Chapter 536
Zhu Youjian thought about the integration of the post-war army for a long time, but he never came up with the most suitable solution. This matter can be said to be the most difficult problem he encountered after crossing over.

Because this will involve the final placement of many generals who originally commanded the army, this is a major event that will have far-reaching effects, and it must be considered as comprehensively as possible.

Because the problem of the placement of heroes can be learned from the past in the Ming Dynasty, especially the Taizu Taizong, the two completely different approaches will also have a greater impact on later generations.

In Zhu Youjian's eyes, Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor from a beggar to the king of the world, is indeed a great hero, but the way he treats the heroes is not worthy of praise.

On this issue, we can see the limitations of Lao Zhu's vision.

Old Zhu was too ruthless, but also too cold, showing his petty air.

Is it true that after the success of Ku Da Qiu Shen, you have to turn your face and deny the talent?
The allusion that the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, and the bird is hidden, this allusion is vividly reflected in him.

In the end, only a few of the civil and military ministers who followed him to fight the world had a good death, and most of them died under Lao Zhu's butcher's knife, including his nephew Zhu Wenzheng. How cruel is that?He even killed his own nephew!

In this regard, Lao Zhu is obviously inferior to his son Zhu Laosi.

On the issue of treating heroes, Zhu Di has done the utmost of benevolence and righteousness, and the nobles who still survive in the Ming Dynasty are basically the descendants of Jing Nan's heroes.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian is going to take Zhu Lao Si as an example instead of imitating Zhu Baba.

However, there is a very important problem here: the position is not easy to arrange.

There are so many generals in the Ming Dynasty. Although they have participated in many wars such as suppressing thieves and suppressing slaves and resisting Tartars for many years, in terms of personal achievements, they cannot be compared with the heroes of the founding of the country and Jingnan. Jue, the credit of these generals is obviously not enough.

Some people are obviously more conservative than aggressive, such as Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei guarding Xuanda, who have tens of thousands of frontier troops. A mentality of muddling along, with no real intention of alleviating the court's worries and troubles.

And most of the rest of the generals don't have any strategic vision and thinking. The better ones follow orders, and the selfish ones simply obey others, or don't work hard.If it weren't for the support of important ministers like Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, and Sun Chuanting, this group of generals would not be able to count on them at all. The final result is to follow the trend of history and continue to serve with another master.

However, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, since Zhu Youjian crossed over, these generals have played a very important role in the battle to wipe out the thieves, and they have also tried their best in this battle outside the customs, especially It was the Xuanda frontier army, under the command of Yang Guozhu and Hu Dawei, that caused heavy damage to the Qing army. From this point alone, if the post-war rewards are not reasonable, it is likely to cause dissatisfaction among the generals and soldiers. The ensuing consolidation has adverse effects.

With this group of veterans on top of them, it will be very difficult for the young generals in the new army of Qin Army, Yongweiying, Jingying, and Sichuan Army who are in their prime to be promoted.

In Zhu Youjian's vision, under the condition that the Hou Jin was destroyed and the Northeast was basically stable, the Ming Dynasty would take a strategic offensive in the north and northwest in the future, with the main goal of regaining the territory of the Han and Tang Dynasties.In this case, the cavalry will become the most important thing, and cavalry generals such as Cao Bianjiao, Luo Shifang, Ma Ke, Li Chongjin, etc. will be reused, and this reward must be reflected.

The integration of the army this time is actually a disguised way to make way for these traditional generals, to make room for promotion for the younger generation who are eager to make contributions, to eliminate unqualified soldiers, and to build and retain a few elite soldiers for a long time, so as to maintain the political power and peace. social stability.

On this matter, Zhu Youjian has secretly ordered Yang Sichang and several military officials to enter the palace to discuss several times, but he still has not come up with a suitable plan on this matter. However, when the war outside the customs is over, this issue must be resolved It should be resolved as soon as possible.

"The matter mentioned by the Holy Majesty is related to all aspects. Therefore, the Ministry of War is still discussing this matter. There is no specific plan yet. The minister intends to expand the scope of the discussion. I can order all the scholars to participate in the discussion and work together to come up with a corresponding plan as soon as possible."

After being summoned several times by the emperor, Yang Sichang and several military officials could no longer bear Zhu Youjian's pressure. Seeing the emperor's persecution in public again today, Yang Sichang had no choice but to kick the ball out and asked for more Many people got involved so as not to be infamous in the future.

Because after several discussions, Zhu Youjian still decided to throw out his plan: restore the ancestral system in the early Ming Dynasty, and re-establish the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies to accommodate these generals who have made meritorious service.

The edict of the Military Officer in charge of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies, the practice of water and land infantry, the replacement of the army, the salary, the garrison fees and the equipment for the garrison, the boats and vehicles, the military situation, the maps of the borders, the firewood, and the reeds, etc., and the control of Chinese and foreign countries The military can be said to be a key department with great power, and many rights involved in it are now owned by the Ministry of War.

If the Fifth Army Commander’s Mansion is restored, it will have the right to participate in the decision-making of major military and state affairs. This means that it will not only seize power from the Ministry of War, but also greatly improve the status of military personnel. This is something that Yang Sichang and civil servants like the Ministry of War cannot accepted.

If they agree to the emperor's strategy, they will definitely be sprayed to death by the civil servants, but if they don't agree, they will face the danger of losing their holy family. In such a dilemma, Yang Sichang simply shifted the pressure from the emperor and let More people came to fight the emperor.

From Yang Sichang's point of view, since the bandits and slaves had vanished, these military generals were of no use. Taking advantage of the emperor's suggestion of integration and elimination, they might as well let these people go back to their farms.Just like in the early Song Dynasty, it would be nice to hand over military power one by one, and be a rich man at home. As for whether this will hurt the spirits of young generals and the entire army, that is not their business.

And Zhu Youjian intends to change the unhealthy ethos of gentlemen and military humbleness that has formed since the battle of Tumubao, and gradually cultivate and train young and promising generals, so that civil and military personnel each take their own responsibilities, and professionals do their own professional things. Eliminate decision-making mistakes caused by laymen leading experts, and implement it as a national policy for a long time.

"Well, Yang Qing's proposal is feasible. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and a document must be formed as soon as possible, and issued with an imperial decree to comfort the hearts of the soldiers. Since the ministers are gathered today, let's strike while the iron is hot. All officials other than scholars can return to their duties, and the rest will discuss this matter in the Hall of Zhaoren!"

Based on the principle of not giving these civil servants the opportunity to communicate in private, Zhu Youjian set the tone to handle it quickly. Most of the officials in the palace did not know the specific reasons, so after Zhu Youjian's voice fell, they saluted together, and then withdrew from the Qianqing Palace to return. After leaving the yamen, the rest of the scholars and the officials of the Ministry of War walked to the Zhaoren Hall on one side. The supervisors of ceremonies, Da Dang, the Shangguan of the Jinyiwei Hall, and others did not receive the emperor's order to attend the meeting, so they also dispersed after saluting.

"The re-establishment of the Governor's Office of the Five Armies this time was decided after careful consideration. All the ministers are my shoulders. When making major policies for the imperial court, we must first consider the overall situation, rather than considering the interests of individuals or a certain group. , This is also the reason why I reuse Qing and others; otherwise, I will be very disappointed in my own eyes!

Therefore, if you have any suggestions or thoughts, you can speak freely, but everything must be based on the overall situation of the country. Don't judge this matter from the perspective of civil servants and narrow eyes. You must uphold a fair heart!Well, whoever has an objection will raise it! "

In the Hall of Zhaoren, after Yang Sichang briefly explained the strategy of re-establishing the five-army governor's mansion, Zhu Youjian delivered an important speech amidst the surprise and doubts of the important ministers. The expectation and coercion coexisted in the words. The words were very heavy, and for a while, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell silent.

 Thanks to book friend Guo for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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