Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 466: An Interlude During the Northward Advance

Chapter 466: An Interlude During the Northward Advance
In the narrow Kemo Fort, there are only more than two hundred Han households living in Baoyi, and more than a dozen Eight Banners Ding households are in charge of managing them.

The operation to capture Fort Kemo went very smoothly. Under the leadership of their respective teams, the two Ming army soldiers took the fort in less than half an hour. After they were exhausted, the Ye family members of the Eight Banners were all imprisoned.

Zhang Wenyao's troops also encountered a little trouble at the largest Zhenjiang Fort on the way north. After losing more than ten people, they wiped out the more than [-] slaves who stayed inside. The Xianshan Fort, Changmo Fort, Yongdian Fort, and the current Kemo Fort have been conquered.

The forts to the north of Zhenjiang Fort are not large in scale. There may be a few households, or seven or eight households of Eight Banners. The owners are all old or disabled bannermen. Cheng Ding has been ordered to gather in Shengjing Therefore, the resistance encountered by the Ming army was very weak, and no soldiers were killed in battle, only a few people were slightly injured.

The soldiers of the Ming army now also have experience, as long as they break into the fortress, they go straight to a good house with a gate.

No need to ask, it must be the mansion of the banner man’s family, and the Han Chinese Baoyi’s house is Chaimen, and there is a very obvious difference between the two.

After taking Kemo Fort, Zhang Wenyao sent people to get in touch with Liu Guoneng, who was tens of miles away to the west, and then set up the barracks in the north of Kemo Fort, waiting for Liu Guoneng to lead his troops to join him.

Within two days, Liu Guoneng led his troops to Fort Kemo, and in addition to the original subordinates, he also brought nearly a thousand young and strong Han Chinese. Many Han people in Baoyi came out with their families to watch the fun.

"Well, Lao Liu, where did you come from? Why did you bring so many burdens here? How much property did you get this time? It seems that we have to send someone to the place where we hid the treasure last time, and then bury it , this time we got rich!
Er, call all the way here, save some military rations for a change of taste, and distribute the rest to the captured captives, and then tell them that anyone who is willing to go back to Daming should go all the way south and escape to the border of Zhangzi Island. Fortunately, why are you still thinking about expanding the army? "

As the season enters mid-April, the weather gradually heats up, and the south wind blows slowly, making people feel the taste of early summer.

The heat-resistant Zhang Wenyao took off his armor and sat on a chair under the shade of a tree in only a short jacket. He looked around at the soldiers chatting in groups under the shadow of the tent, and asked lazily.

According to the instructions issued by the Ministry of War before the war, every time a fortress was built, the Ming army would coat the local Han people and tell them to bring rations to the Ming army's landing point to assemble, and then let the ships waiting there transport these people to On several islands in the sea, waiting for the court's next move.

The purpose of this is to prevent the Eight Banners from using the coat to continue to work for them in case the Ming army is unfavorable in the Songjin battle.

As long as the Han Chinese leave their coats, the life of the Eight Banners, which is not good at production, will become more and more difficult.

Because the crops in the fields were about to mature for more than a month, many Han people did not want to leave immediately, but wanted to wait until the crops were harvested before leaving, and many Han people even did not want to return to their hometown.

In this regard, the Ming army did not take compulsory measures to order them to leave. After all, the main task of the army is to fight, and they are not interested in wasting too much energy on such things.

"Er Lu thought about it, if we fight Hetuala and then go to Shengjing, our less than 5000 people will not be enough, we should gather more people, maybe it will come in handy, at least to strengthen the momentum.

Uh, Lao Zhang, you came here a few days earlier, why don't you send someone to hunt some wild animals in the surrounding woods for meat?The slaves of this fucking dog, the sheep in those forts have all been driven to Shengjing, and the cattle have to be used by the people to plow the fields. I have not had meat for many days, and an X faded out of my mouth! "

Wearing a gray cloth robe, Liu Guoneng stood with his hands on his hips, staring up at the bird's nest on a tall poplar tree, as if he was about to climb up to carry it.

He led 3000 men under his command to separate from Zhang Wenyao, and walked west all the way first, and then turned to the north, in order to prevent Zhang Wenyao from escaping from the net and report to Liaoyang in the west.

There are several larger castles on his way, such as Shucheng, Tangzhan, Fenghuangcheng, Dadian, etc. Although there are not many Jiannu stationed in them, they are all regular troops, and the resistance is relatively fierce. After more than a hundred casualties, these castles were broken one by one.

"It's up to you! I sent three teams to the nearby forest this morning, and I guess we'll be back soon by the time. We'll be able to eat meat at night, hehehehe!"

Zhang Wenyao smiled triumphantly.

In the early morning, he arranged three teams of 150 people, armed with bows, arrows, firecrackers, and shields, and led them down to the mountain forest in the east under the guidance of a few hunters in the village.

In this era, not to mention the deep mountains and old forests in the Northeast, even the mountains and forests in the Central Plains of the inland area are full of wild animals. Now that there is no concept of animal protection, if there is an organized army to go hunting, those wild animals still run away?
"Old Zhang, you've done a really good job! I'll present you with a bowl tonight! By the way, why didn't you see Jianjun Ye?"

Liu Guoneng smiled at the complacent Zhang Wenyao, winking.

"Old Liu, what are you talking about?! A bowl of respect?! Wahahaha! Old Liu, you insist on it! How did you get it in exchange for it? How much? Where do you put it now?"

Zhang Wenyao sensitively grasped the key words in Liu Guoneng's mouth, sat up straight with his crooked body, opened his eyes, grinned and laughed a few times, and then asked repeatedly.

"Eh, you can't keep your voice down! Why do you ask Ye Jianjun? Isn't it because he is afraid that he will see it? Don't dare to let him know! I'm telling you, a few days ago, I led someone to take down Phoenix City, from a Jian slave A few jars of fine wine were found in the cellar of a rich family, and I was not willing to eat alone, so I kept all of them, just waiting to have a good drink with you!

The wine is hidden in the tent, waiting for the two of us to find a place to have a drink!Hey Hey! "

"Okay, old Liu! Thank you, old Zhang! This f*ck looks like he hasn't had a drink in half his life, but he's so hungry!

By the way, you were asking Jianjun Ye just now, weren't you?He is a nobleman who grew up in the capital, and has never seen what hunting in the mountains looks like. This time he volunteered to lead a team to the mountains.

Well, I have already told those bastards to protect the supervising army well, and now we just wait for the meat at night! "

While speaking, there was a commotion outside the gate of the camp in the distance, and three groups of soldiers who went hunting in the mountains returned to the camp.

Not long after, Ye Tianxian, who was also smug, walked briskly towards the two of them. Two strong soldiers followed behind with a log with a thick bowl on their shoulders. The lower end of the log was tied with a rope. A stout black-haired wild boar with bristles standing up like steel needles, and its body was covered in blood.

"Old Liu, Lao Zhang! Did you see that? This was shot by a certain person himself with a hand gun! It weighs two hundred catties! This is the biggest wild animal caught in this hunting trip! I told you two that this is a certain head Let’s go hunting in the mountains once!”

With a distance of more than ten steps away from the two of them, Ye Tianxian yelled in a voice that was afraid that others would not hear him with an excited face.

(End of this chapter)

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