Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 495 Harvest in sight

Chapter 495 Harvest in sight
"Wen Qing looks like my father! Just now Zhou Qing said that most of the matters related to the experimental field are handled by you. Looking at your complexion and behavior, I know that what he said is true. Wen Qing really put his heart into this matter. Waiting for the behavior is indeed a model for the world's officials!"

Zhu Youjian looked at Wen Kan who looked exactly like Wen Tiren in front of him and said with emotion.

Wen Kan's complexion is not only dark and rough, Zhu Youjian keenly captured the black mud in his fingernails, the straw sticks on the hem of the blue official robe, and the mud on the uppers of his official boots when he saluted just now. All these fully show that the son of the Chief Assistant is indeed a doer with his own hands, and this is what Zhu Youjian appreciates the most.

"Don't dare to be the words of praise from the sage, since the minister has been promoted by the sage, he should share the worries of the sage, work for the court, and relieve the people's difficulties!
The humble minister is just doing his duty, and if he has made some contributions this time, it is not the work of the minister alone.

The two young ministers of our department have also expended a lot of energy on this matter, and they often urge the humble minister to put more effort into this matter, and the minister is naturally willing to accept the order.What's more, the county magistrate of Daxing obeyed all the orders of the imperial court and cooperated with every effort in everything. The envoys did not feel the slightest delay when they were busy in daily life. The achievements here are also the fruit of unity!

I would like to report to the Holy Majesty, before the arrival of the Holy Car, I ordered the harvesting to start at the time of Mao. The minister will harvest ten acres on each side, and it is estimated that the harvest will be completed in less than half an hour. The yield per mu has not yet been estimated, after all, I have never been in touch with it before. over farming.

The field in front of Shengshang, the south is the land controlled by the farmers themselves, with a total of 32 households and 560 mu; the north is the experimental field created by the Si Nong Temple, which is under the joint control of the Si Nong Temple and Daxing County. 28 households with 480 mu of land were selected for testing.

The experiment is nothing more than that according to the items contained in the "Nongzheng Quanshu" written by the former Xu Ge Department of this dynasty, after the wheat was sown and seedlings emerged, watering, fertilization, weeding, thinning, Insect removal: In order to show fairness, the number of wells drilled in the fields on both sides is the same, one deep well per [-] mu. However, the land for self-planting by farmers in the south is still dominated by flood irrigation and intermittent fertilization and thinning, while the experimental field must be regular. many. "

Although it was the first time to face the saint, Wen Kan faced the emperor and several senior officials without any hesitation, and gave an overview of what he had done in one breath, while Zhu Youjian nodded slightly while listening .

It can be seen that Wen Kan not only tried his best on this matter, but also put his heart into it. Except for the official tradition of including everyone as usual, the rest of what he said was fairly detailed.

For an aristocrat who has never been in contact with farming, and maybe even set foot in the fields, this is a very rare style. I believe that as long as Wen Kan can persevere in the long run, his future future will not be too bad.

"Big Companion, I'll give each of you Qing family a cold drink to cool off the heat, and show the elders a seat!"

After Zhu Youjian gave an order, Wang Chengen turned around and left. He secretly organized his words in his mind and then said: "Sinong Temple has worked hard from top to bottom, worked hard, and focused on its own duties. I am very pleased; Among them, Wen Qing paid the most. It can be seen that Ge's family style and family style are rigorous. Just now, there are such elites who have inherited their father's career. I am really gratified for Ge Lao.

I hope that Wen Qing can have perseverance, no matter what position he holds, he will start well and end well. If so, I believe that the imperial court will not bury talents!

Now I want to say something to Mr. Ge: With this son, Mr. Ge will have no regrets! "

"Thank you, old minister, for your praise! I was fortunate enough to meet a wise king, so I did my best to help my highness achieve my wish. Now that I am old, I am fortunate to have the wise eyes of my sage, and I have promoted my son and court, so that I can replace this old minister for me. To be loyal to the emperor, to serve the imperial court, and to benefit all the people is really a great honor for a dog! The minister will teach him with his heart, so that he will guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and always maintain the perseverance of doing things with heart. In this way, this life is enough for a veteran! "

How could Wen Tiren fail to understand the meaning of Zhu Youjian's words?
The emperor would definitely not say in a big way: "Old Wen, your son is good, and the future depends on me. Such simple and direct words would not come from the mouth of an emperor."

And Zhu Youjian's statement is very obvious, as long as Wen Kan keeps doing things like this, the future will be bright.

After a while, several young eunuchs brought several cups of iced sour plum soup, and everyone present took them in fear and sips, while Wen Kan held the sour plum soup in one hand, turned around and directed towards the distance. The subordinates who were watching here made a gesture.

Wen Tiren sat down and smiled with sour plum soup: "My lord, if the effect of increasing the production of Sinong Temple is significant, I suggest that Sinong Temple compile and print its method into a thin booklet, and distribute it to the local governments of Ming Dynasty. The chiefs and chiefs of each village and town attended the meeting in batches. After the selected officials made clear explanations on the spot, they were ordered to return to their hometowns and paid to guide the farmers to practice.

Although this may not be implemented in every township, village, and household, if half, or even some, of the farmers follow the rules, then our Daming’s grain production will also increase significantly. The Holy One wants to make the people of the world free from hunger and suffocation My wish will be one step closer, and if things go on like this, my emperor's prosperity can be expected, hehehehe! "

"The elder cabinet's suggestion is very good! After seeing the results later, if the harvest is very good as expected, after returning to Beijing, the cabinet can start to handle the matter!
I want to use ten years of strength to make the people of the world have enough food and clothing, and no longer suffer from cold, cold and hunger. This first step must be taken steadily, and only then will there be a better vision for the follow-up.I hope that Sinong Temple can play a leading and promoting role in it, and today is the first step! "

While he was talking, there was a sound of scolding from a distance, and Zhu You saw that it was a few guards who stopped a person dressed as a petty official and were about to drive him away.

Wen Kan took a sip of the sour plum soup and went forward to salute: "Qizou Shengshang, my minister just ordered his subordinates to go to the field and pulled two handfuls of wheat ears over, while asking Shengshang to distinguish the difference between the two. It was blocked by the relatives in the palace!"

After Zhu Youjian heard the words, he waved his hand, and Cheng Qianli whistled behind him, and the guards quickly moved away, and the little official whose legs were weak from fright came over staggeringly.

Wen Kan went forward to meet him, and after hearing the words to comfort him a few words, the little official turned around with two ears of wheat in his hands, and the little official retreated into the group of officials with a happy face.

Wen Kan approached and bowed to present two handfuls of wheat ears, Wang Chengen stepped forward to take them and handed them to Zhu Youjian.

In fact, there is no need to distinguish carefully, a normal person can tell at a glance that there is a very obvious difference between the two ears of wheat.

One of the wheat straws is thicker, and the wheat ears and awns are bigger than the other one. Zhu Youjian observed carefully and found that there is also a big difference in the fullness of the grains of the two wheat ears. It can be seen which side is the wheat grown in the experimental field led by Si Nongsi.

"Good! Good! Although I have never done farming, I can still tell which kind of wheat grows better! In this way, the experimental field has been successful! Just wait until later to see how much the average wheat field yields. up!
This matter really makes me very happy!The upper and lower parts of Sinong Temple, including Daxing County, have made a great contribution!After I return to Beijing, I will decree to reward you! "

 Thanks to Venus for the graphics card reward.

(End of this chapter)

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