Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 498 Little General Cao with Plate Armor

Chapter 498 Little General Cao in Plate Armor
When Yang Sichang's Mandarin with a Hunan accent came from outside the hall, Zhu Youjian knew that Lu Xiangsheng had succeeded.

Sure enough, Yang Sichang stepped into the hall from the outside in no time. Lao Yang, who always pays attention to appearance and pays attention to showing emotions and anger, holds a thin book in one hand and a corner of his official robe in the other, and hurriedly walks towards the imperial steps. The old Zhu Youjian came over, his radiant face was full of unconcealable joy.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty! Lu Jiandou and Sun Baigu sent an urgent report: The left-wing cavalry and the former Guangning Wei Xining Fort have successfully ambushed the army of returning from the north and the army of the East. defeat!
According to the results of the war after the war, the battle was full of the Mongolian and Han Eight Banners princes and Baylor, killing and wounding more than [-] main forces of the Eastern captives, and capturing more than [-] enemy troops.Among them, Huang Taiji, who is suspected to be the slave chieftain of the East, came to the battle in person, and then fled north under the cover of his guards. Xian Lu and Sun have joined forces and are chasing the fleeing enemy troops everywhere!If there is no accident, the entire territory of Liao will be recovered soon!The minister congratulates the sage, congratulates the Great Ming! "

"Okay! Yang Qing quickly submit the battle report! Yang Qing, sit down!"

Zhu Youjian, who was overjoyed, couldn't help but stood up and ordered loudly, Wang Chengen, who had already stepped down from the imperial steps, took the title book from Yang Sichang, turned around and walked quickly to Zhu Youjian's side, and put his hands in front of him, Zhu Youjian After taking it, Jian stretched out his hand and sat down, opened the question book and looked at it carefully.

It turned out that after the detection of the Eight Banners army began to retreat from the Songjin line, Lu Xiangsheng led the brigade of cavalry to the ambush point that had been detected in advance.

Lu Xiangsheng chose the main battlefield near Xining Fort. The terrain here is flat and open, with rolling hills to the west and endless plains to the east. It is just suitable for the large cavalry to cover their tracks. function, can kill the enemy more effectively.

On the second day after setting up the ambush, it happened that Ning Wan and I led 5000 troops from the two yellow flags back to Shengjing. The 5000 people never expected that a group of hungry wolves had been ambushing them for a long time, and they had already walked through the gate of hell and returned to the underworld.

On the third day after the first wave of the Qing army, the Ming army came to report one after another without accepting them at night, and the brigade of the Qing army had already appeared dozens of miles away. Lu Xiangsheng immediately issued an order to prepare the army for war.

Lu Xiangsheng divided the more than [-] cavalry under his command into eight teams, each with about [-] cavalry, and then formed a formation two miles apart, waiting for the Qing army to appear.

In the late afternoon of that day, more than [-] people from the two white flags appeared in the field of vision of the Ming army. Judging from the lineup and formation of the Qing army marching, the Qing army was exhausted after several days of continuous marching, and the formation had loosened up. Come, it is the favorite appearance of the cavalry.

However, the scout horses of the Qing army were not vegetarians. Although they retreated hastily during the defeat and retreated to their old lair, the scout horses of the Qing army were still released twenty miles away.

Just when the first team of the Ming army began to move forward from five miles away with the help of the cover of the hills, preparing to charge at a suitable distance, at this moment, the scouts of the Qing army had already spotted the Ming army on the flank. After receiving and the Ming army brigade behind, after a short and tragic fight, after more than [-] Qing army scouts killed and injured more than ten people, there were still survivors who blew their horns.

It has to be said that the Qing army at its peak is indeed a strong army that has been through many battles. Even when the morale of the whole army was low and exhausted, the Qing army still responded quickly.

Meile Zhangjing, the front team of the two white flags who received the warning, immediately ordered the whole team to stop, and then began to arrange according to the battle formation. Doubt and worry were written all over his face.

Dorgon and Azig, who were leading the Chinese army brigade, were walking side by side. After hearing the alarm ahead, the two looked at each other in unison. Their eyes were full of shock and horror. They understood at the same time. The Ming army's serial plan this time.

"Old Fourteen! This time we have followed the wise man's way! If something goes wrong later, you quickly take the guards and go first! The two white flags are up to you! You are special, blow the trumpet and gather troops, come with me !"

In the distance, the dust and smoke from the galloping cavalry of the brigade has slowly floated into the air, and the sound of thunderous hooves seems to be rolling towards the Qing army from the sky. After Azig said to Dorgon, he then loudly issued ordered.

The Eight Banners, which are good at fishing and hunting, don’t have many cavalry. They have lost a lot in the previous battles. However, Huang Taiji gathered most of the cavalry to cover the formation of the brigade at the end. Now there are only two white flags left in the formation. More than [-] cavalry.

After discovering that the attacking Ming army is full of cavalry, and will soon arrive at the flank of the Qing army and start charging, in order to block the charge of the Ming army cavalry and make time for the Qing army to line up, the best way is now It is to use riding against riding to delay the momentum of the Ming army's charge.

Before Dorgon could say more in the future, Azig had already galloped forward and rode away with more than a hundred guards, and a large group of cavalry from the Ming army had appeared in the distance.

Dorgon endured the sourness in his heart, loudly ordered the whole army to prepare for war, and let people quickly pass the two blue flags and two red flags a few miles away.

It was Cao Bianjiao who led the first cavalry team of the Ming army to charge.

In order to prevent the generals who like to take the lead in the charge from causing too many casualties in the battle, Zhu Youjian has prepared new armor for these brave generals in advance.

According to Zhu Youjian's instructions and general description, the military supervisor specially recruited several skilled craftsmen, and spent countless iron materials to create dozens of pairs of fine steel plate armor and helmets. To a certain extent, the damage caused to the lower limbs of the generals by pawns and axes is reduced, and the combat boots are made of dense iron cables surrounding the boots.

Cao Bianjiao, Ma Ke, Luo Shifang, and some brave generals from other border towns each got a pair of this set of armor, which can be said to be armed to the teeth. They all regarded it as a treasure, and expressed that they would pass on this set of armor as a family heirloom to their descendants.

Seeing that the small cavalry of the Qing army less than two miles ahead had started to speed up, Cao Bianjiao, who was trotting on horseback, reached out and closed the iron mask on his helmet, and his whole body suddenly turned into a steel monster, with cold eyes shining through the iron mask. The square frame left on the mask scanned the Qing army on the opposite side.

Cao Bianjiao stretched out his hand again and pulled out the lance stuck in the side pocket of the war horse, and then clamped it under his armpit. He raised his left arm high and swung it downwards. With his legs clamping the horse's belly, he crouched forward, and the tall black horse suddenly Speeding forward, the cavalry behind them also made similar movements, and the three thousand cavalry with Cao Bianjiao as the arrow rushed forward in a wedge shape.

 Push the book, "Back to the Great Qin Dynasty to Be the Emperor", the author's grades are very good, and the writing is good.

(End of this chapter)

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