Chapter 537

The discussion in Zhaoren Hall lasted until You o'clock in the afternoon, and no one else knew the exact process, but only vaguely heard that the emperor had lost his temper, so he almost turned the table and scolded his mother.

However, on the second day after the discussion, the imperial decree came down: the imperial court reopened the five military governor's mansions, and the list of chief officials such as the left and right governors, the governor's Tongzhi, and the governor's affairs, etc. will be reported by the Ministry of War to the Supervisor of Rites, and will be read by the emperor. Approved, and written as soon as possible, the world, salty envoys and hear.

However, different from the Dudu’s Mansion of the Fifth Army in the early National Period, although the upper officials of the Dudu’s Mansion are also in the court, they have no right to make suggestions on the formulation of other policies of the court except for military and state affairs. Civil and military division.

The Five Armies Commander’s Mansion is in charge of all the soldiers and horses in the world, and formulates specific strategies for all military operations in Ming Dynasty and the number of troops to be invested. However, it only has the command of the troops, but does not have the right to deploy troops. The power to deploy troops lies with the Ministry of War. In case any party has too much power to endanger the national security of Ming Dynasty.

A few days later, another imperial decree was issued from the palace, this time a series of imperial decrees related to the appointment and dismissal of personnel.

Jin Shoufu and Dongge University scholar Wen Tiren is a Bachelor of Wenhuadian University, Zhengyipin, and still serves as the first assistant of the cabinet.

Sun Chuanting, the governor of Jiliao in Jin Dynasty and a scholar of Dongge University, was a bachelor of Wuyingdian, the first rank, and the second assistant of the cabinet. He was removed from the post of governor of Jiliao.

Lu Xiang, governor of Jin Xuan, was promoted to a bachelor of Wuyingdian, a first-rank official.The cabinet assistant minister was removed from the post of Xuanda governor.

Chen Qiyu, a bachelor of Jindong Pavilion, is a bachelor of Wuyingdian, a first-class official, and a minister of the cabinet.

Li Banghua, a scholar of Jindong Pavilion University, a bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion, Zheng Yipin, and a minister of the cabinet, was removed from the post of Zuodu Yushi in the Inspectorate, and his position was taken over by Shi Bangyao, Youdu Yushi.

Hou Xun, a scholar of Jindong Pavilion, is a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, a first-class official, and a cabinet minister.

Fan Jingwen, a scholar of Jindong Pavilion, is a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, a first-class official, and a cabinet minister.

Agreeing to the request of Wang Yingxiong and Zhang Zhifa, the former cabinet ministers and Dongge University scholars, to become officials, they will be given a pair of Yu Ruyi and 2000 taels of silver, and a team of brocade guards will be sent to escort them back to their original places.

Although the Three Halls and Two Pavilions University Scholars System in the Ming Dynasty has been established for a long time, most of the cabinet ministers only achieved the positions of the Two Pavilions. Four of them were given at once, which can be called the biggest reward since the Ming Dynasty. This move shocked the civil servants: Old Zhu's family finally produced a generous emperor.

After the imperial decree was issued, all members of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War were dispatched immediately. Under the leadership of Liu Yuanqing, the right servant of the Ministry of War, they took the imperial decree out of the customs and went to Shenyang. imperial court.

Just when all these affairs were proceeding in an orderly manner, Van Bronhorst and others who had been waiting in the posthouse in the capital for a few days finally met the senior officials of the Ming court.

The special envoys of the two countries arrived in the capital on the second day after Baojie’s team entered Beijing. After entering the post house in Honglu Temple that specially received foreign guests, the special envoys of the two countries had a good rest for two days before requesting an audience with the Ming emperor.

After Honglu Temple reported the matter to the palace, Zhu Youjian specially recruited Chen Qiyu into the palace for a talk, and then authorized him to negotiate with the special envoys of the two countries.

"Dear Vice-President Chen, this is the letter of credence entrusted by my government to submit to the Ming government. I hope that the two governments can sit together and conduct serious negotiations on matters of common concern to the two countries, and finally reach a compromise agreement. unanimous.

Our Dutch government is cautiously optimistic that the matter will have a relatively happy ending. We hope that the negotiators of the two countries can frankly exchange views and opinions with each other, and make our best efforts for the final success of the negotiations!Thanks! "

In the spacious lobby of the Yamen of Honglu Temple, Chen Qiyu, dressed in a red official uniform, stood solemnly in the center, accepting the letter of credence presented by Dutch special envoy Van Bronhorst.In the hall were Zou Weilian, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Li Jinfan, Zhengqing of Honglu Temple, and Chengfang Yongzhi of the Department of Spinning and Spinning. The general surnamed Huang naturally took on the role of translator.

"Well, although I don't know why your country came here, I will treat you with courtesy. As for the negotiation that your envoy said, haha, let's see what we want to talk about. I can't talk to you for the time being. you reply.

By the way, I would like to introduce to you a famous minister of this dynasty, Zou Dehui and Zou Butang! "

After Chen Qiyu took the letter of credence handed over by Van Bronhorst, he turned sideways. Fang Yongzhi hurried forward to take it and stepped aside. Chen Qiyu, who knew people's hearts well, immediately pushed Zou Weilian out.

Now this ceremony of standing in the hall to accept credentials made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and the other party's address to him also made him uncomfortable, and he would have to conduct so-called negotiations with the other party later, which made Chen Qiyu, who was used to giving orders, feel a little uncomfortable.

What are you talking about?

What are the qualifications for Hong Yi, who is waiting for the episode, to talk to this newly promoted Martial Arts University scholar?
Although this veteran bureaucrat doesn't know how to negotiate, he is very familiar with how to control the situation. As his words fell, Zou Weilian, who was standing by the side, stepped forward, smiled and nodded at Van Bronhorst. Greeted, and then waited for Chen Qiyu to continue speaking with a smile.

"Since your envoy is a special dispatch from the Dutch court, he should be in an important position in your court. The name of Zou Dehui and Zou Butang should be quite high in your country."

Seeing Van Bronhorst's blank expression, Chen Qiyu resisted the urge to laugh out loud and continued the introduction.

"Zou Butang is currently the Minister of the Ministry of Rites in our dynasty. He is highly respected in the court and has won the respect of the Holy One and the officials. Before he was promoted, he was ordered by the emperor to governor Fujian, and he was in charge of the coastal defense of Fujian in the sixth year of Chongzhen. Guerrilla, now Earl Zheng of Jinghaibo of the Great Ming Dynasty, fought against your country's navy in Liuluowan, Kinmen, should your envoy have heard about it? Hehe, hehehe!"

After Mr. Huang translated Chen Qiyu's words, Van Bronhorst, who had always been polite, changed his expression drastically, and quickly stroked his chest with his right hand, bowed to the smiling white-haired old man in front of him and said, "Oh, my God! It turns out that you are Senior Officer Zou! Your name is widely spread in our Dutch navy, and it is already comparable to Earl Zheng!"

In the sixth year of Chongzhen, eight large gunboats from the Netherlands invaded the coastal areas of Fujian. Zou Weilian ordered Zheng Zhilong to lead his troops to meet the enemy, and severely damaged the Dutch army in the waters around Liuluo Bay, sank four ships and seriously injured four ships. Husband's Netherlands no longer dare to underestimate Daming.

"It's easy to say, hehe, the so-called acquaintances without fighting, although I won the conflict a few years ago, I am still very impressed with the huge ships used in your country. It seems that your craftsmen and Gewu have quite a lot of knowledge. What an honor!"

Zou Weilian responded with a slight cup of his hand and smiled, of course he was well aware of Chen Qiyu's method, which was tantamount to giving the other party a blow and took the initiative before the negotiation even started.

Sure enough, Van Bronhorst lost most of his momentum during the conversation with Chen Qiyu just now, and stepped aside after saying a few polite words.

"Vice Prime Minister Chen, hello! I am Etro Monta, Special Ambassador of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain. This time I am entrusted by our respected Majesty the King and Mr. Gonzalez, the Prime Minister of the Spanish Government, to come to Ming Dynasty. Inquiring about the unreasonable killing of [-] Spanish soldiers by the Ming army on Taiwan Island, I hope the Ming government must give us a clear answer and corresponding compensation, otherwise, our Spanish government will never tolerate this bad behavior occur!"

 Thanks to Jiangzuo Meilang 1 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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