Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 510 Can Everything Be Repeated?

Chapter 510 Can Everything Be Repeated?

It turned out that shortly after the Dorgon brothers sent out their cronies and arranged the discussed matters, they received a report from their subordinates that Huang Taiji's guards returned to Shengjing.

After the two heard about it, they continued to arrange people to inquire about more information, and then discussed how to proceed. Not long after, Zhezhe sent someone to invite Duoduo into the palace to discuss the matter, so the two brothers tidied up and left Come to the palace together to see you.

After the eunuch went in to communicate, the two sat down and waited in the side hall of the Chongzheng Hall. It was not until half an hour later that the news came that Huang Taiji had summoned him in the bedroom. Under the guidance of the eunuch, he hurried to the bedroom at the back.

"Brother, are you okay? Our Eight Banners have suffered such a serious setback, what should we do next? The old village was attacked by the flank of the Ming army, and the Ming army brigade will soon pursue Shengjing. It's a good idea. After all, Mynah is still the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. This time the army went south is also the decision of mynah. At this point, it's better for mynah to come and settle this matter!
It is heard that Hauge has already led his troops to move north, it seems that the starlings saw the opportunity early, leaving only me and the rest of the belated generation to support here, the starlings are really tricky! "

As soon as they entered the slightly dimly lit bedroom, the two of them just saluted Huang Taiji hastily, then Dorgon went straight to the point, and his words were full of resentment.

Huang Taiji leaned on the brocade couch with a thick quilt on his back, his sallow complexion regained some vitality, and there was no one else in the hall except Zhe Zhe who was waiting on him.

"Old Fourteen, since there are no outsiders in the hall today, the starling wants to ask you, what kind of situation is our Qing Dynasty when we make a decision that day? As an authority, you know it very clearly!
To put it bluntly, if the situation of that day is allowed to continue, will there still be a way for me to survive in the Qing Dynasty after all the new armies of the Ming Dynasty have trained?


Because of this, I decided to give it a go!
Old Fourteen, I know that your two white flags have always been dissatisfied with me, but ask yourself, if you were sitting in my seat, you must be better than me?
The situation is already like this, and it seems too petty to talk about other past events. Now only the Eight Banners are united to have a chance to preserve the foundation laid by Taizu.

The enemy is approaching, you two can see my body, the starling has not much time left, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, the starling just wants to ask, in such a desperate situation, the two of you still have to separate from the starling Who is higher and who is lower?The enemy is approaching in no time, so why should our Eight Banners fight among themselves at this time? "

Huang Taiji did not answer Dorgon's question directly, but put aside the identity of the emperor, and used his elder brother's identity and tone to briefly sort out the problems pointed to by Dorgon's grievances. meaning of sorrow.

Huang Taiji's heart-to-heart words made the two Dorgon brothers who were planning to ask the teacher for their crimes suddenly silent.

Yes, no matter whether the decision to go south this time is correct or not, but the matter has come to this point, more words will not help the matter, not to mention what Huang Taiji said is very reasonable. The upward trend of the Qing Dynasty has suddenly turned downward, and this southern expedition is indeed a helpless move.

Although he has always been dissatisfied with his starling, Dorgon has thought about it many times in private, and finally he has to admit that in terms of the ability to govern the country, Huang Taiji is still much better than him.

Since Huang Taiji took full control of the Eight Banners until the founding of the country, the entire Qing Dynasty has always been in a thriving situation. Conquering east and west, marching north and south, every time a strategic decision is made, the Eight Banners will be full of harvest. His strength is also growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this momentum continues, it is not impossible to enter the pass and occupy the splendid country of Ming Dynasty.

It's a pity that God seems to have made a joke with the Qing Dynasty. Just when the Eight Banners had great ambitions for moving into the pass, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse, and the smooth road ahead of the Qing Dynasty was suddenly interrupted. The vast and boundless ocean appeared in front of the Qing Dynasty, completely isolating the Huahua River and Mountains not far away from them.

"Brother, my brother and I didn't come here to ask for an explanation. They just faced the crisis and felt dissatisfied. I heard that my brother had returned safely, so my brother and I came here to ask my brother for advice. There are so many people in the army." It will come in the future. According to my understanding, what measures should be taken to deal with the defeated remnant soldiers? Where should the way out for my Eight Banners be? Should this Shengjing be defended or should it be kept? It would be nice to have a claim!"

After a long silence, Dorgon, whose grievances had mostly dissipated, bowed his hands and asked, his tone becoming a lot more respectful.

"The fourteenth brother's question is something I have thought about for a long time. What I want to say is that no matter what the final outcome of this war is, my Qing Dynasty will never be completely overthrown! The one who will destroy the Ming Dynasty in the future will still be my Qing Dynasty!
This is not my nonsense, but the general trend.

At that time, your father Khan led us to fight against the Ming with thirteen armored soldiers, which was weaker than that of a thousand generals in the Ming Dynasty. In just a few years, from a remote tribe ridiculed by the Ming people, it has become a majestic and formidable enemy, making the Ming people fearful and powerful!
No matter how bad the current situation is, although our army has suffered repeated setbacks and suffered huge losses, it is many times stronger than my father Khan's rough road at the beginning of his business!
After thinking about it, I have made up my mind, Shengjing must be guarded this time!
Seeing that the summer harvest is coming, after the summer harvest will be the rainy season in Liaodong. Days of rain can make the firearms of the Ming people useless.As long as the time drags on, the more than [-] troops of the Ming Dynasty will become a tired army, their desire for quick victory will disappear, and morale will be low, and this place will become a burial place for Ming people!

This battle of defending the city will be under my command. I will imitate the people of the Ming Dynasty in blocking our Eight Banners' offensive, dig deep ditches and build high walls outside the city of Shengjing, and use these fortifications to hold back the Ming army so that they can move forward every time. You have to pay a heavy price!

I swear to live and die with Shengjing, and no matter what, I will make the Ming army pay a heavy sacrifice! "

Speaking of this, Huang Taiji's face was radiant, his voice suddenly became louder, his body leaning on the quilt straightened up, and his dim eyes became frighteningly bright.

Dorgon and Duo Duo stared at the extremely excited Huang Taiji dumbfounded, while Zhe Zhe at the side looked at her husband with eyes full of admiration.

"Since the starling has made this decision, the younger brothers are obliged to do so! Mynah, take good care of yourself, and the younger brother will go back to collect soldiers and horses, prepare food and weapons, and must fight the Ming people to the death!"

Dorgon said impassionedly after bowing his hands and saluting, the whole person changed his usual gloomy image, and he looked completely infected by Huang Tai's righteous and awe-inspiring demeanor.

"Brother, have Prince Zheng and Prince Cheng ever returned? I don't know how many soldiers and horses can come back. The second brother led his troops to attack the Ming army and there is no news yet. My younger brother suggests that we should send people around to inquire about the news and gather the soldiers. Ma, raise food and supplies, and then let the flags and banners prepare their own weapons and food to come to Shengjing to participate in the war, and then make corresponding arrangements after everything is ready!"

After hesitating for a while, Dodo still expressed his thoughts.

"Old Shiwu has a heart! I have already sent people out of the city to handle these matters. There will not be too many Ming soldiers in the east. Prince Li will return after destroying them!"

"Brother, my younger brother, please go back to the flag and prepare first. Myna will take care of you and rest, and my younger brother will leave!"

Before Duo Duo could say anything, Dorgon saluted again.

"Okay! There is an old saying in the Ming Dynasty: Brothers are of one heart, and their benefits can cut through gold! As long as we wait for brothers to work together to survive this calamity, my Qing Dynasty will surely come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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