Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 503 No One Available

Chapter 503 No One Available
"The officials selected this time are, in principle, candidates from the prefectures with the best results in garrisoning fields and calming the people in Shaanxi. The specific candidates are recommended by the Governor of Shaanxi. The Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will send personnel to check and confirm that they have made outstanding contributions. Then they will be appointed. , this article is also regarded as the criterion for the promotion of officials in the future.

The cabinet will discuss the specific plan and time with the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry for Shandong immigration. My opinion is to send people out of the customs to survey the topography and terrain, and hire local Liao people to build houses as soon as possible. Officials from prefectures and counties in Shandong are ready for the next spring. Immigrants began after the Bohai Sea melted.

[-]% of the money and food for immigrants are paid by the Ministry of Households, and [-]% from internal funds.

Regarding the criteria for the selection and appointment of officials in the future, the officials must keep in mind that officials at all levels in the Ming Dynasty, as long as they have a heart for the court, put the people first in their daily affairs, be diligent in doing things, and have the courage to take responsibility, they will be given priority Promoted people.

Zhou Qing is in charge of the power of appointing officials in the world, and has great responsibilities. Don't be negligent and slack, and be cautious about the appointment and dismissal of personnel, and don't let corrupt and lazy people steal high positions!Remember! "

In the two years since he took over the Ministry of Officials, Zhou Yun, a young and vigorous man, has never been lazy in his administration. When evaluating and appointing officials at all levels, he also carefully reviewed his performance and paid more attention to the opinions of his peers. During the year, Zhou Yun impeached and dismissed 21 officials with rank seven or above who had a poor reputation, and promoted 34 officials with excellent performance evaluations. Zhu Youjian was quite satisfied with such work efficiency.

"I obey the decree! I will live up to my holy prestige, be loyal to my duties during my term of office, and serve the public wholeheartedly, so that the officials of the disabled and lazy people in the world will have nowhere to hide!"

Zhou Yun Shili responded.

"Qizou Shengshang, the summer harvest has just passed, and due to the improvement of water conservancy facilities in the Gyeonggi area, the summer grain harvest has far surpassed previous years, and the surplus grain of farmers' homes has also increased greatly, and the food supply for the population of the capital is increasingly abundant.

For this reason, I suggested expanding the granaries in the counties along the official road from Jinan Prefecture to Dengzhou Prefecture in Shandong Province. After that, 50 shi of grain and rice transported by water can be diverted and stored in the expanded warehouse for the immigrant population starting next year! "

After Zhou Yun sat down, Hou Xun got up and saluted.

In line with the principle of getting the moon first, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Shuntian Prefecture all followed Zhu Youjian's order to vigorously build water conservancy facilities to alleviate the drought in various places, but they focused on the Gyeonggi area. .

Judging from the reports of the local governments and the scourge of thieves that have been spreading for many years, the destructive power caused by the refugees is quite terrifying, and the senior officials in the capital, the first thing that comes to mind is that the Gyeonggi area must not be chaotic, otherwise the capital will appear Turbulence and crisis.

After quickly reaching a consensus, the officials of the two ministries and one government immediately took action, shifting the input of relevant personnel and materials from the imperial court to Shuntian Prefecture and the surrounding Daming Prefecture and other areas.

This move really had an immediate effect.

Under the conscious care of various policy personnel and materials, the relevant local officials and officials, under the guidance and supervision of personnel sent by various departments, have also exploded with unprecedented enthusiasm. Refugees who escaped from other places organized and launched a large-scale land reclamation and well digging work, which made the Gyeonggi area increase food production in a large area, and also unconsciously resettled nearly a million refugees.

Due to the increase in grain income and the three-year tax exemption for newly opened fields, in the dozen or so states and counties under the jurisdiction of Shuntian Prefecture, as well as several counties and counties under the jurisdiction of the surrounding Daming Prefecture and Baoding Prefecture, most of the farmers’ households have rice tanks for food. There is a large amount of grain stored in the stacks.

Many farmers sold the excess grain to grain merchants after keeping enough food for one year at home, which led to a sharp increase in the supply of grain in the capital, thus greatly reducing the dependence of millions of people in the capital on grain grain. In this way, Hou Xun proposed the method of intercepting grain for immigrants.

"Good! Hou Qing's play is very reasonable. This strategy is discussed by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry and then reported to the cabinet. It will be implemented immediately after being approved by the Supervisor of Rites!"

Seeing that Hou Xun rarely did not resettle the immigrants this time because the Ministry of Household Affairs had to spend more money than the internal funds, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but secretly wondered, but after thinking about it, he understood.

On the premise of knowing that he is going to join the cabinet, the old Hou can't make trouble with the emperor because of the affairs of the court. Anyway, the Minister of the Household Department will not be him soon, so why should he take the risk of annoying the emperor to fight for official business? ?
"Qi Zou Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

Hou Xun with a relaxed face just took his seat, and Fan Jingwen with a frowning face stood up.

"What does Fan Qing have to say? Could it be that he disapproves of Hou Qing's plan? I see that Qing has a sad look on his face. Could it be that he didn't touch the door of the concubine's room last night?"

Seeing Fan Jingwen's appearance like this, Zhu Youjian joked with a smile.

As soon as Zhu Youjian's words fell, all the officials in the hall laughed out loud, except for Wen Tiren and Li Banghua, who were serious and unsmiling.

"Could it be that Lao Fan shouldn't?"

"It's wrong, it's wrong, I heard that Lao Fan specially sent his servants to the market to find the roots of oxen and donkeys, buy them, cook them, and eat them after cooking, so as to obtain their great tonic effect, is there anything wrong?"

"Maybe it's too much nourishment? When I entered the palace just now, I was behind Lao Fan and saw his staggering steps. Every few steps, he would beat his waist. It seems that he was too brave at night! Hahahaha!"

Seeing that the emperor also joked with Fan Jingwen, someone from below immediately echoed his voice and made a fuss.

After the good news from outside the customs came, a huge rock that had weighed on the hearts of the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty for many years was finally removed, and everyone felt relaxed unconsciously.

Fan Jingwen, who is nearly fifty years old, just took in a concubine a few days ago. He was in his [-]th year. It is said that he came to the capital with his parents fleeing from Shandong last year. Unexpectedly, a year later, the servant became a family servant.

"Silent! Silent! How is it proper to make such a noise in the hall?! Don't let this constitution impeach you for disrespect!"

Before waiting for the somewhat embarrassed Fan Jingwen to respond, Li Banghua stood up, looked around and shouted in a deep voice.

"Cough cough! Li Qing, sit down. I just relaxed and made some jokes. After that, I have all the ministers attached to me. This is my loss. Fan Qing, you can continue to talk!"

Zhu Youjian stretched out his hand to touch his nose with embarrassment, and explained to Li Banghua with a smile, then he didn't wait for old Li to continue to show his power, and looked at Fan Jingwen to speak.

"Uh, this, Qi Zou Shengshang, Shicaihou's bachelor's policy is indeed feasible, but the current Ministry of Industry is really short of manpower, and now the Ministry of Industry is deployed in the Yamen, except for two servants and a few doctors, the rest are almost all from various departments. Officials, almost all high-ranking officials have been sent down to the provinces in the North, and there is no one under the old ministers to send!"

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(End of this chapter)

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