Chapter 507
"Although Hou Xueshi's words are very reasonable and reasonable, but at a time when the general situation is not completely stable, it is better to act cautiously!
It is true that Liaoxi has wasted and even embezzled a lot of money from the Mo country for many years, but at its root, how could this disaster happen in a day?The so-called Liao pay is not only for the Liao army, the most expensive ones are mainly for the construction of various castles. If it is really necessary to investigate, will the officials sent by the imperial court for more than ten years also bear the responsibility?
What's more, the Liaoxi frontier army has guarded the border for the country for many years, and it has sacrificed countless times during the period. Even if Zu Jinzhou and others were in a difficult state in the later period, wouldn't it have nothing to do with the increasingly corrupt situation in the entire Ming Dynasty?

The veterans have no intention of exonerating Liaoxi. The fact that they falsely reported the number of troops and embezzled state funds is intolerable, but it is not the best time to punish them forcibly!The minister is just discussing the matter as it stands, only talking about the possible consequences of this matter.

I have been ordered to govern Fujian for more than five years. Apart from fulfilling my duties to care for the people, I have had several contacts with the Zheng family due to official business, so I am quite familiar with her temperament.

According to my opinion, although the Zheng family was born as a pirate, they mainly focus on gathering wealth, and their purpose is not to try to be self-reliant, but to sit back and enjoy the glory!

Since the Holy Majesty bestowed the title of Jing Haibo with great courage, Zheng Zhilong changed his contempt towards the imperial court before, and his words and deeds always regarded himself as a dignitary of our court, and he also did his best to fulfill the request of the Holy Majesty. He has donated money and food to the imperial court for several years It is not a small number, such acts of righteousness are rare in the past dynasties, and the minister believes that such actions are the honorable deeds of living with the country!

If the Holy Majesty convicts Liaoxi this time, no matter how loyal the Zheng family is, I am afraid that there will be worries about the death of rabbits and dogs, and it is inevitable that his heart will be strange.And the ministers see the foresight of the sage, and the things on the sea will depend on them a lot in the future. Therefore, there are all kinds of advice from the old minister. I hope the sage's sympathy for the ministers, and think carefully about this matter! "

Seeing that the ministers represented by Hou Xun were all swearing not to give up without killing Zu Dashou, Zou Weilian didn't want to let his first participation in the meeting end up being exhausted, so that he would have nothing to say in the court in the future right now.

As soon as Lao Zou thought about it, he simply expanded the number of people involved in this matter infinitely, and immediately traced back to the strategy of Liaodong during the Tianqi Dynasty. There were many people involved in this matter, and the first one to bear the brunt was the emperor's teacher back then. He is also the old grandson Chengzong of Yuan Pavilion who is deeply respected by the present.

The Liaodong defense line was proposed and presided over by Sun Chengzong back then. The money and food spent have gone to sea, and a large part of Liao's salary is also spent on it. What Lao Zou means is that if anyone wants to be held accountable, then everyone Can't run.

But all the ministers knew that today he loved Mr. Sun Ge very much, and if he really insisted on involving Sun Chengzong, it would definitely be nothing in the end.

In fact, Zou Weilian and Zu Dashou had never met each other, and he was also extremely disdainful and resentful of the ugly behavior of the Liaoxi General over the past few years.

But as he said, it's not time for all the birds to hide their bows. Besides the generals in the border towns, there is also Zheng Zhilong in Fujian who is watching.

The emperor managed to win over the great power of the Zheng family with an earl. When you came here suddenly, it is true that Zheng Zhilong is greedy for glory and wealth, but he is not a fool. Seeing the end of the war, you raised the butcher's knife , What do people think?Will people still dare to believe the words of the emperor and the court in the future?
As far as the current situation in Ming Dynasty is concerned, there will still be many places where the Zheng family will be used in the future. Whether it is emigrating to Taiwan or buying and transporting grain from the Zheng family fleet, these are all major events that are closely related to the stability of Daming.

Zou Weilian already knew before leaving Fujian that today's sea is very interested in maritime trade, and he seems to have the intention of restoring and rebuilding the navy. These matters related to the sea cannot be avoided without the support of the Zheng family. Zu Dashou is about to be slaughtered, so does Zheng Zhilong dare to cooperate with the court sincerely?
"Okay! Although what you said is not bad, Liaoxi Shangxia is indeed guilty of the country's crimes, but thinking that it has blocked the Eastern Captives to the north of Jinzhou for many years, it has not given them the opportunity to seize the mountains and seas, Liaoxi Shangxia If you don't deserve death, I don't even bother to do something like a rabbit to the death of a dog.

At this time when the overall situation in the country is initially determined, stability should be the top priority in everything, and unexpected complications will inevitably cause the worries of monarchs and ministers being divorced from morality.

What's more, Zou Qing's distinction is actually an old saying that seeks to seek the country, and the far-reaching considerations are beyond the imagination of many people.The so-called one who does not seek the overall situation is not enough to seek a corner. Regarding the handling of the Liaoxi incident, it is necessary to separate the merits from the faults, and not to generalize.The reasons for the disaster in Liaodong are very complicated, and if you look into the reasons in detail, it will be suspected of settling accounts after autumn!
Although the overall situation is determined now, it is also at the time when the court employs people. As the ruler of a country, how can I ruin the overall situation because of my personal likes and dislikes?

The remarks of the ministers just now are all based on the heart of the country. This is the atmosphere needed for the discussion. I hope that the ministers will continue to speak freely in the future. Today's discussion on the disposal of western Liaoning is here. I have my own opinion!

Next, let's discuss the issue of how to arrange the Songjin frontier army. Taking advantage of the great victory outside the customs, it is also a good time to clean up the beginning and end of the affairs outside the customs, so as not to leave any more difficult problems! "

After Zou Weilian finished speaking, Zhu Youjian stopped Hou Xun and others from continuing to argue about this matter, and decisively made a gesture that I had decided, and after explaining briefly to appease everyone, he dropped the next topic. out.

Zou Weilian’s remarks just now were indeed aimed at the point. From other angles, he analyzed and interpreted the possible harm to Daming after killing Zu Dashou, and the conclusion he reached was the same as what Zhu Youjian thought: eager to settle accounts after autumn Too short-sighted, governing the country can't just rely on personal likes and dislikes, but take into account the long-term.

Seeing the emperor's conclusion on the matter, the officials saw that many people were still upset, but in desperation they had no choice but to restrain themselves and focus on the next topic.

"Qizou Shengshang, after the destruction of the Eastern Barbarians, their remaining forces can no longer pose a real threat to our Ming Dynasty. Since Liaodong has newly established guerrilla divisions of various ministries and generals, even if there are foreign enemies in the future, they will no longer be able to penetrate into the western Liaoning area. Therefore, , All the original military households in Songjin can be turned into civilians, so that they can break away from the military system and enjoy more autonomy.

In view of the fact that the terrain in western Liaoning is too narrow and long, and there are few fields available for reclamation, the minister suggested that, in addition to leaving an appropriate amount of manpower to cultivate the existing fields and choosing opportunities to open up wasteland, the surplus soldiers and civilians from more than ten fortresses along the Ningyuan line of Songjin to Liaoyang, Songyuan and other newly established prefectures and counties can monitor the people under the jurisdiction of the former Eastern Captives at close range while clearing up wasteland and farming, reducing the burden of the garrison to patrol back and forth. "

Wen Tiren, who had never expressed his views on how to deal with Zu Dashou, stepped forward after the civil affairs in Liaodong were involved.

Wen Tiren, who has the most thorough understanding of the emperor's mind, was keenly aware of the emperor's intention to deal with Zu Dashou when Zhu Youjian asked how to deal with Zu Dashou, because the emperor asked how to deal with the arrangement, not directly. How to deal with it.

Doesn't the word "insert" make it clear that the emperor wants to be idle instead of punished?

Sure enough, after praising Zou Weilian for his maturity in seeking the country, the emperor made a conclusion on this issue.

"The words of the old man are very much in line with my wishes. This matter will be based on the old man's policy. The specific details will be brought up by the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry, and then summarized to the cabinet. After being reported to the supervisor for approval, it will be delivered immediately. Governor Ji Liao and Governor Liaoning!"

 Thanks to chen456852 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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