundred sword and shield hands! There are also twenty tiger squatting guns, forty gunners, and twenty grenadiers! The rest are humble And a few personal guards of Qian Zong! It has been more than two months since the humble leader led the troops, seeing Jiannu's arrogance, the whole army is hard to fight, as long as there is an order from the top, the whole army will fight Jiannu to the end!"

Wei Chuan took a step forward and bowed his hands to salute, and replied with a look of emotion on his face and a passionate tone, and the several thousand bosses beside him also showed a gesture of eagerness to try.

"Okay! I'm happy when I hear the battle, this is the quality of a strong army! When the officer in front has a letter, I will lead you to beat the Eastern captives! It's the right time to make contributions!"

Under Chen Qiyu's order, when several groups of Ming troops launched targeted deployments, the thousands of Qing troops stationed between Zhenshan Fort and Xingping Fort were still at a loss.

Since all the way south until now, the Ming army in the fortress along the way has closed the city gates and has not sent troops to intercept and invite the Qing army. This kind of habitual behavior of the Ming army over the years made Azig even more underestimated the enemy.

Since Dorgon left with the main force, Azig arranged for sentries to patrol back and forth. Being extremely bored, he took dozens of guards into the eastern mountain forest to hunt for fun, so as to dispel the depression in his heart .

Azig was very dissatisfied with Dorgon's way of leaving him to support him.

He believes that a fierce general like him should show his talents on the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, instead of being held back as a mere support.

However, Azig has always obeyed his strategic fourteenth brother, so he didn't argue with him, but obediently obeyed his orders and stayed.

Azig was even more relaxed when the sentries kept reporting that there was nothing abnormal about the nearby Ming army.

He didn't have the slightest worry about the war in the south.

The main force of the Six Banners in the Eight Banners is marching southward, and no army in the world can resist it.

Even if it was the new army of the Ming Dynasty that I met in Changping back then, it would not work.

Now all he needs to do is wait for the good news ahead, the most important thing is how to distribute the results of the battle, and he has to get back his title of King of Duoluo Wuying County this time.

This time it was Yue Tuo, that sycophant who sent someone to ask for help. After winning the battle and returning to the division, the two white flags must monopolize the majority of the winning results, and at least ten more Niulu should be added under their name.

You have to tell the two red flags to vomit some blood.

At that time, the strength of the two white banners will be the first among the eight banners. After the old eighth dies, the old fourteenth will take the emperor's seat, and he will also get the title of prince try it.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after the boring day, he was in the mountains and received a series of urgent reports from horse scouts: Ming troops appeared twenty miles away from the north and south, and their numbers were around [-].

Azig was both surprised and amused when he heard the news.

Thousands of Ming troops dare to attack their camp of more than 4000 horses?This is watching the two white flags leave, and you want to come here to pick up a bargain, right?
"The whole army is assembled! Kill these Nikan!"

 Thank you for the carefree K book reward.

(End of this chapter)

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