Chapter 494
"Why is Mr. Ge here? Could it be that there is some happy event? Companion, show Mr. Ge a seat!"

Zhu Youjian looked at the beaming Wen Tiren with a smile and asked.

Apart from the ongoing war outside the pass recently, the overall situation in the court is fairly stable.Although there are still reports of drought and flood disasters in various places, after the imperial court allocated money and food in time and sent important officials to the disaster-stricken areas to supervise the disaster relief, these disasters did not cause bad consequences.

"Your Majesty is indeed as insightful as a torch, haha! Reporting back to Your Majesty, there is indeed a happy event! Last winter and this spring, the method of increasing farmland yields implemented by Sinong Temple in Daxing County, Shuntian Prefecture has achieved results. It is now the time of summer harvest. According to Xiao Erkan reported that the crops in the field are thick and the grains are full, which are much better than those in the adjacent fields. If there is no accident, the yield per mu of this experimental field should be much higher than that of ordinary fields!"

Wen Tiren returned with a salute, a wrinkled face filled with a heartfelt smile.

Old Wen is happy because of the increase in grain production, and because his son Wen Kan is expected to benefit from it.

As the Chief Assistant of the Ming Dynasty, Wen Tiren naturally thought that the treasury and local warehouses would be full of food, and that the people would be able to eat every meal. This kind of thinking had nothing to do with being a corrupt or honest official, it was purely a matter of personal cultivation and position.

Ever since they decided to present practical results as soon as possible to comfort the sacred heart, and at the same time make the villains who find faults give up, the whole group of Sinong Temple really tried their best to show it.

Shaoqing Zhou Junshan and Song Yingxing, apart from being busy with their duties, usually go to Daxing County whenever they have time, and go to the fields to check and inquire about the specific situation after the implementation of the new measures, and make improvements based on the farmers' responses.

As the Chancellor of Sinong Temple, Wen Kan is even more hands-on, focusing on increasing production. Sometimes, in order to facilitate the development of related affairs, Wen Kan will even live in Daxing County for more than ten days, and he will bring his subordinates with him on weekdays. Officials are busy in various experimental fields in order to obtain the most direct data, find out problems from them and try to solve them.

Zhao Yuncong, the magistrate of Daxing County, is naturally a sensible person. As long as Wen Kan is in Daxing, Zhao Yuncong will accompany him whenever he is free. With the help of this local Bailihou, Wen Kan can save a lot of trouble .In their spare time, the two often get together to drink and compose poems, and the relationship between them also heats up rapidly.

In order to support Wen Kan's work, Wen Tiren provided him with various conveniences from various aspects, whether it was the cost of digging wells and repairing canals and talents, or the allocation of various new farm tools for the military supervision, etc., Wen Tiren used the capital of the first assistant The functions and powers are given priority to be used by Sinong Temple.

Seeing Liberty's pampered and pampered son running around the fields all day long, and his complexion darkened even under the sun and wind, Wen Tiren felt very relieved in his heart. With Lin'er in the family, even if he became an official, the Wen family would not decline quickly.

"Oh? It's really good news! Let's go, Mr. Ge will accompany me to see it!"

Because he has been thinking about the progress of the war outside the customs, Zhu Youjian has not paid too much attention to other things for several months. Hearing what Wen Tiren said, he suddenly remembered that the summer harvest has come, and the season has come to the grass. Suddenly, the 11th year of Chongzhen It's already halfway through.

The sun is shining brightly and the days are long

Eye-catching Tianchou pan-wheat fragrance

Farmers busy day and night with summer harvest

Looking forward to returning to the warehouse after a year of hard work
When Zhu Youjian, who was wearing a green cloth straight gown, a net scarf on his head, and black thin-soled boots, stood on the edge of the endless farmland with his hands behind his back, looking at the farmers who were sweating and busy harvesting in the fields under the scorching sun, he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. Thousands.

A wave of heat hit, and the golden wheat fields almost covered the entire field, and a few verdant trees stood in the field, adding a bit of life to the slightly monotonous countryside.

The peaceful and stable scene in front of me is completely different from the history of the previous life. After all, my arrival has completely changed the fate of many ordinary people. Living in abject poverty without a single meal, the people will quickly adapt to this sense of steadfastness and make this feeling a habit now that the administration of officials has been initially improved.

Living and working in peace and contentment will be a normal state, and prosperity and well-being will come in the not-too-distant future. All of this has changed because of my arrival, but this is just the beginning. Let the Chinese nation lead the world in all aspects, This is the mission and responsibility that I have traveled through.

"The humble ministers Zhou Junshan, Song Yingxing, and Wen Kan are meeting the Holy One!"

"My minister Zhao Yuncong, magistrate of Daxing County, sees the Holy One!"

When Zhu Youjian came to Daxing for field inspection before leaving the palace in micro-clothes, Wang Chengen quickly sent someone to inform the relevant people, and when the car escorting the emperor was ready to stop, Zhu Youjian changed into casual clothes and boarded the special four-wheeled carriage. Zhou Junshan and others were already on their way to Daxing County, while Wen Kan, who had been in Daxing since the wheat was about to ripen, was waiting in the field.

Because Zhu Youjian had issued a decree before that, except for Zhengdan and other grand court gatherings, the ministers did not need to kneel down to salute, so Zhou Junshan and others bowed deeply to the ground and saluted.

"Zhu Qing, today I heard the old man's words that the experimental field will have a good harvest, and I am so happy that I want to see it with my own eyes. Zhu Qing is diligent in official duties, and it is hard work!"

Under the yellow umbrella held by a tall and burly general, Zhu Youjian waved his hands and said with a smile.

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, the position of the post should not be praised by the Holy Majesty! Under such a scorching sun, the Holy Majesty did not fear the scorching heat and went to the countryside in person. The ministers are all very grateful! Please also move the Holy Majesty to take a rest under the shed and wait for the harvest to be completed. Yes. Since the Holy Majesty was not there, the old ministers and others have not been carefully arranged, and the conditions are really simple, so please don’t blame the Holy Majesty!"

After Zhou Junshan finished speaking, he bowed to invite Zhu Youjian with a smile, and while walking first towards a row of tied straw huts beside the field, he said: "I don't like extravagance, so the rural taste can make the ancients return to the basics and return to the original." Meaning. Zhou Qing, how long has it been since the farmer opened the scythe? How long will it take for the harvest to be completed? What is the estimated yield per mu?"

Coming from the scorching sun and rolling heat waves to the thatched shed, the heat suddenly disappeared. After Zhu Youjian walked to the dragon chair set up by the guards and sat down, Wang Chengen handed him a jade bowl containing iced sour plum soup. over here.

The long grass shed extends out to both ends for a few miles. Zhu Youjian and others are located in the middle of the grass shed, and the other sides are placed with large buckets, small buckets, dendrobium, etc. for weighing. Weighing equipment, there is a wide and flat ground outside the thatched shed, and a group of agricultural tools for wheat threshing, such as wooden flails, stone flails, and Luke that can roll on the ground, are placed on the edge.

And those low-ranking officials from Sinong Temple and Daxing County have long been driven by the guards to the edge of the thatched shed, and they all stood on tiptoe and stretched their necks to look at Zhu Youjian, talking and guessing who it was. .

"Returning to Your Majesty, Sicheng Wen is the most familiar with the relevant affairs here. Since last winter, Sicheng Wen has been traveling between the Daxing capital for more than half of the day. It was really hard work during this period. Can Your Majesty allow Sicheng Wen to come forward and answer?"

Zhou Junshan hurriedly bowed and saluted and replied.

He knew very well in his heart, firstly, Wen Kan did pay the most for the experimental field, and his father who was the chief assistant came with him today, this credit cannot be buried.

Second, as long as the grain income in the experimental field increases today, then as the actual leader of Sinong Temple, I will not be able to get away with the credit. When Zhengqing's seat is vacated, he will be promoted logically, and Shaoqing's seat will be taken over by Wen Kan.

That being the case, why not sell Shoufu a favor?

So after hearing Zhu Youjian's questioning, he directly gave the credit to Wen Kan and pushed the first assistant son out.

(End of this chapter)

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