Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 497 Good News Comes

Chapter 497 Good News Comes
Zheng Zhilong's inscription was sent along with the Zheng family's fleet of grain transporters.

Since Zheng Zhilong became Boss, the Zheng family fleet has been continuously purchasing indica rice from Siam, Cochin, Champa, Chenla and Srivijaya and transporting it to Tianjin Wei port.

In the past three years, the Zheng family has successively transported about 150 million shi of rice to the capital, plus the millions of shi of grain transported from the Grand Canal every year by Huguang, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. There are large-scale refugees, and based on this alone, the reward of Earl Zheng Zhilong's seat is very worthwhile, even worth the money.

Zheng Zhilong stated in the inscription that the special envoys of the Netherlands and Spain came here for Taiwan. They asked the three countries to demarcate a region and jointly manage Taiwan.

In the tenth year of Chongzhen, the Ming army on Taiwan Island wiped out the [-] Dutch infantrymen who invaded. This shocked and saddened Putman, the supreme officer of the Netherlands stationed on Taiwan Island, and Pahlavit, the representative of the East India Company. The power of force has a new understanding.

Eight hundred brave generals and soldiers, armed with field cannons and heavy muskets, were defeated by the Ming army, who they regarded as natives, and the entire army was wiped out, with no survivors. What would happen to the Ming army? A terrifying existence?

The news that the Dutch army did not survive is that the Zheng family fleet sent people to notify Putman and Pahlavit, and also informed the two that because of the high temperature in Taiwan, the bodies of the Dutch soldiers had been buried in a large In the pit, even the ashes cannot be brought back to the motherland.

Such heavy casualties occurred, and Putman felt both remorse and sadness.

I regretted that I should not have listened to the words of that reckless man Van Dyke, and ruined the lives of [-] soldiers in vain; the sad thing is that this incident was reported back to China, and my good days in Taiwan Island were coming to an end. Soon someone will replace him.

In the past five years in Taiwan, his family has prospered by monopolizing the white sugar business along the coast of Fujian. With the gradual expansion of the sugarcane planting area on Taiwan Island, Putman thought that he could continue to make a fortune in the future. His chances of making a fortune were suddenly cut off.

That damned Van Dyck!Go to hell!

After suppressing his frustration, Putman briefly discussed with Pahlavit, who had little to do with this matter, and decided that Pahlavi should immediately return to the Netherlands on a merchant ship and report to the senior officials of the Dutch government. Make a detailed explanation on the before and after of this matter, and then wait for the senior officials to make a response and ruling, while he continues to stay on Taiwan Island to wait for news.

Due to the sudden loss of more than half of the entire garrison's strength, although the defensive firepower of both Utrecht Fort and Zeelandia City is very strong, but because of the fear of a strong attack by the Ming army whose details are unknown, Putman still ordered each fort to The city has stepped up its vigilance, and Dutch civilians also minimize the time they spend outside the city to guard against sudden attacks by Ming people.

The reason why the Spaniards came to join in the fun this time was purely because they wanted to take the opportunity to share the interests of the Netherlands in East Asia after hearing that the Dutch had lost a lot on Taiwan Island.They did not feel any guilt or guilt about the massacre in Manila, and they believed that this matter had nothing to do with the Ming court, because in the eyes of the Spaniards, the Han people in Manila were not Ming people.

In fact, not only the Spaniards think so, their view is even more popular in the Ming Dynasty, and it is the most common among court officials.

Because most of these Daming people living or residing in the Philippines and other South Asian countries escaped from Daming.

Since the closure of the sea during the Taizu period, a large number of people engaged in fishery-related industries in Fujian and Guangdong fled their homeland with their families and fled to the Nanyang area by boat.

This situation eased with the relaxation of the sea ban in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, but it still happened from time to time. These people were regarded as defectors who avoided taxes by the government, and they were not regarded as their own flesh and blood at all.

In addition to the massacre of Han Chinese mentioned by Zheng Zhilong, this is the second time the Spaniards have committed such a horrific incident in Manila.

In the massacre of Han Chinese in Manila during the Wanli period, as many as [-] Han Chinese died under the butcher knife of the Spanish army. After the Wanli Emperor learned about it, he directly sent back the message to the businessman Zhang Ni as "deceiving the imperial court and provoking overseas conflicts." "Beheaded in the name of ", and only ordered the governor of Fujian to issue a document to reprimand the Spaniards.

In this matter, Wanli is not as good as Zheng Chenggong.

In the original history, after learning of the second massacre by the Spaniards, Zheng Chenggong sent someone to write a letter to the Spanish Governor in the Philippines, condemning his crime of killing and plundering overseas Chinese, and strictly ordering him to correct his sins, otherwise he would send troops to conquer in person.

Faced with Zheng Chenggong's threat, the Spaniards carried out the third massacre of overseas Chinese instead.After hearing the news, Zheng Chenggong paid for the overseas Chinese who had fled to Taiwan, and at the same time organized and prepared an army to fight against the Spaniards. As a result, the island of the Philippines was once again in turmoil, and everyone was in danger.

At that time, the Dutch were also threatening the position of the Spaniards in the Philippines, and the Filipinos on the island frequently rebelled against the rulers. The Spanish colonists felt helpless and were ready to evacuate at any time.

However, civil strife broke out before Zheng Chenggong sent troops, and Zheng Chenggong died of illness soon.His son Zheng Jing continued to govern Taiwan and sent people to negotiate with the Spanish colonial authorities.It is said that Zheng Jing prepared to conquer Manila twice in 1670 and 1671, but failed to send troops due to various reasons.

The Spaniards slaughtered the Chinese in the Philippines. They were originally worried about retaliation after the Ming Dynasty came out, but the Wanli Dynasty was indifferent, which caused the Spaniards to bully the Chinese even more.Zheng Chenggong and his son wanted to send troops to attack the Philippines three times, but failed due to various factors.

After seeing Zheng Zhilong's inscription, Zhu Youjian did not have the urge to fly into a rage, but immediately began to plan how to avenge the two massacres.

Also for the sake of doing business to make money, the Dutch are more civilized than the Spaniards. At least their hands are not stained with the blood of the Han people. Such a country and people can adopt a cooperative attitude.

Long distance and close attack.

The words of the ancestors are still very reasonable.

But the crimes of the Spaniards are unforgivable, and blood debts must be paid with blood.

Regardless of whether the Han people in the Philippines are Ming people or not, they should not be bullied and slaughtered by foreigners because of the sacred word Han people.

Since the two countries are special envoys of the government, it is better to go to Beijing. When they arrive in the capital in a month, the war outside the customs should be over long ago. Let the newly promoted cabinet minister Chen Qiyu come and talk to them. The tone will be set by yourself: Taiwan It belonged to Ming Dynasty, and all the troops of any country must withdraw; Spain must pay a heavy price for the massacre.

"Great victory! Great victory!"

 Thanks to Venus for the graphics card, Qi Yanjiudianwumengsheng for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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