Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 532 When you come to Daming, you must obey the rules!

Chapter 532 When you come to Daming, you must obey the rules!
After seeing that the situation was under control, Etro, whose face returned to normal, yelled at Lin Haisheng angrily.

"Li Zhuang, what happened?! Who is the deceased?"

Before Lin Haisheng could call Mr. Huang up and ask Etro what he was shouting about, dozens of captains in brocade clothes with various weapons ran over. Inlaid with a circle of silver borders, showing his uniqueness.

At this time, the young and strong people around also stopped their work and gathered together one after another, happily watching the excitement from a distance.

"Report to the General Banner! The deceased was a foreign barbarian. He was ordered to be killed by the humble officer because he threatened our Ming people with a knife!"

The little flag named Li Zhuang hurriedly bowed and clasped his fists, and briefly explained the cause of the incident. The general flag nodded slightly and praised: "Good job! Since you have come to our Daming territory, you should abide by my Daming laws , the uncivilized Fanyi dared to run amok with a blade, he should be killed without mercy! Who are you? This matter seems to have something to do with you, and someone is Feng Shun, the general banner of the pro-army! Tell me about this matter, on board Where did these barbarians come from?"

Feng Shun glanced at Etro, who was still shouting on the deck, and turned to Lin Haisheng, who was asking about the surname Huang.

"It turned out to be Zongqi Feng, and my official is Lin Haisheng, the manager of the Experience Department of the Governor's Yamen in Fujian. This time, he was ordered by Futai to accompany the special envoys of the Netherlands and Dafo Langji to the capital. Futai reported this matter a month ago. For the imperial court, the Shangguan from the Ministry of Rites is probably on his way here. According to reports, this envoy is here to see Tianyan.

As for what happened just now, I don't know the reason.

However, this official thinks that this is the end of the matter. Although he is a barbarian, he has the mission of another country after all, so it is better not to expand the incident now!

Feng Zongqi, since this matter involves our relationship with Ming Dynasty and the vassal state, I will accompany him to Tianjin Acropolis for a rest later. For the sake of safety, I also ask Feng Zongqi to send people to guard along the way, so as to avoid any further incidents in the middle. Mistake, so as not to lose my Daming face, I don't know what Feng Zongqi wants? "

Out of the civil servant's instinctive aversion to Jin Yiwei, although he felt happy about Jin Yiwei's killing of Hong Yi, Lin Haisheng expressed his opinion after slightly bowing his hands at Feng Shun with a cold face.

After all, my duty this time is to accompany the special envoys of the two countries to Beijing. Now that there is an accident, it is best to keep the matter to a minimum and hand over the envoys of the two countries to Honglu Temple to complete the errand.

In order to ensure that the accident just now did not happen again, Lin Haisheng played tricks and lied that he would be summoned by the emperor this time, and asked Jin Yiwei to send people to protect them all the way to Tianjin Acropolis.

Hearing that the one who was killed was a member of a foreign mission, Feng Shun and Li Zhuang were both taken aback, but they didn't take it seriously.

No one else matters to them except the royal family.Regardless of your special envoy cat feces, as long as it violates Jinyiwei's regulations, it will be slaughtered if it is slaughtered.

"Well, since some envoys are here to meet Tianyan, then our army will protect her safety! Experienced Lin, if these red barbarians refuse to give up later, you can just shirk everything and go to my army. And then , You have to tell those Fanren that they are honestly staying on the boat right now, and if they dare to walk ashore with weapons again, I will kill them!

That's it, that's it!Li Zhuang, you send someone to send Hongyi's body to the boat, clean up the blood on the ground, and then leave four people here to guard. When everything is cleared up, someone will send someone to guard and envoy to Tianjin Wei!It's all gone! "

After saying that, Feng Shun turned around and strode away, most of the rest of the school captains dispersed, Li Zhuang ordered his men to call a few dock laborers, picked up the body from the sea, and sent it to the ship together with another body.

Lin Haisheng brought his entourage and the officer surnamed Huang into the boat with a cold face. Before Etro protested again, Lin Haisheng reprimanded him first: "How did I tell you before I got off the boat? I told you to wait." Do not disembark and walk at will!

Do you know where the soldiers from just now came from?This is the emperor's army!In this world, apart from the Holy One, no one else has the right to restrain his behavior!
The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more!Your envoy should properly dispose of the bodies of the two deceased first!In this midsummer, the corpses should not stay for a long time, otherwise, once the disease occurs, it will be a catastrophe! "

At this time, Tongshi Huang, whose behavior has basically returned to normal, translated his words with a wry smile in his heart. After hearing this, Etro became even angrier: "Mr. Lin! I totally cannot accept your explanation!

Our members did not do any harm to the people of the Ming Dynasty, but were killed by armed soldiers of your country for no reason!This is an appalling diplomatic event!The Ming government must give the Kingdom of Spain an account of this matter!Otherwise, all consequences caused by this incident in the future will be borne by your Ming government! "

Etro's face was livid, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and his voice became weird.

The purpose of his trip is to give Daming a hard time, and by the way test the attitude of the Ming court towards the Manila massacre last year, so that he can make corresponding arrangements for it. Unexpectedly, he has not yet arrived at the capital of the Ming Dynasty, but he met Flying disaster, which makes the proud Etro can not stand.

Lin Haisheng sneered after listening to Huang Tongshi's translation: "Mr. Special Envoy, I have made it very clear that the soldiers who used force just now belonged directly to the royal family. In the territory of the Ming Dynasty, no one else has the right to fight against them except the Holy Majesty of the Ming Dynasty." Its actions interfered, not to mention that this matter was caused by your country's personnel who did not respect the laws of Ming Dynasty, so the responsibility for this matter is of course yours!
As for how to deal with this matter, my official rank is too low to give an answer.Please clean up your envoy, I will accompany you to Tianjin Acropolis later!farewell! "

After Lin Haisheng finished speaking, he left with his entourage. Mr. Huang didn't leave or stay, and stood there awkwardly.

It stands to reason that Lin Haisheng's move is not in line with diplomatic etiquette.

But at this time, the Ming Dynasty, that is, the yamen of Honglu Temple, knew how to communicate with other countries, and most of the other Ming officials had never dealt with foreigners.When dealing with people from other countries, both in terms of attitude and etiquette, he regarded himself as a kingdom of heaven, and did not take these so-called foreigners in his eyes at all, so Lin Haisheng's actions seemed normal to him.

"Mr. Monta, our side expresses deep regret and sympathy for such a tragedy. Although that Mr. Lin just now was not very polite, his words still make sense, and his rank simply cannot handle this matter.

We believe that it is better to deal with the remains of the two victims on your side first, and then negotiate to resolve this matter after the senior officials of the Ming government arrive.

Don't forget that we are now on the territory of the Ming Empire, and we must exercise restraint in matters that do not involve issues of principle, otherwise the outcome may be even worse. "

It was Pahlavit who spoke. At this moment, his face was heavy and there was a trace of gloating, and his words had the meaning of calming down.

Seeing that things were not going well just now, he quickly dragged Van Bronhorst to hide aside. Now that the situation was stable, the two of them reappeared out of nowhere.

Etro, who was burning with anger, stared at Lin Haisheng's back with eyes that seemed to spit out fire, wishing to order the guards to shoot him to death.

"Damn Ming Guo! Governor Francisco did the right thing, these damned pigs should be slaughtered!

And these two damned Dutchmen!Instead of joining hands with us in Spain to take the opportunity to attack, on the contrary, they hid aside and watched the excitement!At this time, come out to pretend to be a peacemaker again! "

Etro restrained his emotions, turned around and said to Tong Tong: "Mr. Huang, please go to the pier and hire some laborers to carry the remains of the two Spanish warriors ashore. After finding a suitable place for cremation, put the Put the ashes in a container and bring them back, and all the expenses incurred in this process will be borne by our Spanish mission!"

As soon as Mr. Huang heard that there was money to be made again, all the previous anxieties and fears were immediately forgotten. Thinking that the meal for the Dutch hadn't been finished yet, he hurriedly bid farewell to Pahlavit and the others, and then boarded the pier again. .

It was the end of noon when all the busy work was done, and after packing up, Lin Haisheng accompanied the members of the two countries' missions ashore, hired more than a dozen carriages from a carriage dealer, and set off for Tianjin under the supervision of a small team of captains in Jinyi. Acropolis, arrived at Tianjin Acropolis about two hours later, and settled in two adjacent inns respectively.

This time they didn't wait too long. On the third day, the officials of Honglu Temple who were in charge of receiving foreign historians rushed from the capital to Tianjin Acropolis.

(End of this chapter)

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