Chapter 540
Zhu Youjian's words made the two important ministers turn their attention to him.

Both of them knew that although the emperor was young, judging from the strategies that have been put forward successively in recent years, whether it is military affairs or people's livelihood, they are always far-reaching, and their effects are often surprisingly good. Some of the old chronic diseases of the Ming Dynasty have been changed in a subtle way, making today's Daming full of vitality from all aspects, just like the ancient trees in spring.

"It is a legacy of our ancestors to make close friends and attack from afar. Practice has proved that these four words are indeed a feasible way. This time, because of the special envoy from Xiyi coming to the east, this opportunity was provided to me by Ming Dynasty. Deep, so I intend to implement this policy between the two countries!"

Although Zhu Youjian is not familiar with foreign history, this does not prevent him from knowing the famous sea coachman in the [-]th century.

To put it bluntly, before the end of the seventeenth century, the Netherlands was the overlord of the world's oceans. If it hadn't been defeated by Britain and France at the end of the century, the Netherlands might have created a more brilliant civilization.

The Netherlands, which has a small land area, will not become Ming's opponent, but should become a partner and friend.

The aggressive nature of the Dutch is far worse than that of Spain, Britain, and France, which is inseparable from the system in which merchants hold power.

Businessmen seek profit, and when encountering disputes, they always think of solving the problem through negotiation instead of resorting to brutal profiteering.

Moreover, the Netherlands does not have many colonies in various places. Most of the time, it occupies a certain place just like Taiwan, and its function is equivalent to a trade transfer station and stronghold. This fully shows that it does not have the characteristics of being too aggressive.

Of course, this is also greatly related to the small population of the Netherlands.

Until the end of the 150th century, the total population of the Netherlands was just over [-] million. Now it is the early and mid-[-]th century. As Zou Weilian said just now, the total population of the Netherlands is less than [-] million. This limited population resource cannot support It waged large-scale wars against other countries.

The reason why Zhu Youjian suddenly wanted to become a partner with the Netherlands is because of its world-leading shipbuilding technology.

During this period, the number of ships in Europe was only [-], and the Netherlands itself accounted for [-]%. The merchant ships of the Netherlands and the East India Company sailed all over the world, and thus won the title of Sea Coachman.

Fully open the sea ban and establish Ming Dynasty's own ocean-going navy. This is the strategy that Zhu Youjian will implement next.

With Zheng Zhilong already fearful of power and virtue, it's time to let go of his hands and feet and do a big job. However, before that, the Zheng family should be given a chance to acquiesce, which depends on whether Zheng Zhilong is sensible or not.

Judging from Zheng Zhilong's fate in history, he will bow his head in the face of powerful force in all likelihood, in order to keep his glory and wealth to continue.

The Zheng family is too rich.

Ever since Liu Xiang and many other competitors were wiped out, the Zheng family has dominated the Daming Maritime Trade for many years, and the wealth they have accumulated is not only rich as a country, but as rich as several countries.

Although Zhu Youjian's personal wealth has also expanded rapidly in recent years, it is still insignificant compared with Zheng Zhilong.

Once there is too much wealth, most people will choose to seek political status and personal prestige in order to better protect their property. Zheng Zhilong is a typical example of pride and courage, which is also the most important reason why Zhu Youjian didn't plan to take him into surgery.

Furthermore, as the Ming Dynasty gradually appeared to be revived, the Zheng family became more and more obedient.Whether it was buying food ore from overseas to make up for Daming's own needs, or providing free requisition of more than a dozen ships to train soldiers who landed across the sea, the Zheng family did their best.

To put it bluntly, Zheng Zhilong, the new Earl's contribution to Daming, is in stark contrast to those old nobles who have enjoyed Daming's 200 years of wealth but pretended to be deaf and dumb at critical moments. Since Zhu Youjian intends to imitate Zhu Youjian The fourth child, the preferential treatment of the Zheng family is the best example to set an example for the warriors.

"I don't know what strategy the sage has? Can the officials hear it?"

Chen Qiyu cupped his hands and asked.

"What Chen Qing said, except for the affairs in the palace, I can say that there is nothing I have to say to others. Since the two love ministers are presiding over the visit of the special envoys of the two countries this time, it is just right to settle the matter of finding an opportunity.

Just now, the two love ministers also expressed their affection for the Netherlands, which seems to be a country of etiquette. I think that with such a country, we should deal with it on the basis of the principle of friendship and mutual benefit.

The two lovers also know that sea trade is very profitable, whether it is the large or small sea merchants in Fujian, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, or the family of Jing Haibo, they all benefit a lot from sea trade.

On the other hand, my court of the Ming Dynasty had boundless seas, but it was never able to benefit from it to feed the people. It can be said that it went deep into the treasure mountain but returned empty-handed.

The essence is that a small group of officials and gentry, under the banner of violating the ancestral system, obstructed the full liberalization of the sea ban for no reason, but they themselves made wild profits from it without restraint.

Think about it, the two lovers, if these people act like this, wouldn't they humiliate me and Qing as mindless puppets?Qing and others were all outstanding people at that time, how could they be allowed to play with them? !
Therefore, I decided to completely release the sea ban, and the imperial court took back the jurisdiction of all ports. While comprehensively building and maintaining port facilities and providing high-quality services for maritime merchants, I set up customs and collected commercial taxes to benefit the people of Mingli. , so that the imperial court has more wealth to support the construction of various people's livelihoods, and maintain a strong army to prepare for unprovoked border troubles! "

Facing the two important ministers who were listening intently, Zhu Youjian expressed his preliminary idea solemnly, and Chen Qiyu and Zou Weilian both looked thoughtful after listening.

In fact, the emperor's idea of ​​fully opening the sea has already begun to be implemented. Tianjin Wei Wharf Customs is a signal. Under the strong suppression of Jin Yiwei, those gentry groups who bully the weak and fear the hard will not dare to fart in the end, just like the Chaoguan on the Grand Canal. Everyone obediently pays taxes according to the regulations.

The two of them also knew very well that the emperor, who now has several powerful armies in his hands and has such a huge reputation of suppressing thieves and captives, is not afraid of the so-called Jiangnan gentry group. It's just one family.

Among the members of the new cabinet, there are mainly northerners or officials from Huguang, Jiangxi and other places. There are basically no connections or connections with Jiangnan gentry groups. Yes, this cleared the biggest obstacle for the emperor to implement a series of policies against the Jiangnan Group.

The emperor's control over the imperial court was clearly targeted. It can be seen that he has clearly seen the essence of the declining national power of the Ming Dynasty: the Jiangnan area where the wealth of the Ming Dynasty is concentrated has seriously affected the stability of the imperial power and regime. Most of them fall into the pockets of a small number of people. Under the situation that most of the internal and external troubles have been eliminated, it is time to change the distribution mechanism of these money and food.

"The meaning of the Holy One is that you want to use external power to strengthen your own strength and break the southeast coast is dominated by others?"

 Thanks to the thieves of the Western Regions, Zhao Yunfei and Yun Tengyun for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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