Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 512 Some Disappointment

Chapter 512 Some Disappointment
After Daishan received several reports from the sentry, he learned that the Ming army with only a few thousand men was ten miles ahead, and immediately ordered 3000 troops to speed up to prevent the Ming army from fleeing.

Daishan, who has not led troops to war for many years, is full of confidence this time.

Although since the defeat of Azig in Changping in the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Eight Banners have paid more attention to the Ming army, but the self-confidence that has been suppressing the Ming army since the Battle of Sarhu has not diminished in the slightest.

Daishan, who had been staying in Shengjing, of course knew that the main force of the Qing army had suffered repeated setbacks after going south, which made him no longer have any hope for the results of the southern expedition.

The battle reports from the front indicate that the Ming court has dispatched the most elite new army outside the pass. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the Eight Banners to gain any advantage. It is better to withdraw and take a rest. The army headed west, looking for openings from the front line of Xuanda to break in and loot. This is the most practical tactic.

When he saw that Huang Taiji insisted on leading the main forces of the two yellow flags to go south for reinforcements regardless of his illness, Dai Shan tried to persuade him, but was refuted by Huang Taiji.

Daishan knew in his heart that the reason why his eighth brother wanted to do this was to save the face of his failure to make a decision to go south, and to prevent the three brothers from Liangbaiqi from finding a reason to attack him.

Just go, anyway, it has nothing to do with me, whoever is the emperor will not go too far, the powerful two red flags are the targets of all parties vying to win over, as long as the interests of myself and my clan are fully protected, whoever I love.

But not long after Huang Taiji went to Songjin in person, bad news suddenly came from the east: the old village of Hetuala was broken by the Ming army.

As soon as he received the news, his intuition told Daishan that Mingren obviously had a complete big strategy this time, and his plot must be not small.

After stopping Hauge's reckless act of wanting to lead his troops to Hetuala immediately to kill this reckless Ming army, Daishan sent an urgent report to Huang Taiji on the front line, and immediately sent a report to all the people outside Shengjing City. A sentry was sent in the direction.

Since the Ming people had planned it long ago, who knows if there will be other Ming troops lurking around Shengjing, just waiting for the city to send troops and horses eastward to attack Shengjing in one fell swoop?
After arranging these two things, all that remains is to wait for the news.

Fortunately, the dispatched sentry cavalry returned after two days, and there was no trace of the Ming army within a radius of 150 miles around Shengjing, which made Daishan and Duoduo heave a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, three days later, Ning Wan and I hurried back with five thousand reinforcements from the Two Yellow Banners. After conveying Huang Taiji's will, Dai Shan took the job of leading his troops to wipe out the Ming army on the East Road.

Ning Wanwo, one of Huang Taiji's think tanks, suddenly returned, which made Dai Shan feel a different flavor.He originally wanted to inquire about the progress of the battle ahead from Ning Wan, but Ning Wan and I just replied vaguely: The emperor is going to retreat.

This sentence didn't have much meaning, but Daishan was completely relieved after hearing it.

This time, I definitely didn't get any advantage, even if the old man came to see him, it would be useless, but it would be good to return it, so that the old man would think that the strategy he gave was the best.

Daishan rushed to lead the team to the expedition, just wanting a credit.

When the main force was frustrated and the imperial conquest did not see any results, the prince who was left behind was able to lead people to destroy the flanking troops of the Ming army and regain the old village. It looks very dazzling and outstanding.

As long as the credit is in hand, the two red flags will take priority in the distribution of supplies in the future, and the strength will be further enhanced, and the prince's position of himself and his son will be more secure, whether it is the eighth or the fourteenth, they will be even stronger. If you want to win yourself over, there will be many benefits at that time.

"Master, the formation of the Ming people seems a bit difficult to fight. Should we wait until the 2000 men with the two yellow flags on the right arrive, and then gather troops to attack and kill these Ming people?"

Lazhang Jing Shanji of the Two Red Banners came trotting over on his horse, and said to Dai Shan who was riding on the horse and building a shelter to watch the enemy's formation.

Five thousand miles ahead of the Qing army's left, five thousand Ming troops had already lined up and waited.

While several groups of sentry cavalry of the Qing army were going back and forth to investigate the details of the Ming army, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao decided to set up a formation with their backs to the south of the Hun River after checking the surrounding terrain, waiting for the arrival of the Qing army.

Based on the principle of not thinking about victory before thinking about defeat, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao decided to adopt the safest way of digging trenches and building walls to build fortifications without knowing how many troops the Qing army had, so as to increase the sense of security and security of the soldiers. confidence.

The mission assigned to them by the Ministry of War to attack Hetuala and build momentum to threaten Jianzhou's flanks has long been completed. Now their solitary army of only 5000 people has penetrated into the hinterland of Jianzhou. What they can do is to save their lives as much as possible, and wait until the main force defeats the main force of the Qing army and fights all the way to Shengjing, so that they can return to Daming safely and enjoy the glory they deserve, as well as the large amount of wealth hidden somewhere.

The Ming army first sent four small phalanxes of 200 people each to isolate the remaining dozens of sentry cavalry from the Qing army to prevent them from harassing them. Excavation works.

The Ming army dug a circular trench with an interval of [-] steps in the east, west, and south of the camp, with an external passage every [-] steps, enclosing the entire camp in it.

A tiger crouching gun was placed at intervals of [-] steps along the edge of the first ditch. Two gunners stood in the ditch for each gun, ready to control the firing of the gun at any time. In the trench, he was responsible for hand-to-hand combat with the Qing army rushing forward.

In the second trench, there is a gun with a tripod between the gaps between the front tiger squat guns, which are used to shoot distant targets.

Two thousand musketeers are divided into four arrays behind the second trench, so that they can move at any time according to the main attack direction of the Qing army.

Considering that the two departments of Liu and Zhang participated in small-scale battles, the Ministry of War specially distributed twenty carrying guns to them.

The gun is about a foot long, weighs more than [-] kilograms, and has an effective range of more than two hundred steps. It is so powerful that it has the nickname of the nine-headed bird.

The lifting gun has a triangular bracket, which is similar to the two brackets of later machine guns. It uses one or two heavy projectiles, which is a heavy single-shot weapon.

In combat, the shooter lays down and aims at the ground before firing.

Although the power of raising the gun is amazing, no one who is shot will be spared, but the slow reloading speed restricts its position in the battle.

On the battlefield of large-scale battles, this kind of firearm that can only be shot once against the enemy is too ineffective. Although it is said that the person who gets shot will die, but you have to hit the shot accurately to kill an enemy. For thousands of people participating at every turn On the battlefield, this effect is negligible.

After the tiger squatting guns in the first trench are released, they will move back along the trench, and then the gunners in the second trench will start to carry out the second wave of strikes.

But raising the gun can exert its greatest power in this relatively small-scale battle, especially when defending.

Not long after the Ming army built the fortifications, Dai Shan led 3000 people with two red flags to a place not far from the Ming army.

When Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao observed that the Qing army was not as numerous as their own, they felt both relieved and disappointed.

It is easy to say that the number of Qing troops is small, and this battle will not be too difficult.

The disappointment is that the desire to kill more enemies with fortifications and make more contributions has been shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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