Chapter 469
As the two thick gates of the village were slowly opened from the inside by Ye Bushou, the 200 Ming troops who had been waiting outside poured into the city under the leadership of Liu Guoneng, and then Zhang Wenyao led [-] people into the city and walked along the wall of the village. Kill to the southwest.

"Sun Kui! Is there any serious injury? Where's the doctor? Come quickly!"

Liu Guoneng, who rushed into the city, spotted Sun Kui sitting on the ground with a pale face at a glance, and beside him was a long spear with blood on the tip, and a Ye Bushou was undoing his armor.

"It's okay, my grandson's life is tight!"

Sun Kui forced a smile and then replied weakly.

A team doctor carrying a medicine box hurried over, followed by two young and strong apprentices. Seeing that Sun Kui could still reply, Liu Guoneng knew that there should be no serious injuries, so he led the team along the road. The street rushed to the northeast, shouting in the mouth: "Good health and healing, I will give you two credits!"

At this time, it was around Yin time, the sky was already bright, and there were a few gunshots from the south of the city. It seemed that Zhang Wenyao's team had encountered resistance.

But before Liu Guoneng led the team to find the military camp that Sun Kui had discovered, on the spacious street hundreds of steps ahead, a group of about a hundred Qing troops came from the north to kill the Ming army.

"Swords and shields step forward! The grenadiers prepare their ammunition, the gunners are in three rows, and the pikemen are behind! After one round of bombing, the front row falls to the ground! Formation!"

Seeing that there were at least a dozen archers in the rushing Qing army, Liu Guoneng immediately ordered loudly.

Twenty sword and shield fighters stepped forward and lined up in four rows on the street wide enough to accommodate five or six people. The front row shielded their own vital points, and the back row raised their shields upwards to prevent the Qing army's archers from throwing fire. , Five grenadiers squatted under the last row of sword and shield soldiers, standing up and throwing at any time. Under the cover of two personal soldiers holding shields, Liu Guoneng watched the movements of the Qing army through the gaps in the shields.

Just after the Ming army lined up, the Qing army on the opposite side had already rushed to a distance of more than a hundred paces. Niu Luzhang Jing, who was at the front, yelled, and the infantry holding knives, guns, hammers and axes stopped to adjust their breathing. The famous archer walked forward quickly.

Due to the occlusion of the shields, the Qing army could not observe the lineup of the Ming army in the back row. They could only see a dense cluster of spears erected behind them, but they did not find any long-distance lethal weapons.In the voice of a strong man shouting orders, these twenty or so archers boldly approached to a distance of more than [-] steps from the Ming army, preparing to attack the Ming army in the back row by lobbing.

Such a short distance is already the limit distance that archers can reach when the two armies are facing each other, because if they get closer, they will face the danger of being rushed up and beheaded by the shieldmen of the Ming army. This distance is relatively safe, even if The Ming saber players rushed forward, and the archers could also quickly turn around and evacuate.

There were originally 2000 Zhenghuang Banner Qing soldiers who stayed in Hetuala to guard the Qing ancestor's mausoleum, led by Jia Lazhangjing. The [-] troops were to guard the mausoleum, and to deter the Koreans who were only separated by the Yalu River. The third is to guard against the birth of Jurchen in the forest in the north.

However, since the Qing army successively attacked the surrounding disobedience, these 2000 people have been in a state of doing nothing for most of the years.

After receiving the troop transfer order issued by Huang Taiji more than ten days ago, that Jialazhangjing immediately led most of the Qing army to Shengjing, leaving only Niu Luzhangjing Datler and 300 people to stay here.

Seeing that the archers were in position, Datler immediately yelled and led the adjusted infantry forward in strides, preparing to launch an assault on the Ming army after the archers shot about ten long arrows.

Early this morning, Datler, who was sleeping soundly in the barracks, was suddenly awakened by the sound of dogs barking in the city. The habit he had developed in the battle for many years made him immediately realize that something was wrong. While calling the guards to help him put on the armor, Datler He ordered the soldiers around him to go out to investigate the situation, and the whole army gathered in armor to prepare for battle.

Although he did not see the Ming army breaking into the city with his own eyes, Datler came to a conclusion from the barking of various hounds in the city: the visitors were not good.

It is impossible for wild beasts to climb over the wall and enter the city. Those who brought the Qing army into the city while they were asleep must be enemies, and there were quite a few of them.

Is it Korean?


Not to mention that the army had only left for about ten days, the North Koreans would not know the news for a while, and even if they knew, they would not dare to touch the tiger's buttocks when Hetuala's troops were empty.

Those North Korean soldiers were totally vulnerable, not even the Ming army.

The only possibility is to give birth to Jurchen.

Although the number of these brutal Jurchen tribes is small, all the adult males in the tribe are strong fighters in hand-to-hand combat. Although the Eight Banners will send troops into the mountains to sweep up these tribes every once in a while, they are extremely vigilant. These savages often fled before the arrival of the army, and when the Qing army withdrew in vain, they returned after confirming their safety.

The reason why these tribes are unwilling to stay away from Jianzhou is that they can use their prey, leather goods, Dongzhu mountain ginseng and other items in exchange for daily necessities such as food, salt, iron pot, etc. from the Eight Banners or Han Army Banners.

Over the years, many tribes have had to go to Jianzhou, but there are still many Jurchen tribes who do not want to be restrained in the mountains to the north. They often send hard-covered warriors to attack the small village where the Han people lived. Escaping into the deep mountains, the Eight Banners also had a severe headache from top to bottom for these savages.

Just when Dattler thought his judgment was accurate and his nerves were extremely tense, the sound of gunfire from a distance made him quickly deny the conclusion he had just drawn.

The enemy is definitely not the Jurchen, even the arrows used by those savages are only bone arrows, where did they get the firecrackers?

Really Korean?
Do these pig and dog-like guys know how to live or die?
At this moment, the soldiers who went out to investigate hurriedly returned, and sent back a news that stunned him for a moment: the east gate had fallen, and the Ming army entered the city. There were hundreds of them, and they were heading towards the barracks. Come!

Ming army?

Where did the Ming army come from?

Since Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang Town was completely destroyed, there has been no trace of the Ming army in Liaodong for several years. Where did this Ming army come from?

Datler had no time to think about it, and he immediately issued an order based on the information returned by the sentry: he led 100 people to face the Ming army from north to south, and a strong man led 100 people out of the camp to the west and then to the south of the city to flank the Ming army. , the remaining 100 people went to several other village gates to see if there were any traces of the Ming army, and defended the gates by the way.

Datler ordered that the Ming army entering the city must be completely strangled within a quarter of an hour.

His current thoughts are the same as those of all the Qing troops before. The Ming army is the lamb waiting to be slaughtered. No matter how many Ming troops enter the city, the three hundred Zhenghuangqi warriors under his command are enough to defeat them.

After the fight, you must ask the captives where they came from.

Seeing that the archers were about to finish shooting the long arrows in the quiver, the Ming army on the opposite side was screaming, and several sword and shield players in the front row fell down. When the formation was a little loose, Datler held up The flail in his hand shouted loudly: "Rush in ten steps! Kill Minggou! Let's go!"

 Thanks for don't want to say anything, Sisilove2008, Lin Lingsu 2018 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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