Chapter 470
Although there was a shield covering the front, the more than two hundred heavy arrows shot by the archers of the Qing army in a short period of time still caused a lot of casualties to the Ming army in the rear.

Under nearly ten rounds of arrow rain, about forty people were either killed on the spot, or lost their combat effectiveness after being hit by long arrows. Even the sword and shield players in the front row were shot by bows and arrows.

In the Qing army, there were several archers with good archery skills. After several rounds of volley, they shot the long arrows in their hands in a direct way. The torsos or limbs of several sword and shield players.

With the fall of several sword and shield fighters, gaps appeared in the originally dense shield formation. Fortunately, the grenadiers squatting under the last row of shields were not affected, and the five grenadiers held burning guns in one hand Holding the matchlock tightly in one hand, he looked sideways at Liu Guoneng, waiting nervously for the order to throw it.

Hearing the screams from his subordinates behind him, and the groaning after being hit by the arrow, Liu Guoneng's expression did not change at all.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to the instant life and death on the battlefield, and his heart has become as hard as a stone.

When the rain of arrows gradually thinned out, someone from the Qing army on the opposite side yelled a few incomprehensible words. The tall Liu Guoneng looked forward through the gap between the two shields. Several strong-armed archers are still drawing their bows and shooting arrows, but they are obviously at the end of their strength, while the infantry of the Qing army has approached from dozens of steps away to a distance of about [-] steps, and the few heavy armored soldiers in the front are already ready to charge .



These two orders came out of Liu Guoneng's mouth almost in no particular order.

The moment they heard the order, the five grenadiers blew the matchsticks that were as bright as incense sticks almost at the same time, and after igniting the thunder fuze, they quickly got up. Lei threw it out, and then the grenadiers fell forward to the ground along with the shield bearers in the front row.

It was too late for Liu Guoneng to see the effect of the Zhentianlei explosion, and he quickly lay down on the ground together with the two soldiers around him, revealing the three rows of gunners who were already in shooting positions.

Datler, who is wearing three layers of heavy armor, is ready to take the lead in the charge. With a dozen steps away, he will use the heavy flail in his hand to smash the formation of the Ming army's shield-hands, and then the following red-armored soldiers will use their maces to attack. Hitting the Ming army with sticks, tiger guns, and heavy hammers in turn, often completely defeated the Ming army in an instant, and the rest was for the armored soldiers behind to chase and kill the defeated enemy army.

However, at this moment, a few black objects suddenly flew over from the opposite Ming army shield formation. Datler was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned sideways to avoid it, and the footsteps that were just about to speed up were also slightly stagnant , several red armored soldiers around him reacted the same way as him.

Just after the few black objects passed over Datler's head, the Ming army in front of him suddenly made an unbelievable movement: more than [-] people suddenly rushed forward and lay down on the ground ?


"Are these bright dogs going to surrender before they fight?"

While Datler and the red armored soldiers in the front row were stunned, they saw more than [-] black muzzles facing them thirty paces away.

Immediately afterwards, there were several booming explosions suddenly sounded behind Datler, and then Datler saw the white gunpowder smoke slowly rising from the opposite side, and the bean-popping sound was replaced by the violent explosion. overwhelmed.

Datler only felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen, as if some sharp object suddenly penetrated into his body, the internal organs seemed to be turned and moved, a stream of liquid mixed with several solids rushed out of the esophagus To his mouth and nasal cavity, the originally tightly closed lips suddenly opened wide involuntarily, and a large stream of blood and minced meat sprayed out casually, and his body suddenly seemed to be emptying the ground grain bag, slowly fatigued. On the ground, the horror, despair, unwillingness and doubt on his face condensed into his last expression in this world.

Two pieces of lead shredded the three layers of heavy armor that Dartler was always proud of, and got into his body. The lead, eager to find the exit, could not get out through the body, so it could only use huge kinetic energy to break through the body. It went on a rampage, tearing apart anything that stood in its way, and didn't stop until its kinetic energy was exhausted.

The three rows of musketeers quickly fired the muskets and immediately moved aside. Liu Guoneng, who was lying on the ground, stood up quickly with his hands on the ground, drew his sword out of its sheath and shouted sideways: "On the spear!"

At this time, the Qing army on the opposite side was in a mess.

Although the five thunderbolts only caused more than [-] casualties of the Qing army, the huge explosion and the choking smoke, mixed with bloody stumps and broken arms, and the flesh and blood all over the ground, all these All of them brought an unparalleled first sense and auditory shock to the Qing army who had never seen the power of thunder.

Datler and several red-armored soldiers in the front row had been knocked down by more than [-] rounds of bullets, and the Qing army following them was blown away by the shocking thunder. Only five or six Ming soldiers were left in front. Some Qing troops were at a loss, and behind them were corpses and wounded all over the ground.

Taking advantage of this gap, forty Ming army spearmen lined up in five rows, passed through the gap of the sword and shield fighters evading to the side, and rushed towards the Qing army on the opposite side in unison. The spearman had leveled his spear.

The few red-armored soldiers who were not injured by the thunder and fire guns had come to their senses at this time, and had to admit that the soldiers of the Eight Banners were indeed brave. There was still no fear of the Ming army's spears approaching, and the few people didn't even communicate with each other, so they raised their weapons and responded without saying a word.

The so-called one inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous. The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of weapon are now fully distinguished.


Although these red-armored soldiers' personal martial arts are far superior to the Ming army's spearmen, before they could fight hand-to-hand, the eight long spears in the front row stabbed out neatly amidst the order of the team leader, and the soldiers in the second row Eight spears also shot out from the shoulders of the soldiers in the first row.

In the blink of an eye, several bloody holes were pierced on the bodies of these red armored soldiers. As the spearmen withdrew their blood-stained spear points one after another, several red armored soldiers fell to the ground and died.

This small team of the Ming army is exactly Li Dingguo.

His company of fifty men was placed as a commando behind the musketeers, and became the vanguard of the five hundred soldiers.

Just now, the bows and arrows of the Qing army caused casualties to ten of his soldiers. Li Dingguo was lucky not to be shot by the bows and arrows because he was standing on the far right side of the front row near the house.


Seeing that the Qing army on the opposite side had woken up from the short-term chaos and had already greeted the Ming army, Li Dingguo raised his bloody spear and gave an order.

 Thanks to pj2004 and Shanshanzhong for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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