Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 531 Those who dare to walk with weapons will be killed without mercy!

Chapter 531 Those who dare to walk with weapons will be killed without mercy!

It was Etro who spoke, and he didn't take Lin Haisheng's instructions seriously.

No matter where the noble Spaniards go, they should appear as masters. If someone is not convinced, let the guns convince them.

The Spanish mission also has a lot of entourage. During the time on board, they can only eat those boring simple food every day. Now that they have docked at the pier, they must also want to change their taste.

The members of these missions had already learned from the conversations with a few people just now that they were not allowed to disembark and walk around. Now they are gathering together in twos and threes, expressing their dissatisfaction and bewilderment.

Because they did not encounter a similar situation at the Fuzhou Wharf.

The pier over there is bustling and bustling, and there are no soldiers of the Ming Dynasty with weapons. They foreigners can walk around like the locals, and then use the broken silver that the Zheng family gave everyone to buy from the vendors. Interested in goods, enjoy a variety of Ming food.

Zheng Zhilong is the best at winning people's hearts, and this kind of small method of spreading wealth is often very effective. These Europeans are examples, and they expressed their deep gratitude to Earl Zheng for his generosity.

Just when these attendants were about to go ashore happily, they suddenly learned that they were not allowed to disembark here. Of course they were not happy now, but they could only complain without permission.

"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

The surname Huang replied with embarrassment on his face.

"We just went ashore to purchase food, not to do anything. We are here to visit the Ming Dynasty on behalf of the Spanish government, not to go to jail!"

After Etro said, he turned around and shouted a few words, and two short and stout Spanish guards came in response. After hearing Etro's next order, he turned and stared at Tongshi Huang with a nonchalant attitude. He's unbearable.

Tong Tong surnamed Huang thought for a while, and it was actually not a big deal, so he nodded with a wry smile, turned around and boarded the step onto the shore, with two Spanish soldiers closely following behind him.

The young men who are responsible for loading and unloading goods on the pier seldom see the weird-looking Xiyi serving them. When Pahlavit and others stood on the deck, there were many idle young men pointing and talking at them. Now that the two Fanguis actually got off the boat, many curious young men surrounded them, wanting to take a closer look.

When the two Spanish soldiers saw so many people suddenly approaching, they were vigilant and then drew out the bright long knives around their waists and pointed them at the crowd.

The dozen or so young and strong people who had just rushed up to them saw that someone had spotted the guy, turned around in panic and fled. Several of them lost their legs in fear and fell to the ground suddenly, then got up and stumbled away.

The two Spanish soldiers looked at each other after a moment of shock and laughed, the expression on the face of Tong Shi surnamed Huang also became ugly, while Etro, who was standing on the deck, showed a contemptuous expression on his face.

Ming people are such lamb-like creatures.

The massacre of more than 2 Ming immigrants ordered by the Spanish Governor in Manila last year has long been widely known in Spain. Now it seems that this kind of race that is proud on the surface but actually cowardly should be treated like a horse.

At this moment, a crossbow arrow flew over with a whistling sound like lightning, and hit a Spanish soldier in the eye socket. The short and sharp crossbow arrow passed through the skull and exposed the tip of the crossbow with brains from the back of the head. The soldier Throwing away the knife, he fell straight on his back to the ground, a stream of bright red blood snaked out from the back of his head, and soon soaked half of his military uniform.

"Your Majesty!"

There was a stern voice, and the already stunned Tong Tong surnamed Huang fell to his knees subconsciously. After another Spanish soldier was stunned for a moment, he turned around and ran towards the pedal.

When he was about to run to the front of the pedal, another crossbow arrow flew from twenty steps away and hit the soldier's back. After entering the sea, the body heaved up and down with the waves, and a large pool of dark red blood was rippling on the surface of the water under his body.

Etro and others on the deck were stunned by the scene in front of them. As special envoys, they were all civil servants, and they didn't know how to deal with this sudden scene at all.

"Whoever dares to walk with weapons will be killed without mercy!"

A Jinyiwei Xiaoqi in a blue armor and a brown hat on his head walked slowly to the pedals, with his head held high and a serious expression on his face, he said every word to Etro and others on the deck. drank.

At this time, seven or eight captains with various weapons hulala surrounded him. A captain with a short crossbow and several captains with pistols aimed their weapons at the crowd on the deck.

"come here!"

Seeing the shocked and puzzled expressions on the faces of Etro and the others, the little flag immediately realized after pondering for a while, and then he turned around and shouted at Tongshi Huang who was still kneeling on the ground.

Tong Tong surnamed Huang was so frightened that he huddled on the ground long ago, as if he hadn't heard the order from the little flag, two school lieutenants with knives put their knives into their sheaths, and hurried over, one at a time, and carried him over.

"Stand up straight! You tell them, after disembarking, take your weapon with you, die! Do you understand?"

The Xiaoqi yelled at Tong Tong surnamed Huang impatiently, and when he saw him standing up tremblingly, he gave instructions loudly.

The officer surnamed Huang shook his head and hurriedly nodded in response, then raised his head and stammered the translation at Etro and the others.

At this time, under the order of Etro, several Spanish guards rushed to the side of the ship with firecrackers in their hands, put the bulky firecrackers on the railing and pointed them at the group of Jinyi guards, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Pahlavit pulled Van Bronhorst's sleeve and winked at him. After the other party understood, he retreated quietly, and all the entourage of the Dutch division also withdrew from the range of fire of the opposing sides.

The face of the brocade-clothed flag on the shore changed, and then he raised one arm high, ready to give the order to fire. Several lieutenants holding short crossbows had their fingers on the trigger, and the Tongshi Huang surnamed He was so scared that he collapsed to the ground again.

"Don't be rough!"

Just when a conflict was about to break out, a shout came from behind the captains, and Lin Haisheng hurried back with his entourage with an anxious expression on his face.

After he disembarked just now, he found the Customs and Taxation Department, and then handed over the document from the governor's office of Fujian, asking the head of the Taxation Department to arrange for a chariot and horseman to send the news of the Hongyi special envoy's arrival in Tianjin Wei back to the capital.

After finishing this matter, Lin Haisheng was going to lead his followers to find a tavern for a drink, but in the end he thought of the group of restless red-haired ghosts, especially the short special envoy of Dafo Langji, who always had a strange look The emphasis is annoying.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Haisheng decided to go back to the ship, and took the special envoys off the ship to have a meal together, and then took them to the inn in Tianjin Weicheng, and waited until the imperial court sent people to Tianjin Weihou. , I can be regarded as successfully finishing the errand.

When he slowly turned the corner with his entourage, he happened to see the scene of armed confrontation between the two sides in the distance.

Although he has always hated Hongyi in his heart, the errand he received was to accompany him to the capital. If he hadn't arrived, he would have died, and he would have committed the crime of dereliction of duty. But it has to be taken off.So in desperation, Lin Haisheng ran wildly towards this side, and at the same time shouted loudly.

Seeing Lin Haisheng's appearance, Etro, who was in a cold sweat, finally relaxed a little.

Just now, in order not to lose face in front of the Dutch, he ordered the guards to come over and put on a pose, but he also knew very well in his heart that he was just putting on a show, and he didn't dare to give the order to shoot. Seeing a large number of Ming soldiers coming here in the distance, I really wanted to make a move. Even if I made a little bit of money temporarily, they would all be executed by the Ming army in the end.

With a guilty conscience, Etro muttered a few words, several guards put away the heavy firecrackers, the brocade-clothed flag also slowly lowered his arms, and several school captains moved their fingers away, a very likely battle The shopping that took place finally did not appear.

Lin Haisheng, who was covered in white sweat, ran over panting with a corner of his robe. Seeing that the two parties finally restrained their impulse, he took a few breaths and felt relieved.

"I protest! You Ming soldiers shot and killed members of our mission for no reason. We express our serious protest and strong condemnation! Your Ming government must give us an explanation! Otherwise, all consequences will be borne by your Ming government! "


 Thanks to the book friend 161212205255554 for the reward.Help colleagues to recommend books, a foreign history novel "The Rise of the Second Empire", friends who like foreign history can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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