Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 502 Developing Liaodong's Labor Force

Chapter 502 Developing Liaodong's Labor Force
After the above-mentioned strategy is finalized, Zhu Youjian will face more difficult issues next, because the upcoming restructuring will involve the interests of many people, including the placement of the chief soldiers of various roadside towns that are currently participating in the war.

After Liaodong was restored, Jinzhou, once the most outpost outside Daming Pass, instantly became the rear area. Although its strategic position is there, its strategic significance will no longer exist in the foreseeable future.

From Shanhaiguan to Songjin, the many fortresses set up along the way have lost their military value, and their dismantling has become inevitable. The Liao pay, which has seriously dragged down the Ming Dynasty for more than ten years, should come to an end.

But how to arrange the officers and soldiers involved?
"My lord, the ministers are all here!"

Wang Chengen's soft report interrupted Zhu Youjian's thoughts.

"Let's go, companion, let's go and hear what the ministers think!"

"I heard that the entire territory of Eastern Liaodong is about to be recovered, and there is no room for the Eastern captives to jump over the beam. On this occasion when internal and external troubles are all eliminated, and the world is at peace, the old minister congratulates the sage! Congratulations to my emperor!"

Just arrived in front of the throne of Zhaoren Hall and turned around before sitting down, Wen Tiren got up first and stood in the hall. After adjusting his clothes solemnly, he bowed to Zhu Youjian and bowed to the ground, and the rest of the chief officials of the ministries also They all followed Wen Tiren's example and gathered behind Wen Tiren. While praising him, they solemnly bowed to Zhu Youjian.

"Peace your lives! This time the pacification of the captives is inseparable from your daily diligence and dedication! I hope that after the internal and external pacification, I can gain the power of the ministers, so that the people of the world will have no worries about food and clothing, and will die forever. Anxiety!"

Zhu Youjian was filled with emotion when he saw the joy shown from time to time on the solemn faces under the steps.

It has been four years since I traveled from later generations, and I am qualified as an ordinary person who can achieve today's achievements.But suppressing thieves and suppressing slaves is only the first step. In the face of increasingly serious natural disasters, the next burden will not be easy.

After seeing Zhu Youjian sitting down, all the officials returned to their seats after saluting again. Wen Tiren, who was standing at the same place, saluted and said, "I don't know what to order from the emperor to recruit ministers and others? But it involves related matters after the war? Please make it clear, Your Majesty."

"Sit down, Wen Qing. Today's matter is exactly what Wen Qing said. It is about the recovery of Liaodong. I have thought about it. If there are any omissions, you can add them after listening."

In these few sentences, Zhu Youjian only said that the officials should pick up the leftovers and make up for the vacancies, and didn't mention the meaning of asking everyone to correct them.

As the situation stabilized, Zhu Youjian's authority became more and more important. In his daily speech, he unconsciously adopted an unquestionable tone.

Wen Tiren returned to his seat with a natural look on his face, and the rest of the people all looked calm, waiting for the emperor's solution to the aftermath.

Zhu Youjian took a sip of the herbal tea handed over by Wang Chengen, and casually placed the creamy white jade cup with a gold handle on the low table beside him. After clearing his throat, he narrated his strategy on the Liaodong issue. , all the ministers in the hall listened carefully, while thinking about how to get relevant benefits from it.

"Jiangzuo Bureau immediately sent officials and craftsmen to go outside the customs, and set up Jiangzuo's second sub-bureau in Liaoyang Prefecture to build an iron smelting plant, use the ore produced in the local iron mines to produce various agricultural tools for farmland water conservancy, all officials and craftsmen's salaries Compared with the capital city, the game will be improved by [-]%!"

Jianzhou Jurchen has begun to take shape in the iron ore mining in Anshan and Benxi for later generations. Most of the iron materials needed by the entire Jianzhou come from there. In the future, they only need to arrange some professional manpower. To improve it, build several workshops and kilns, and then the agricultural tools needed by the entire Liaoning province will be continuously produced from here.

There is no shortage of labor for mining.

So many prisoners are strong laborers, and they don't need to be paid, just eat. The Liaoyang garrison will carry out armed surveillance on them. As long as the security measures are reasonable, these prisoners will not be able to make any waves.

The army in this period did not talk about preferential treatment of prisoners. Generals and soldiers who had experienced bloody battles on the battlefield were basically cold-blooded and ruthless when treating prisoners.

In the tenth year of Chongzhen, considering the need for large-scale farming, Zhu Youjian had already ordered to divide the Military Weapons Supervision into two, and set up a general bureau to produce farm tools, and set up the first branch of the general bureau in Xi'an. Between the government and the county, the iron ore resources that have been mined and used by the county are used to produce agricultural tools for the use of various prefectures in Shaanxi.

According to Zhu Youjian's idea, in the future, areas rich in iron ore resources in Daming will set up sub-bureaus to fully promote the promotion and application of advanced agricultural tools, thereby greatly improving the production efficiency of Daming agriculture.

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

Now that the strategic plan based on agriculture has been determined, the imperial court will introduce relevant supporting policies to support it. The most important thing is to establish a bureau and improve the salary of craftsmen. This is actually equivalent to subtly improving the social status of craftsmen. Make this despicable group despised by the whole society gradually become the backbone of society.

Since the implementation of the New Deal in the ninth year of Chongzhen, the treatment of all artisans in the Beijing Military Weapons Supervision has undergone earth-shaking changes. The main force, thus driving the prosperity of various shops and related industries.

The dirty and dilapidated craftsman alley where Zhu Youjian met Erya in the eighth year of Chongzhen has now become a spacious and bright street. The dilapidated and low thatched yellow mud houses have all been rebuilt into big green brick houses. The people living there He has already lived a life richer than that of small rural landlords.

This is a good start, and Zhu Youjian hopes that this situation will become a common practice in various parts of Ming Dynasty, and he firmly believes that this day will come soon.

As for the further salary increase of the officials and craftsmen who gave the pass, this is mainly due to the difficult conditions in the Liaodong area. If you go from the capital with good conditions to the bitter cold place, many people will have complaints in their hearts. Negative slack will not do any good to the development of Liaodong.

Although the craftsmen are getting rich now, they are just living a good life. Their desire for wealth has not stopped because of this, on the contrary, it has just started.

When selecting candidates, there will always be people who are tempted to get a [-]% salary increase, and this is enough.

"Revelation, my lord, where will the officials from the prefectures and prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of the newly established Liaoning province be selected? When will the emigration from Shandong to Liaodong start? Where will the money and food needed be allocated?"

Seeing that Zhu Youjian took a few sips of tea and put it down, Zhou Yun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, knew that the emperor had finished speaking. After looking around, he hurriedly got up and saluted and played.

 Thank you Lin Lingsu for the reward in 2018.

(End of this chapter)

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