Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 514 Fighting or Going

Chapter 514 Fighting or Going
Dai Shan stared dumbfounded at the fleeing Qing army who were being chased by the Ming army in the distance. He was a little lost for a while, and even forgot to order the cavalry to go up to respond.

The scene just now was completely opposite to the battle of Saerhu. The target who was chased and killed turned into a brave and invincible Eight Banners soldier. This kind of battle situation completely subverted Daishan's inherent concept, and also caused a strong feeling in his heart. Sense of fear.

Fortunately, Shanji, who was in charge of the formation, gave an order decisively. With the sound of the horn, five hundred cavalrymen got on their horses one after another and began to drive towards the spearmen of the Ming army to meet the two remaining Qing troops who were killed and dispersed.

After chasing more than a hundred steps, more than a thousand Ming troops began to form an array and turned back amidst the orders of Qian Zong. The Qing cavalry had to leave enough distance for the sprint, and the formation was still two miles away. Picking up the horse and rushing there, the Ming army had already withdrawn to the camp inside the trench.

"Master, what should we do next? Fight or go? Ming people's firearms are too sharp, coupled with the large number of people, we may not be able to fight!"

After summoning the five hundred cavalry back, Shanji collected the defeated soldiers and counted the battle damage and returned to Daishan, asking for instructions with anxiety.

Daishan, who had already dismounted from his horse, was sitting on the horse shovel brought by the guards. Hearing the faint cheers coming from the Ming army camp in the distance, his mind was already in chaos. unheard of.

Dai Shan originally thought that all the elites of the Ming army were concentrated on the line of Songjin. This kind of flanking surprise attack soldiers and horses were a group of mobs sent by the Ming court to die. It was easy for his 3000 people to deal with them, but what he never expected was that this The Ming army is obviously not a good stubble, this is not a piece of fat, it is obviously a hard bone.

Under repeated urging by Shanji, Daishan finally came to his senses, and asked in a tone of anticipation: "How much damage is there in total? How many heavy armor soldiers were killed or injured?"

Nearly 3000 heavy armored soldiers are the backbone of the 3000 troops. It is these small number of elites that support the morale of their army. Lost.

"Back to the master, this time we suffered a lot of damage. The servant went to count it. The armored soldiers and archers alone suffered more than 400 casualties. The heavy armored soldiers..."

At the end, Shanji's face became even more ugly, and he hesitated in speaking.

"How about the heavy armor? Tell me!"

Hearing the words, Dai Shan was even more terrified, and he clenched his hands tightly involuntarily.

He really didn't dare to hear what Shanji said, but he had to know.

"Back to the master, the heavy armor soldiers are all dead!

Ming people's guns are really fierce, and even three layers of armor can't withstand the bombardment of cannons. The slaves fired and fired, and there was no heavy armor!Master, this battle is over! "

Shanji wept bitterly, and finally said the result that Daishan didn't want to hear the most.

Daishan's face was extremely pale, and under the force of his arm, his nails sank into the flesh of his palm, but he didn't realize it.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than 400 armored soldiers and more than 200 armored soldiers were killed or injured, and more than 3000% of the [-] troops have gone. The obvious comparison is that the casualties of the Ming army on the opposite side are basically negligible. beat?
Did you judge yourself wrong?Is this Ming army the elite sent by the Ming court?
definitely is!

Even if the Ming Dynasty gathers an army of 10,000+ to confront the main forces of the Eight Banners, it does not prevent the Ming court from drawing out an elite force of thousands of people to use as a surprise soldier, which can catch the Eight Banners by surprise!
If this is the case, it is not wrong to lose this battle.

Dorgon and others brought 3000 elite soldiers, and they were all defeated by the Ming people several times. How can they be the opponents of the Ming army's [-] elite soldiers with [-] troops?

"Shanji, quickly send people to the direction of Liaoyang, and tell the 2000 men from the two yellow flags to come here as soon as possible! At that time, we will join forces and wipe out this Ming army!"

After hesitating for a moment, Shanji still issued a thousand collar and left.

He wanted to persuade Daishan to retreat, but the words came back to his mouth in a flash of thought.

He knew that his master was afraid of losing face.

If he retreated now, once the news got out after returning to Shengjing, not only his master, but even the two red flags would lose face.

The 3000 two red flag soldiers were actually defeated by thousands of Ming troops in a short period of time, and lost nearly [-]% of their losses. Do you know how you will treat the two red flags in the future?Who will treat the two red flags as dishes in the future?

Looking at the young men of Ming Dynasty cleaning up the battlefield in the distance, Daishan began to plan the next battle strategy with hatred and fear.

The 2000 troops with two yellow flags on the right have 1000 cavalry, plus the [-] cavalry with two red flags, so there will be [-] two hundred cavalry. After the two armies join forces, they can no longer attack by force. Their food and military spirit, wait until the Ming army runs out of food before launching an attack, and they must kill this Ming army to dispel their hatred.

Obviously, the Ming army on the opposite side was basically infantry. When facing a large group of cavalry, the infantry left the fortifications to seek death, and I used the more than 1000 cavalry to kill them.

"Old Liu, are we just here to waste time with Jiannu? You can see that Jiannu sent more than ten riders to the south. Could it be that they are looking for reinforcements? If there are a large number of Jiannu coming, just being sleepy can kill us. Sleepy! Why don't we go east before the reinforcements for the establishment of the slaves arrive?"

Looking at the bustling scene where the young and strong were digging pits to bury the corpses of the Qing army not far away, Zhang Wenyao spoke with some concern.

"Let's go? Why do you want to go? Just look at the results of the battle just now, Jiannu didn't fight at all! Why do we have to go when we have such an advantage?
Lao Zhang, I know, we have fought so far, and we have big profits. After we go back, we will definitely not be able to run away. This is because we want to save our lives and enjoy the glory and wealth, but now we can't leave! "

After Liu Guoneng finished speaking, he directed to the soldiers a few steps away and said: "Liangzi, go and tell the supervising army to slaughter [-] sheep and [-] pigs, and let's celebrate with them in the afternoon. It’s time to go to Beijing, and I guess we’re about to join forces with the imperial army, so we won’t keep these things!”

When Liangzi heard the general's order, she opened her mouth wide and opened her mouth. After a quick promise, she turned around and ran away in a hurry.

"Why can't we leave? We disabled Jiannu in the first battle just now. It seems that this group of Jiannu has obviously lost their spirit. How dare he stop us from leaving?"

Zhang Wenyao continued to ask in confusion.

"Eh, Lao Zhang, didn't you hear what E just said? Eh, I estimate that the imperial army will reach Shengjing in a few days. This is the time for us to praise our achievements. Why should we leave? Ye this elm Why doesn’t your pimple-like head open up? Sometimes I really want to split your head open to see what’s inside!”

Liu Guoneng turned around and looked at Zhang Wenyao's horse face, and cursed in a tone of hatred.

"Cheng Chengcheng, I know that Lao Liu has more ghosts than me, but Lao Zhang either has no brains, or just stays with you and doesn't want to move! You talk to me, how can you see that the imperial army is about to Hit Shengjing? If that's the case, why did this Jiannu dare to send troops to attack us? Shouldn't it be a combined army to defend the city?"

"Success, um, I'll tell you!
Think about it, Lao Zhang, this kind of slave building must be the group that guards Shengjing, right?They came to attack us, that is to say, the Jiannu army was on the way back, and the slave chiefs sent them here because they felt that Shengjing was safe.The main force of building slaves retreated, didn't it mean that they suffered a loss in front?Wouldn't it be a fool if the 10,000+ people in front of us didn't chase after us? "

 Thanks to Venus for the graphics card reward.

(End of this chapter)

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