Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 463 One more time and three copies?

Chapter 463 Thirteen again?

"Yang Qing, what do you think of the request for peace from the slave chieftains of the East? Hehe, I find it extremely interesting. The Eight Banners, who have always regarded themselves as invincible in the world, have such a soft body. It must be because the slave chieftains can't sleep at night and regretted it. Wake up? Hehehehe!"

Zhu Youjian, who seldom spoke in a joking tone, couldn't help but joked when he was in a good mood.

The internal bandits were almost extinct, and the foreign captives were also on the verge of collapse. After he came to Daming, he finally reversed the situation in the past four years. As an ordinary person, he felt extremely proud.

"Isn't the emperor convinced by you? A leader in a remote and wilderness place dares to build a country and proclaim himself emperor, bah! Under the sun and the moon, only I, the Emperor Ming, is the lord of the world. This servant really has a guts!"

Without waiting for Yang Sichang, who was reading his book list, to reply, Wang Chengen on the side took Zhu Youjian's words jokingly.

Wang Chengen keenly felt the relaxed state of mind of his prince, and was sincerely happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

Being able to clean up such a big mess, the emperor spent a lot of mind and energy. Now everything in Daming is developing in a positive direction. From the top officials to the common people, they are full of expectations for the future, because they see Arrived at A New Hope.

"The emperor said that the minister and Sun Baigu's verdicts are completely consistent. The slave chieftain's peace is not a plan to delay the army, but a last resort due to internal and external difficulties.

At present, our army is putting a lot of pressure on it, and the advantage of the surprise soldiers on both wings has not yet been revealed. This situation alone is already unbearable for the slave chief. It is!

However, judging from the meaning of the slave chief's expression, it seems that the trapped beast is still fighting. For this reason, it is better for the Songjin army to be cautious, and don't let him find a loophole and cause the situation to get out of control.As for Donglu's request for peace, I am not a member of Dongguo, I suggest that we should continue to implement the established strategy and completely disintegrate its strength! "

Regarding Jianzhou's weak situation in recent years, Zhu Youjian and several important ministers have already studied and judged several times. Yang Sichang's attitude is of course very firm.

"Yang Qing's words are very much in line with my wishes. This battle will also be a total settlement of the crimes committed by the Eastern captives who have repeatedly committed the crimes of burning, killing, and looting the lives and property of our Ming people for more than ten years. The generals, officers and soldiers must fight bravely with a fearless heart, and I will reward you generously after you succeed!

For those who are afraid of the enemy and fight, no matter what their status is, they must be severely punished!I will bestow upon Sun Qing Shang Fang's sword and Wang Ming's flag, and those who disobey orders, no matter whether they are civil or military, can be killed on the spot! "

Zhu Youjian spoke solemnly.

Because the general soldiers from all walks of life will go to aid outside the pass, in order to prevent the repetition of the tragedy of someone who ignored the overall situation in the Songjin War and fled first, causing the entire army to collapse, it is absolutely necessary to strengthen Sun Chuanting's rights.

Judging from Sun Chuanting's decisive personality, as long as he has two sharp weapons representing the imperial power, it can deter some people who are uncertain, and he can exercise his power legitimately without triggering attacks from courtiers.

Old Sun really dared to kill people.

In history, even He Renlong, who held a heavy army, was beheaded by Sun Chuanting in front of his servants, and he specially ordered someone to put the bloody head on a wooden tray for the generals to see. The titans are fighting against each other, and they dare not speak out. In the end, no one dared to rebel because of this.

Hearing that the emperor added Shangfang sword and Wangming flag to Sun Chuanting, Yang Sichang hesitated for a moment. He was going to try to persuade him again, but thinking of what the emperor said just now, he finally bowed down to accept the order.

"Your Majesty, how should the slave chief respond to the peace proposal at this meeting? If you ignore it, it will be against the etiquette of our heavenly kingdom. From the perspective of my ministers, I should simply reply, denounce his disobedience, and order him to surrender immediately. For good!"

Zhu Youjian didn't want to give Huang Taiji any answer at first, but Yang Sichang's suggestion reminded him that, as the king of Ming Dynasty, he must not lose his demeanor.

"According to Yang Qing's opinion, write in the name of the Ming court: Order the slave chieftain to go to the country, and all the troops immediately abandon their weapons on the spot and surrender, waiting for the imperial court to install! Restore the Jianzhou Guard, and the slave chieftain will be the commander of the Jianzhou Guard! Allow him to keep thirteen sets of armor! If he does not accept the above conditions, the officers and soldiers will launch an attack immediately! That's all, Yang Qing will retreat!"

Didn't Nurhachi proudly declare that he raised troops against the Ming Dynasty with thirteen sets of armor?Then I will keep the same things for you, and see if you still have the ability to rise again.

Yang Sichang was stunned when he heard it, and then he understood immediately. He couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but finally he bowed to accept the order and left.

The camp of Ji Erhalang, the commander of the Songjin Camp of the Qing Army, was completely silent. Wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and looking sickly, Huang Taiji sat on the dragon chair in the middle. Jierhalang, Dorgon, and Yue Tuo , Azige, Abatai, Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, Geng Zhongming, and Ning Wanwo stood on both sides of the tent with their hands down and their heads bowed. No one dared to speak out casually, for fear of arousing Huang Taiji's anger and being punished.

Before the conscripted army was assembled, Huang Taiji, who was worried about the battle on the front line, rushed to the front line of sending brocade with the elite of the two yellow flags in three days, regardless of his illness.

After being welcomed into the camp by everyone respectfully, Huang Taiji didn't care about rest, and immediately summoned everyone in the tent to share the process and battle situation with the Ming army several times, so as to understand the details of the battle, and discuss the next steps coping strategies.

According to the practice of the Eight Banners, Jierhalang and other princes Baylor were going to sit on chairs to discuss matters with Huang Taiji, but after Huang Taiji entered the tent and sat on the dragon chair he brought, he immediately ordered all the chairs under the tent to be removed. Erhalang and Yuetuo didn't care about it, but Dorgon and Azige, even though they were not angry, lost confidence after repeated defeats and losses, and finally pinched their noses and acquiesced in the matter.

"You brought hundreds of thousands of elites to the south for more than a month. Not only did you get nothing from the Ming people, but you lost soldiers and generals. I lost countless Eight Banners athletes for no reason. I am deeply ashamed of you! Such an act of bereavement and humiliation of the country can be said to be a big blow to me. The prestige of the Qing Dynasty has been completely lost, and the morale of the people of the Ming Dynasty has been greatly increased! With the ebb and flow of the other, the advantages that the Qing Dynasty has accumulated over the years of the Ming Dynasty have disappeared!"

Huang Taiji glanced viciously at everyone under the tent, especially when he saw Yue Tuo, the hatred in his eyes became even stronger.

The main reason for this fiasco was the unclear judgment of the junior elite who had placed high hopes on him.

If he had an exceptionally keen sense of the battlefield like Dorgon, he would immediately lead his army back when he was unable to attack for a long time and sensed that the situation was wrong, instead of summoning the two white flags in the middle to help out, hoping to win the Ming Dynasty in one fell swoop. Army supply camp, thus establishing the huge advantage of the Qing army strategically.

Although the Dorgon brothers have been eyeing their own status all the time, but from a resourceful and strategic point of view, my fourteenth half-brother is indeed far superior to others. If I appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the army , perhaps the current bad situation will not appear.

In any case, for this defeat, someone must be found to take the blame. While demonstrating the authority of the emperor, it can also deter some people and make them put away their other thoughts.

"This battle is unfavorable, and the vanguard will bear the main responsibility! Let's go to Yue Tuo to become the prince's prince, demote to Dorokqin Baylor, and let him lead the two red flags to commit crimes and meritorious deeds! Next, let's discuss the current war. He Liangce can speak boldly!"

 The chapter name originally had armor, but it turned out to be a forbidden word and cannot be used.

  Thank you to all the parents who voted, subscribed, collected and rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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