Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 506 Advice and Controversy

Chapter 506 Advice and Controversy

Zhu Youjian's question immediately aroused a lot of discussion among the ministers, and the ministers sitting next to each other began to exchange opinions with each other.

"Qi Zou Shengshang, I believe that Jinzhou's general soldiers have boasted about their military exploits over the years, eating the country and gaining weight. Their actions are really harmful to the country. They are no different from bandits! What's more, they are also the same as their own evil deeds. At the time when the officers and soldiers are coercing the scene, I suggest that he be ordered to return to Beijing to report on his duties immediately, and after he enters Beijing, he will be arrested and imprisoned immediately, and then he will be severely punished for his crimes!"

After a short discussion, the civil servants quickly reached an agreement, and Huicheng's opinion was conveyed to Yang Sichang through winking. The emperor ordered Zu Dashou to come to the capital, and Jin Yiwei arrested him.

Moreover, in order to arouse Zhu Youjian's sympathy and hatred, Yang Sichang even brought up the incident of the rebellion and disrespect of Zu Dashou in the second year of Chongzhen.

According to the emperor's previous disposition of holding grudges, such an act of blatantly despising the imperial power could not be overstated.

"I agree with the words of this soldier! For many years, the ancestor Jinzhou has been called the general soldier, and he is actually the king of Liaodong! He and Jianzhou are both warlords of the separatist regime. Now that the Eastern Captives are about to be destroyed, how can we allow their kind to survive in the world now? The strength of the Ministry has been greatly damaged, and this is the best time! The ancients said that if you want to have a completely stable Liaodong, you must not leave any troubles! Please make a decision earlier!"

This time it was Hou Xun who never liked to express his opinion in public.

Since he took over the household department, in addition to trying every means to raise money and food to deal with the officers and soldiers who suppressed the bandits, he also had to find other ways to raise a huge amount of Liao pay to feed the wolves in the west of Liao. He hates it very much, now he just has the opportunity, he has to throw a few stones into the well no matter what he says.

The meaning in Hou Xun's words was more ruthless than that of Yang Sichang, directly juxtaposing the Liaoxi generals headed by Zu Dashou with the Eight Banners Jianzhou.Now that the so-called Qing Dynasty is about to be destroyed, why do we still have troubles like Liaoxi?
"I seconded the proposal of the two ministries! Liaoxi is actually a carbuncle of the Ming Dynasty, which has harmed my body for many years. Now that I have a sharp knife at my side, I should use a knife to cut it!

Not only did Liaoxi deal with it like this, but among the generals in the border towns in the past, there were those who violated the imperial court's orders, and this time they should be punished together! "

Fan Jingwen also stood up and seconded, and advocated to take the opportunity to implicate, expand the scope of the attack, and clean up the thorns in the nine generals.

Immediately afterwards, except for a few people, most of the six divisions and nine ministers also stood up, unanimously agreed with the proposal of Yang Sichang and others, and strongly demanded that Zu Dashou and other Liaoxi military leaders be wiped out, and the rest of the generals should also be selective. Kill them together.

Zhu Youjian was a little dumbfounded by the more ruthless suggestions of the ministers.

He knew in his heart that apart from being disgusted with the behavior of Liaoxi for many years, these ministers mainly wanted to take advantage of the situation to suppress the generals and show the authority of civil servants to these generals who have made great contributions: see?Even if you gangsters have made countless achievements, the power of life and death is still in our hands, and you have to be obedient.

In fact, although he has a bad feeling towards Zu Dashou and others, he has no intention of killing them all.Although historically Liao Xun became Ming's life-threatening ghost, it was only one of the diseases that led to Ming's ultimate demise. When it comes to the cause of Ming's demise, those civil servants who only cared about their own interests were the real culprits.

In history, Zu Dashou also had to open the city and surrender when Jinzhou was besieged by the Qing army for more than a year. Kneeling down to welcome the civil servants of the Qing Dynasty without shame, this is already a helpless move after doing their best.

"Invitation to the Holy Majesty, the old minister has a word that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Just when Zhu Youjian was about to tell his solution, Zou Weilian, the new Minister of Rites who had never said anything, got up and saluted and spoke.

Among all the ministers in the hall, apart from Wen Tiren, Zou Weilian was the oldest.

In the original history, Zou Weilian finally died of illness in Chongzhen for ten years in office because of worrying about state affairs and being exhausted physically and mentally.However, due to the current Zhu Youjian's implementation of a series of strategies to strengthen the army and save the country after crossing over, the already deteriorating situation quickly improved, and he exchanged the title of earl for the strong support of the Zheng family.

Because of this, under the favorable circumstances, Zou Weilian had no heart disease and no physical condition, so he did not die early.With Zhang Guowei taking over the Ministry of Rites this time, the obvious promotion and reuse of the emperor also gave old Zou Wan a second spring.

"Oh? Zou Qing, what advice do you have? This is your first time participating in a business meeting, and you may not know the rules here. I have already said something beforehand, but when discussing state affairs, all ministers can speak freely. If Zou Qing has something to say, speak up boldly!"

Zhu Youjian still respects this old minister who has served as the governor of Fujian for five years and has a good reputation among the people. Zou Weilian also contributed to the fight for Zheng Zhilong. Promoted to the current high position.

Seeing that Zou Weilian seemed to have a different view on other people's statements, Zhu Youjian immediately encouraged him with great interest.

"The old minister thanked the Holy Majesty for his innocence. The old minister thinks that although the suggestions of your colleagues are generally advisable, given the current situation, it is not a good strategy to use force against the western Liaoning or even other frontier generals; don't forget that there is still Jinghaibo guarding the southeast coast of the Ming Dynasty. In the past few years, the Zheng family has contributed a lot to the Ming Dynasty, and it is really a minister who has made great contributions to the country, and the killing of the ancestor Jinzhou seems to be suspected of killing a donkey.

The veteran believes that once this policy is carried out, it may cause unreasonable speculation by others, so that unreasonable disasters will occur, and the current stable situation will be destroyed!Therefore, I hope the Holy One will think carefully about this matter, and don't lose the big because of small things! "

After Zou Weilian finished speaking, there were more voices of controversy in the hall, and it was Hou Xun who took the lead to refute him.

"My Majesty, I don't agree with Zou Butang's words! Liaoxi Shangxia is different from Jing Haibo. Over the years, the imperial court has allocated tens of millions of Liao's salary to support people outside the customs. It is really expected that it will defend against the enemy and the outside of the country. Liaoxi Shangxia consumes a huge amount of money." What do you do after the national treasury? Support the soldiers with self-respect, fear the enemy and fight cowardly!

If it weren't for the tens of thousands of new troops organized and trained by the Holy Spirit, and ministers such as Lu Jiandou, Sun Baigu, Hong Hengjiu, etc., who went to the front line to sit in the front line, if it was only supported by the western Liao army, the eastern captive army might have seized the mountains and seas by now. !

Where is the more than [-] troops that Liaoxi lied about?The troops led by Lu Jiandou and others are no more than this number, so how can they severely injure the main force of the Eastern Captives and destroy their country soon?

The ministers insisted on killing Zu Dashou and others. What they hated was that they lied about the number of soldiers, embezzled a huge amount of state funds, and when the bandits were raging in the Ming Dynasty, they did not care that the people in the court had no energy to support them, so they still did not give up. Showing his greedy and shameless face, what is the difference between such behaviors and helping thieves?If it weren't for the sage's determination and courage to turn the tide, what would the situation in Daming be like? ?This thief is also the thief of the real country!Not to be punished is not enough to indignate the common people! "

Hou Xun didn't show any mercy to Zou Weilian, who was much more senior and older than him, and insisted on his own suggestion after quoting from others, insisting on killing Zu Dashou.

 Thanks to the little fish lying on the bottom of the sea and spitting bubbles.

(End of this chapter)

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