Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 501 Newly established prefectures and garrisons

Chapter 501 Newly established prefectures and garrisons

In Zhu Youjian's plan, the first is to change the name of the place and establish a new offensive and defensive system.

The Liaodong area was changed to Liaoning Province, which means the tranquility of the Liao land.

Governor of Liaodong was changed to Governor of Liaoning, Shengjing was changed back to Shenyang, and the former governor's office of Liaodong was moved from Jinzhou to Shenyang.

There is a general army in Shenyang with 5000 garrisons. Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng select suitable candidates for the general army and report to the court.

This garrison is mainly aimed at the Nuzhen in the North, as well as the remaining Eight Banners forces who escaped from Jianzhou.

Zhu Youjian knew in his heart that although the officers and soldiers succeeded in attacking the Qing army halfway, even if all these Qing troops were wiped out, don't forget that there are still many soldiers and horses who stayed in Shengjing.

Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao's troops are too small, it is impossible to break through Shengjing before the arrival of the main army, and it is impossible to wipe out all the remaining Qing troops. These Qing troops will definitely know the news of the main force's defeat several days or even ten days in advance. This period of time is enough for them to make preparations and choices.

According to the analysis in the battle report, the current battlefield is still more than 10,000 miles away from Shengjing, and there are several rivers such as the Liao River as barriers on the way. In addition to the [-]+ officers and troops dividing troops to the east to attack Liaoyang, Haizhou and other places, the remaining brigades Even if they marched smoothly all the way to Shengjing, it would take at least five days.

It's not that the officers and soldiers don't want to march fast, but because the logistical support can't keep up.

The food and supplies consumed by 10,000+ people every day is an astonishing number. Even if they are seized after the victory, most of them still need the daily uninterrupted transportation of supplies between Ningyuan and the front line. Jinzhou will have food reserves, but only play a supplementary role.

It took more than ten days successively. According to the strict and efficient system of the Eight Banners, a large number of people and materials will be quickly moved to the northeast.

These people will rely on those deep mountains and old forests to survive, and they will also resist the Ming army's suppression in the future, in order to have a chance to make a comeback.

In fact, it doesn't matter, the existence of this group of people just gave the officers and soldiers the opportunity to train.

With the recovery of the entire territory of Liaodong, there are no major wars at home and abroad. After a long time, officers, soldiers and soldiers will inevitably slack off, and daily drills will gradually fall into disuse. This is not a good thing.

And the existence of the remnant force of the Eight Banners at least makes everyone feel vigilant at all times.

Zhu Youjian planned to let the integrated officers and troops take turns to garrison outside the pass, and then send them out to suppress the enemy from time to time, in this way to maintain the combat effectiveness and willpower of the officers and troops of the Ming Dynasty.

After the development of the Liaodong area has achieved certain results, the army and the government will advance northward to collect all the land that belongs to China in future generations.

Those who love war will die, but those who forget to fight will be in danger.

This is to be remembered, and to be remembered from generation to generation.

Next is the arrangement for other areas in Liaodong.

Hetuala was changed to Songyuan Prefecture, and the place name of Liaoyang remained unchanged.

Set up Songyuan sub-garrison and generals, with 3000 officers and soldiers living there, and the selection plan for the generals is the same as above.

The Songyuan garrison was aimed at the Shengnüzhen in the Jilin area of ​​later generations or other tribal armed forces who resisted the Ming Dynasty, and by the way guarded against possible attacks from the other side of the Yalu River.

There are also large fertile fields in this area, as well as high-quality wood and medicinal materials in the virgin forest. Due to the extreme shortage of population, these high-quality resources are all idle, which is really a pity.

Zhu Youjian's plan is that in the future, in addition to the Liao people who have lived there for a long time and the Ming people who were taken captive, there will be large-scale immigration from Shandong to Liaodong, so that future generations will be forced to enter the Guandong and become an organized development. Liaodong, let this rich land contribute to the development of Ming Dynasty as soon as possible.

The prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Shandong Province that are close to Yanzhou Prefecture have migrated more than one million people to the Nansi Lake area in the past two years. The Nansi Lake area, which was originally overgrown with grass and swamps, is becoming a densely populated new land. , The newly reclaimed fields by the immigrants also began to produce a large amount of food. This immigration development has achieved initial success.

However, there are still a large number of people in Jinan Prefecture, Dongchang Prefecture in the northwest of Shandong Province, and Qingzhou Prefecture in the east, relying on government relief to survive.

The continuous drought is getting worse and worse. In some areas, there has been no rain or snow for several years in a row, and the rivers in the territory have dried up. Although the local governments have tried their best to send people to dig wells and repair canals everywhere, but at the moment when productivity is extremely backward, these The measures are very slow to bear fruit.

A well irrigates an area of ​​about [-] mu. How many wells are needed for such a vast land?
Drilling a well also requires a period of time, and it cannot be completed in ten and a half months. Moreover, it is a technical job. From exploration to excavation to burning bricks to paste the well wall, it requires specialized technical personnel to guide.

For this important matter that concerns the national economy, the people's livelihood, and future generations, the Water Department of the Ministry of Industry sent out all the technically-savvy officials. Each of them divided a designated area, and with the cooperation of the local government, he guided farmers to dig wells for drought relief. , now there are only a few small officials on duty in the Water Division of the Ministry of Industry, and even the doctor has been sent out of the capital long ago.

It is relatively easy to immigrate from Shandong to Liaodong, as long as under the organization of the government, follow the only official road all the way east to Dengzhou Prefecture, and then follow the route of Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao's department.

The advantage of this immigration route is that the grain transported by the Zheng family's fleet can be unloaded at Dengzhou, or directly to the opposite Liaodong Bay, which saves a lot of manpower and material resources required for land transportation and minimizes the number of people on the way. loss.

As for the candidates for the magistrate of Songyuan Prefecture, Zhu Youjian prefers to be selected from the officials of various prefectures in Shaanxi.

Under the strict supervision of Sun Chuanting, various prefectures in Shaanxi have achieved great success in garrisoning fields and reassuring the people in the past few years. The assistant officials of many prefectures have also played an important role in it. These people should also be promoted in their ranks in return.

The magistrate and Zuo Er of Songyuan Prefecture will be selected from the prefectures of Shaanxi first, just like the newly established prefectures in Liaodong.

The next step is to set up Liaoyang Mansion, and set up a guerrilla and garrison 2000 people. The guerrilla arrangement is the same as above.

As a point between Songyuan and Jinzhou, Liaoyang's geographical location is very important. When necessary, the garrison can go east to support Songyuan and Gaizhou. These 2000 people must be dispatched regularly to wipe out the remaining Jurchen armed forces in the territory and maintain local social order. Some were sent to iron mines.

Not far to the east of Liaoyang is the later Benxi City, where there are large reserves of iron ore, which will become an important support point for the development of Liaoning Province in the future.

Then there is the establishment of Gaizhou Prefecture, and a member of the guard general, and 2000 troops in the garrison. The selection plan is the same as above.

The jurisdiction of Gaizhou includes Dalian, Lushun and other places of later generations. In the future, it will be the station of the Northern Fleet envisioned by Zhu Youjian. Since the threat from the sea to Ming Dynasty is not great now, the Gaizhou garrison is mainly In order to suppress bandits, and to support Songyuan in the northeast in times of crisis.

Zhu Youjian also pointed out in his instructions to Sun Chuanting that after the war, the Liaodong government should organize and protect the people in the Liao area for summer harvest. After the summer harvest, land leveling and large-scale construction of water conservancy facilities should be carried out immediately. The imperial court will send relevant personnel to guide and plan .

The summer in Northeast China is very short. After the summer harvest is completed in June or July of the lunar calendar, the temperature will drop rapidly after more than a month at most, and the long and cold winter will come soon, so we must seize these short months to be suitable During the working time, carry out the construction of corresponding farmland supporting facilities, in order to strive to lay a good foundation for spring plowing in the coming year.

Due to the limitation of climatic conditions, the fertile land in Northeast China can only be harvested once a year, and all fields can only be sown in spring at the earliest in March, and the crops planted later must be harvested at the end of August or early September at the latest. of winter.

People in the Northeast commonly call it Maodong.

 Thanks to Little Flying Carpet for rewarding [-] starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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