Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 539 I have a strategy

Chapter 539 I Have a Plan

"Hehe, this Dutchman still pays attention to etiquette. He actually traveled thousands of miles to bring such a gift to me and the queen. After this negotiation is over, when he returns to the country, I will also give him a gift in return for him to bring back to the country. As far as inappropriate etiquette is concerned, I am a dignified country of China, and I cannot be dismissed when it comes to etiquette.

Companion, send someone to deliver these presents to the queen to distribute, to sit and serve tea to Chen Qing and Zou Qing! "

In the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Youjian was playing with a flintlock pistol inlaid with various precious stones with great interest, and said to Chen Qiyu and Zou Weilian who came to return with a smile.

In addition to presenting this pistol to Zhu Youjian, the Dutch envoy also sent ten large and small chime clocks. The gift to Zhou Hou was also a Western-style crown inlaid with many gemstones, and a wooden box filled with gemstones, and some woolen fabrics produced in the Netherlands.

"What the Holy Majesty said is very true! I see that the two Dutch special envoys are tall, but their manners are very polite, and the tone of their speech is also full of respect for others. From this alone, I conclude that their country is not that kind. This is a small barbarian country, but a very rich place.

On the other hand, the envoy of the Dafo Langji Kingdom was rude and vulgar, which was disgusting!If such a barbarian country is our close neighbor, it must belong to the generation that quarrels every day, and it is indeed a country that must be conquered! "

After complimenting the Dutchman according to Zhu Youjian's words, Lao Chen decisively gave Etro eyedrops. The implication is that the distance is far away. The army needs to destroy it.

"Well, Chen Qing saw the essence of the people of his country. Although Taiwan's general army led an army to wipe out 800 Dutch people last year, the Dutch did not raise any objections to this; There will be winners and losers, and the loser is inferior to others. If you want revenge, you can send troops to fight and win to comfort the souls of the dead. This is the fairness of Xiyi.

And the so-called Dafolang Jiren, who came to our Ming Dynasty, showed his arrogance. He obviously wanted to plot against our Taiwan treasure island but was defeated, but he kept asking for compensation. His words and deeds are ridiculous. Such a country is indeed The country that must be conquered! "

Zhu Youjian clearly remembered the Manila massacre incident that happened this year in history, but he also understood that now that there is no concept of nation and nation, Ming Dynasty has no common hatred for such incidents.

Because in the eyes of the vast majority of Ming people, these Ming people who ran to Nanyang had already betrayed their ancestors, and they deserved to be killed. Da Ming has no obligation to avenge them.

But Zhu Youjian doesn't think so.

As long as the ancestors live in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, no matter what the reason is, as long as they live overseas, as long as they wear Hanfu, speak Chinese, learn Chinese characters, and practice Chinese customs, then they should be protected by their mother country. If this protection is too late, Then revenge.

More than 2 fresh lives died under the butcher knife of the Spaniards, and this executioner tried in vain to send troops to occupy the mainland of Ming Dynasty, and then seize more wealth from this beautiful and rich land. There is nothing to say to such a country Said, as long as an eye for an eye, blood for blood.

Since this Etro has successfully provoked the dissatisfaction and even murderous intentions of Chen Qiyu and others, let's take the opportunity to get a big one.

Chen Qiyu was surprised at the emperor's unexpected approval at first, and then he was overjoyed: as long as the emperor supports it, he can find a way to kill that proud dwarf, but who is the right one?

Don't think that people in high positions don't have the distracting thoughts of ordinary people, such as love and hatred, as long as they are human, they can't get rid of these thoughts, let alone a person like Chen Qiyu who has reflected on himself countless times in the imperial prison.

When summing up his past gains and losses, Chen Qiyu believed that being soft-hearted and soft-hearted is a major flaw of his own, and the whole thing must be corrected.

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, the old minister believes that one should not judge others just because of one's temporary likes and dislikes. According to what I have heard, the strength of Dafo Langji country should not be underestimated, and its country also has many soldiers who are good at fighting. It is necessary to become enemies with it.

Regarding the compensation he proposed this time, apart from the fact that Taiwan Island is his own fault, the two people who were beheaded and killed by the pro-army at Tianjin Wei Wharf, it is better to give them a little understanding, so that I, Huang Mingkong, will not bear a bad name! "

Zou Weilian on the side saw the emperor and the newly promoted scholar Chen, looking as if they were going to discuss how to deal with the Spaniards, he was a little disapproving of this matter, and hurriedly expressed his opinion.

In his eyes, even though the man was killed, he would be killed, but there was no need to take any further action, just pay a few silver coins and finish the job. As for the other requests made by the dwarf, just refuse it and the job would be over.

"Such small matters should be discussed with Honglu Temple. Zou Qing, you have worked with Fujian for many years, and you should know more about foreign barbarians, especially Western barbarians, than ordinary people. How do you think of the Netherlands?"

Zhu Youjian originally didn't intend to compensate the two Spaniards who were killed, but after thinking about it, he felt that this kind of diplomatic incident needs to be handled carefully. If it is not handled properly, it will spread to other countries. Leaving an impression that Da Ming is too arrogant and unreasonable, this will be detrimental to the overall image of Da Ming in the outside world.

The brilliant Ming Dynasty, no matter what you do, you must have the demeanor of a great country. Those who are disobedient and provocative can just send troops to destroy them in an open and honest manner. There is no need to lose points on such small points.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, when I was in Fujian, I did hear a lot of trivial matters about Western Yi merchants, among which there were many in the Netherlands, because because of its large ships and huge sails, it galloped on all oceans and had the most frequent exchanges with other countries.

I heard that the land of the Netherlands is small, and its land may be as different as the capital city. Its population is about 50 million. In terms of its size, it cannot be compared with our Emperor Ming. In fact, it is a small country in Xiyi.

But it is not the case!

According to what I heard, the Dutch country is composed of several different ethnic groups. Although the country is small, the population is small, and the country is short-lived, no matter men, women, old or young in the country, they are proud of diligence and thrift, and they are ashamed of extravagance and laziness. Guoli is in a thriving situation, just like the sun rising in the east, its high-spirited and upward spirit is amazing!

As far as I know, the Netherlands has relatively high technology in many fields such as military affairs, astronomy, agriculture, textiles, clothing, etc., especially in shipbuilding. Owned by the Netherlands.

To tell you the truth, in the sixth year of Chongzhen's reign at Luowan, if Jing Haibo hadn't had the advantage of the right time, place, and people, and relied on many small boats to attack his eight giant ships, the outcome would have been hard to predict.Even so, the only two giant ships under Jing Haibo were also sunk by his cannons, and the casualties were several times as many!
By the way, the old minister also remembered something. It is said that the Netherlands is the only country in the world where businessmen rule. I don't know why the two countries have come to visit together, this is really surprising! "

After hearing Zhu Youjian's inquiry, Zou Weilian opened up the chatter box and told him what he knew about the situation in the Netherlands. Zhu Youjian and Chen Qiyu both listened attentively and thought about it.

"In this way, the people of the Netherlands are very similar to the people of our Huangming country, and their hardworking and thrifty work style is really admirable!"

After listening to Zou Weilian's speech, Chen Qiyu stroked his beard and nodded in praise.

"After hearing what Zou Qing said, I suddenly made a plan!"

 Thanks to Daming Family and Egg Cake Robber for the reward.The grades of this book are too poor, I have put so much painstaking efforts in writing it, and now I feel that it is not pleasing, and I will not write rigorous articles in the next book. Only brainless and refreshing articles can make money, and thankless books cannot be written.

(End of this chapter)

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