Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 465 Huang Taiji's Countermeasures

Chapter 465 Huang Taiji's Countermeasures

In fact, Ning Wan and I are in favor of Dorgon's proposal. He also thinks that according to the current situation, the Qing army should take the initiative to withdraw to Shengjing, and then plan other things after rest.

What he said just now was a bit unreasonable, but as a staunch royalist, he had to stand up against Dorgon's suggestion.

Because Huang Taiji's secret dispatch of Li Sutai to discuss peace with Daming belongs to the top-secret category, and no one should know about it. If Dorgon and others find out about this, they will probably use it to make a big fuss, which will lead to internal strife in the Eight Banners , In such a situation, the so-called Qing Dynasty is not far from collapse.

No matter what the future holds, there must be no chaos within the current Qing Dynasty, and there must be only one unquestionable voice to issue orders, and everyone including Dorgon must obey the orders.

"Prince Hui Rui said that now that the emperor has personally led the reinforcements to Songjin, the morale of the army that had been low will rise again. Although the Ming army is strong, its numbers are far inferior to ours. With a huge advantage in numbers, our army If they retreat again, how will they have the courage to fight against the Ming army in the future?
What's more, the emperor already has a strategy to deal with the Ming army. After this battle, the Ming army will not dare to underestimate our Qing Dynasty. At that time, our Qing Dynasty will be able to deal with it calmly according to the specific situation! "

"I don't know how the emperor has a way to deal with the firearms of the Ming people? The servants have racked their brains and haven't come up with a good way. I hope the emperor will enlighten me!"

Shang Kexi at the side saluted in a playful way, and the other people in the tent also looked at Huang Taiji on the throne with hopeful eyes, and the somewhat oppressive atmosphere in the tent also quietly relaxed a lot.

"Hehe, the defeat of the army going south this time is due to the fact that the Ming army has become a strong army, but it is also because our army underestimated the enemy!"

These few words of Huang Taiji resonated strongly with everyone including Dorgon and Azige, and everyone nodded in agreement.

The consecutive defeats of the Qing army actually suffered from ignorance of the new tactics used by the Ming people, and it was too late to make a correct response when they were in battle. Before they could exert their advantages, they were defeated due to excessive casualties.

The previous and next times were all caused by underestimating the enemy. Such a result made Dorgon and others very unconvinced, but after thinking about it, they really couldn't think of a good way to deal with the Ming army. Now I heard that Huang Taiji came up with a good way. So everyone is looking forward to it.

"Ming people are strong in firearms, and I have a lot of firearms in the Qing Dynasty! This time I brought hundreds of cannons. When we are going to fight, we will bombard them with cannons first, disrupt their formation, and then go forward to fight them. As long as they are defeated If my Eight Banners athletes are close to me, the firearms of Ming people will become useless, and then they will be slaughtered by my Eight Banners?"

After thinking about it, Huang Taiji realized that only by using firearms against firearms can the Ming army be restrained, and artillery is the most suitable weapon.

In order to save the defeat, Huang Taiji spent a lot of money this time, and brought almost all the artillery that could be fired loudly to Songjin, preparing to inflict heavy damage on the Ming army.

Although King Sanshun led most of the Han army's soldiers to the south with the army, the Qing army did not plan to fight a tough battle, but planned to focus on the best assault, and the heavy artillery would hinder the mobility of the Qing army. Therefore, more than ten doors have been brought in before, and they have not played much role.

And the hundreds of cannons left by the Han army flag in Shengjing are on the way to be transported by tens of thousands of coats. Under fine weather conditions, they can reach the front line of brocade delivery in less than ten days.

These hundreds of cannons are the confidence of Huang Taiji to promote peace through war. If used properly, these cannons may become a turning point in this battle.

"Your majesty is worthy of being the hero of the world! The slaves only thought of bombarding the fortifications with artillery, why didn't they think of directly using artillery to attack infantry? When all the artillery of the Qing Dynasty gathers, we must ask the Ming army to try it!"

Kong Youde slapped his head, pretending to have suddenly realized, and said with an annoyed expression on his face.

Many of the artillery of the Eight Banners were brought by him from Dengzhou back then, and later Huang Taiji ordered the captured Chinese craftsmen to imitate many of them.

Kong Youde also thought of the tactic of bombarding the Ming army's infantry with artillery, but because of consecutive defeats, everyone wanted to retreat quickly to prevent the Ming army from making dumplings. the back of the head.

"We have artillery, but Ming people don't have it? According to my observation, the Ming people's artillery is more powerful, has a longer range, and a faster rate of fire than our artillery. What's more, there are not many gunners in the Han army flag, and hundreds of cannons Thousands of gunners are needed to operate, where do we have so many gunners?
What's more, we don't have much storage for gunpowder. If we finish shooting this time, these cannons will become scrap copper and rotten iron. How will they be used in the future? "

Amidst the praises of everyone in the tent, Dorgon's words were like a bucket of ice water being poured down, and the big tent became quiet again.

With Dorgon's wisdom, can he not think of the strategies that Huang Taiji and Kong Youde can think of to defeat the enemy?But it was precisely because of the above reasons that he felt that even mobilizing artillery from the rear would be useless.

"Prince Rui's worries are not unreasonable, but as things stand now, the only way out is to fight with the majesty of our Eight Banners in the first battle. The lack of gunners is not a big deal. Just fill the gunpowder projectiles of each cannon in advance before going into battle. , the gunner fires one door and looks for an opportunity to go to the next one to cast, so that the rate of fire can be increased just right.

As for the lack of gunpowder, it doesn't matter. This time, I brought all the gunpowder stored in Shengjing to Songjin. The total amount is about tens of thousands of catties, which is enough for the war.As for the source of gunpowder in the future, it will not be a problem. After the army returns to Shengjing, it will immediately send troops to North Korea to search. There should be a lot of gunpowder in such a huge North Korea! "

Huang Taiji, who had fully considered this, slowly spoke out the solution.

After Dorgon heard the words, he remained silent, as he acquiesced to Huang Taiji's arrangement and arrangement.

Although Liangbaiqi has always regarded Huang Taiji as his strong enemy, sometimes Dorgon also admires his starling very much.

It is true that the current Qing Dynasty was brought down by the old Khan Nurhachi, but since Huang Taiji ascended the throne and established the country, the entire Jianzhou has been in a good upward trend in all aspects, whether it is the military or the establishment and rationalization of the official system, it is better Nurhachi made great strides while alive.

All this is due to Huang Taiji's relatively long-term strategic vision and arrangements. Dorgon asked himself, if he sat on the throne of emperor, he might not be able to do better than Huang Taiji.

Let's bear with it, judging from the recent news, my starling dragged his sick body and forced himself to come here, and it seemed that he hadn't lived for a few years.

When Lao Bayi closes his eyes, the throne will not allow that brave, violent, and cruel Hauge to sit on the throne. If he becomes emperor, not only the two white flags will suffer, but the whole Qing Dynasty will also suffer. To put it bluntly, if he is a little careless, the fate of the Qing Dynasty can be ruined in his hands.

Just when Huang Taiji decided on the strategy to deal with the Ming army, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao's two departments took ten days to complete the cleanup of several castles south of Hetuala.After exchanging their voices, the two changed their original plan and led their troops to meet up at Kemo Fort on the south bank of the Yalu River. They planned to take a short rest before heading to Hetuala, which is more than [-] miles away.

 Thanks to Venus for the graphics card reward.In history, when the Eight Banners entered the customs, there were thousands of various artillery pieces. Considering the changes brought about by the traversers, a number of several hundred pieces was given.

(End of this chapter)

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