Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 513 Not the Salhu of Back then

Chapter 513 Not the Salhu of Back then
Looking at the fortifications laid out by the Ming army in front of him, Dai Shan suddenly felt in a trance, but at the same time he felt a little ironic.

Bai Yuncanggou, vicissitudes of life.

In the Battle of Sarhu in the 47th year of Wanli, Ma Lin, the Kaiyuan general of the Ming army, led 5000 troops to march to Shangjian Cliff. Hearing that the main force of the Eight Banners had arrived, he also dug ground and trenches in the same way. In a similar formation, it was Daishan himself who took the lead in breaking through the Ming army's fortifications.

In the blink of an eye, 17 years have passed. I never thought that I could still see this familiar scene, but things have changed.

"You don't need to wait for the 2000 people from the two yellow flags, our 3000 people are enough!
I didn't expect that after more than ten years, Mingren was still so stupid.

Shanji, you were still young in the Battle of Salhu, and you did not participate in the battle. Back then, the men of the Ming Dynasty also fought in the same way, and the number was several times as large. Didn't the result be a crushing defeat?Our army will win this battle! "

Maybe it was because he was getting older, or maybe it was because he felt extremely relaxed after seeing the Ming army's behavior, Daishan first expressed his feelings in a long-winded manner, and then began to explain how to break the Ming army's fortifications.

Around Shen time in the afternoon, the scorching heat in the wilderness began to subside slowly, and gusts of cool southerly wind blew in, taking away the hot and dry feeling on the soldiers in an instant.

"Damn it, why is this Jiannu so smeared? If you want to fight, you will fight, if you want to withdraw, you will withdraw. It has been a long time, but you actually talk but don't do anything. Could it be that there is some conspiracy?"

On a mound slightly higher than the ground in the middle of the Ming army camp, Zhang Wenyao stood under a pergola built by the young and strong and looked at the large formation of the Qing army in the distance. He began to curse.

"Old Zhang, why are you so anxious? Who cares what he's trying to do, we're afraid that he won't be able to consume all the food and supplies we have? Let alone a few thousand people like him, we won't be afraid of another [-].

Let's just sit down and eat a melon, and it won't be too late to get up again after Jiannu blows the trumpet, this melon is very crunchy! "

Sitting on the bench, Liu Guoneng leaned against a wooden pillar with his upper body bent, stepped on the bench with one knee bent, holding a melon in his hand while biting and saying indistinctly.

Zhang Wenyao cursed and turned around and sat on another stool. The soldier Mao San hurriedly handed over a melon. Zhang Wenyao took it and wiped it with his big hand. He bit off half of the melon in one bite, and carried the juice that was as big as a sesame seed along with it. The corners of his mouth dripped down.

Before he could swallow the fruit in his mouth, a long horn sounded in the distance, and the Qing army's offensive finally began.

"Shield shields the gunner! Bow your head!"

After seeing hundreds of Qing army archers approaching his position, Zhao Wu shouted orders, and the nearby sword and shield fighters got up one after another, ready to raise their shields to cover the tiger squatting gunners, and the rest of the soldiers followed the previous drill and moved closer to the trench He bowed his head behind the wall, preparing to use the wide brim of the iron helmet to block the bows and arrows thrown by the Qing army.

Of the 3000 men led by Daishan, there were only [-] cavalry, and the rest were all infantry.

The trenches dug by the Ming army were wide and deep, and the soldiers were all in the trenches. The cavalry was useless in the face of such fortifications.Although there is a passage in the middle of the ditch for several cavalry to ride side by side, there are some refusal horses scattered on the passage. In this case, it is impossible to go straight to the camp of the Ming army. On the side, wait for the infantry to break through the fortifications of the Ming army and clear the obstacles before proceeding to charge.

Under Daishan's order, the Qing army still adopted the traditional combat method of focusing on assault. Four hundred archers were divided into two groups to cover the two formations of heavy armored soldiers with a total of nearly 300 soldiers. Six or seven hundred infantry followed, waiting for the heavy armored soldiers to break through the formation, and then rushed to kill.

Because the Ming army was hidden in the trenches, the heavy-armored soldiers who took the lead in the battle gave up the short-handed soldiers such as hatchets and hammers, and replaced them with long-handled maces, pick knives, and long-handled tiger-toothed guns. Weapons, ready to chop, stab, hack and kill the Ming army in the trench after receiving the battle.

Under the leadership of Niu Luzhang Jing, the archers of the Qing army approached the Ming army's position step by step. When they were about 150 steps away from the Ming army's position, a series of dull explosions resounded across the field, and a large puff of white gunpowder smoke rose up. , The Ming army set up on the second ditch and fired several guns one after another.

Several one-two-weight projectiles shot at the Qing army's archers from different directions. Except for one projectile that hit, the rest all flew away without a trace.

This one or two bullets just hit the head of a Qing army archer, and as a blood mist drifted away, the Qing army's head was smashed into pieces like a watermelon, red and white blood and brains splashed everywhere, and his body was like It flew backwards as if being hit by a galloping horse at high speed, knocking down several Qing soldiers behind them to the ground.

After a short period of confusion, the formation of the Qing army quickly returned to its original state, and the Qing army archers continued to move forward without saying a word, but their speed had begun to increase.

"Wang Erleng, Sun Gouzi, where are you two fucking birds? Li Quan, you did a good job! Hurry up and fill me up, and shoot another round!"

In the Ming army's position, Li Ergou, the gun-carrying team, was yelling and urging, and the gun-carrying men hurriedly loaded ammunition, while the two teams of Qing army archers quickly moved forward to a position of about a hundred paces.

Seeing that the Qing army was getting closer and closer, as Zhao Wu ordered again, dozens of shields were raised, and the process of firing again had not yet been completed when the gun was raised.

Amidst the shouts of Niu Luzhang Jing who led the team, the archers of the Qing army approached to about fifty paces from the trench and lined up.

With a strange shout, two clusters of arrows flew into the sky almost at the same time. After flying for a certain distance in the air, they turned their heads and stabbed down at the Ming army in the trench. The screams were mixed in, and as waves of arrows rained one after another, many soldiers of the Ming army who were not covered by shields were injured by arrows and lost their combat effectiveness.

At this time, the muffled sound of raising the gun was heard sporadically again. Due to the close distance and the dense crowd, all the blunderbuss fired this time hit the target.The blunderbuss, which were the size of crushed stones, ignored the three-layer armor of the heavy armored soldiers and killed several heavy armored soldiers running ahead with one blow.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Ming army was suppressed by bows and arrows and could not show their heads, two formations of heavily armored soldiers began to charge at a distance of about [-] steps, preparing to take the opportunity to rush to the trench to kill the Ming army.

With the exhaustion of many archers, the rain of arrows became sparse, and the heavily armored soldiers of the Qing army had rushed to a place more than ten steps away from the trench, and they would rush to the front of the Ming army within a few breaths.

At this moment, the roar of the tiger squatting cannons resounded in all directions, and the heavily armored soldiers who rushed into the formation felt their breath suddenly suffocated, and then the sky was filled with blood, and hundreds of projectiles fired by several tiger squatting cannons swept across the field like a strong wind , where no living thing stood.

Before the Qing army could react, the sharp trumpet sounded into the sky, and the firecrackers that had rushed to the second ditch on the southwest side were fired. Amidst the continuous sound like popping beans, two groups of Qing troops were wailing and screaming. Keep falling to the ground.

The Ming army has 500 people in each formation, and a total of four musketeer phalanxes used uninterrupted bursts of fire. In a very short period of time, nearly [-] projectiles poured on the two formations of the Qing army within the range of the range, blood and flesh. , The corpses of wounded soldiers and dead soldiers immediately covered the range of dozens of steps in front of the first fortification of the Ming army.


As soon as the sound of the guns ended, following a few orders, the forest of spears in the first ditch was raised high, and hundreds of spearmen in the main attack direction of the Qing army suddenly stood up.


 Thank you Yanhuang for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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