Chapter 511
After the Dorgon brothers left the palace, they got on their horses and rode back to Duoduo's mansion. Amid the shouts of the guards, the middle door of Prince Yu's mansion opened, and the two of them rode directly into the house through the middle door.

"Brother Fourteen, do we really want to defend Shengjing like Mynah said? Ming people have 10,000+ troops, plus countless artillery, this Shengjing may be difficult to defend!"

After returning to the study room in the inner house, Duo Duo looked at Dorgon who sat down on the chair, his face returned to gloomy, and spoke cautiously.

"The old man is crazy. Are we going to go crazy too? This time when we enter the palace, the old man doesn't say a word about Hauge leading his people to the north. What do you think? Dragging us to die together? Bah!"

After Dorgon finished speaking, he spat on the ground with hatred.

"Then according to Brother Fourteen, we don't care about Myna and Sheng Jing?

However, my younger brother felt that what the starling said had some truth, the rainy season in Liaodong was coming soon, as long as he could find a way to delay it for more than a month, under the continuous heavy rain, wouldn't the Ming people's firearms become decorations?

In the middle, let's send troops to go around and break through their food roads. In all desperation, it doesn't mean that the army will be defeated like Saarhu back then, but there is still some hope of forcing them to retreat! "

Duo Duo moved to the opposite side of the desk and sat down, while seeing the change of Duo ErGun's face, he opened his mouth tentatively.

"Rainy season in Liaodong? Old fifteen, how many heavy rains have there been in Liaodong in the past two years? If there is plenty of rain, can the crops in the field be dry like this? It is impossible to talk about breaking the grain road!
Surrounded by 10,000+ troops, where do you find a way to go around?

Counting on Liaoyang and the second brother in the east to take out the troops?It's not enough for people to stuff their teeth!

Don't say anything, quickly ask the servants to clean up, first send some people to protect Brother Twelfth and the family members of our mansion and go north, the two of us stay, and look at the two red flags and the two blue flags Can the idiot come back? If he can't come back within two days, we'll leave right away! "

When there was gloomy clouds inside and outside Shengjing, and the Eight Banners had their own thoughts, Prince Li Daishan, who had been missed by Huang Taiji and Dorgon brothers successively, had also encountered trouble.

After receiving the news that the Ming army's East Route Raiders attacked Hetuala and were advancing towards Shengjing, Daishan and Duoduo, who stayed behind in Shengjing, had a brief discussion, and then dispatched a fast horse to report to Huang Taiji on the front line of Songjin, and then Daishan Shan arranged for the elite scouts to investigate eastward all the way, and prepared to respond accordingly after detecting the specific number of Ming troops on the flank.

Daishan and Duoduo originally thought that after being trusted by Huang Taiji, they would order them to stick to Shengjing, and ignored the Ming army who was obviously feigning an attack on the flank. They would not send troops back to wipe out this Ming army until the Songjin battle was over.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after Kuai Ma sent out, Huang Taiji's messenger rushed to Shengjing for four hundred miles in a starry night. In addition to ordering a clear investigation of the situation of the Ming army, he also ordered that the reinforcements have arrived. Songjin returned to the north and was expected to return to Shengjing within three days.

In the next few days, Daishan and Duoduo should be ready to lead their troops eastward to attack the Ming army. When the reinforcements arrive, they will merge with the remaining soldiers and horses, and then quickly look eastward for this Ming army, and strive to wipe it out in one fell swoop.

As for the battle situation on the front line, the messenger didn't mention it, and Dai Shan didn't ask any more questions.

It turned out to be useless for three days. Before Tan Ma had sent back the details of the Ming army, Ning Wanwo and I led 5000 yellow flag elites to rush back to Shengjing. Fan, leaving Duoduo to take care of Shengjing, personally led 3000 troops, and 2000 people in the reinforcements, divided into two groups, left and right, and went straight to the Ming army on the east road.

Daishan didn't think too much about why Ning Wanwo led the army back. He also felt that it was normal for the 2000 reinforcements to send only [-] people to attack the Ming army on the flank. According to common sense, the number of Ming troops on this road will never be too many Otherwise, going deep into Jianzhou for hundreds of miles from the east, food and grass alone would not be able to support them at all.

In Daishan's eyes, although the sudden appearance of the Ming army in the east is a bit weird, he still believes that this is a harassment tactic adopted by the Ming army. The purpose is to distract the main force of the Qing army going south. Qi Jingrui rushed over, and it took only a few minutes to destroy this small group of Ming troops.

Daishan never thought that the main force of the Qing army would be defeated, and it was defeated so quickly and completely.

On the rolling hills near Fushun Pass on the south bank of the Hun River, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao stood side by side, overlooking a dozen or so Qing army scouts galloping two miles away.Under the gentle slope of the hills behind them, there is a red ocean formed by nearly [-] soldiers of the Ming army. Riding the captured war horses, they were divided into several teams to monitor these thousands of people.

"Old Liu, how many times is this the first wave of visits? I'm afraid the army of founding slaves will arrive soon?"

Zhang Wenyao glanced past the sentry cavalry of the Qing army and looked into the distance, as if he saw the Qing army rolling in.

"This is the third wave, we're not pretty girls anyway, let them see!
What an army of farts!I'm afraid that Jiannu's old background has gone to Songjin, otherwise our journey would not have been so smooth!Well, even if Jiannu came to fight us this time, the number of people would only be in the thousands. If we deal with it properly, the chief soldier will not have to run away after this time! "

After Liu and Zhang captured Hetuala, in addition to sending troops to search and suppress the slaves in the surrounding villages, the brigade stayed in place to take a good rest.

After deliberation, the two selected [-] young and strong men from the local Liao people who had been in the battle to join the army, and replenished the number of personnel reduced after several small-scale battles.

After several days of recuperation, the physical strength and energy of the soldiers have been fully recovered, and the morale of the army is also very high. The two decided to continue to lead the team to the west to see if they can find a chance to fight Shengjing and strive for their own reputation. Holy listen.

The two led the team from Hetuala and traveled westward along the tributaries of the Hun River, sweeping up all the villages and villages they passed. They stopped and stopped like this, and arrived at Sarhu three days later.

Fifty Qing troops originally lived in the small Saerhu City. After learning that Hetuala was breached by the Ming army, they retreated to Fushun overnight. The two were not literati. There is no interest in the Sarhu battlefield, where the offensive and defensive changes are changing.

Seeing that they didn't get any spoils, the two of them didn't stop at Sarhu at all. They led the troops and continued on, and arrived at their current location the next day.

While Liu Zhang's troops were resting on the spot, the sentry cavalry sent by the Ming army reported that there were already Qing army sentry soldiers in the distance, and the number of them should be dozens of cavalry. Several sentry cavalry of the Ming army knew that they were invincible. , so hurry up and call back to report.

Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao immediately ordered to form a formation to meet the enemy, and the two went to the current hill to watch the movement of the Qing army to the west.

"Old Liu, say a thousand words and ten thousand. Although we have landed on islands and broken villages this way, all we encountered were small-scale Jian slaves. This battle was fought smoothly, but if we encountered a large group of Jian slaves Slave, tell me, can you beat them? I heard that Jiannu is not easy to fight, it’s even harder than Gao Chuangwang’s old camp back then!"

"Old Zhang, we've come to this place. How can we know what Jiannu is like if we don't fight? As long as we defeat the Jiannu brigade, this Shengjing will be empty. The great credit is beckoning to us!"

 Thanks to Governor Fengye, Tianwaifeixian, and Lin Lingsu for their rewards in 2018, and thank you for your strong support!

(End of this chapter)

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