Chapter 541
After a moment of silence, Chen Qiyu broke the silence and expressed his guess.

"Hehe, Chen Qing knows my heart well. This is indeed my plan. This is not to drive away tigers and wolfs, but to use external forces to form a healthy competition in the matter of opening the sea, so as to promote our dynasty to accelerate the process of enriching the people and strengthening the country!

This move has absolutely no intention of settling accounts after autumn.

Over the past few years, Jing Haibo's family has made outstanding contributions to our Ming Dynasty. It can be said that he has contributed to the country in terms of military, government and people's livelihood. I see it in my eyes and remember it in my heart. Things!This point is not only for Jing Haibo, but also applies to all civil and military! "

Zhu Youjian was not at all surprised that Chen Qiyu could guess his own thoughts. In order to prevent this important minister from overthinking, he would of course deny his strategy of driving tigers and wolfs away.

Among the important ministers he selected, which one is not an elite?
If you use an inappropriate metaphor, these guys with hair on their bodies are definitely smarter than monkeys.

This metaphor seems to have been used.

As the lord of a country, what he most hopes to see is a scene where the monarch and his subjects are united as one and jointly create a glorious and prosperous world, not the appearance of the monarch and his subjects being alienated, jealous and calculating with each other, only caring about self-interest and vainly caring about state affairs.Therefore, since Chen Qiyu guessed that he planned to use the Netherlands, the maritime overlord, as an Olympic aid because he was afraid of the Zheng family, he directly expressed his thoughts openly and honestly.

A monarch who does not settle accounts after the autumn, separates merits and demerits, and clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments, will allow his subjects to serve with peace of mind.

Numerous facts have proved that the kings who have always thought of using intrigue to plot their subjects will eventually ruin a country completely.

So far, Zheng Zhilong has not resisted the will of himself and the court in the slightest. Such an obedient courtier, of course, must be rewarded.

"Just then Zou Qing also said that the strongest navy in the Netherlands was its navy, which was unrivaled at that time. It was because of the power of its giant ships and cannons that it was able to gallop across the endless ocean and compete among all countries. To communicate with each other and obtain huge profits, since its purpose is to earn money through business, then the products produced by our Ming Dynasty can cooperate with them. This is a win-win situation, so why not do it?

How to cooperate with it? Commerce and trade are only one aspect. I intend to take advantage of its expertise, especially in shipbuilding. This is the shortcoming of our Ming Dynasty.

As for the way of cooperation, one is to purchase.

The Dutch shipbuilding industry is so prosperous that it produces a large number of giant ships every year. In line with the characteristics of its government's profit-seeking, you can propose to purchase its giant ships in the form of cash or goods in the negotiation with it. Therefore, the style and size should be matched as appropriate, and the quantity should be based on two ships first, and then added according to the situation. "

According to common sense, Daming's request to purchase warships will not be rejected, especially if only two ships are purchased. This will not be taken seriously by the Netherlands, which has more than 1 ships of various types.

The reason why Zhu Youjian only planned to buy two ships for the first time, one large and one small, was mainly based on the current status quo.

If you want to build a powerful navy, you can't do it in less than 50 years. You have to eat every bite, otherwise you will be exhausted.

If you want to speed, you can't reach it.

Apart from the Zheng family, it is difficult to find good sailors who can control armed ships. This needs to be found and cultivated slowly. As for the soldiers on the ships, there is already a ready-made team.

In order to adapt to the sea conditions, Liu Guoneng and Zhang Wenyao's troops had been training in Dengzhou for more than half a year. Although this team is not a navy, at most it is the prototype of the Marine Corps, but they have at least adapted to many conditions at sea. After you have your own ship, you can slowly carry out various aspects of training.

Seeing that both Chen Qiyu and Zou Weilian nodded to express their understanding, Zhu Youjian continued to express his second opinion.

"Secondly, I intend to establish a shipyard in Jinzhou and the Netherlands in cooperation, and use the inexhaustible timber resources in Liaodong to build ships by myself, so as not to be controlled by others.

On this point, you must negotiate with the Dutch side, and you can use the principle of lure to negotiate with them. If they agree to cooperate in building a factory, the style of the ship must be based on the new style within five years. This must be achieved! "

This one is following the trend, and there is great hope that the negotiation will be successful.

Now there are hundreds of shipyards in the Netherlands. Except for the few shipyards that develop the latest ships, more or less outdated technologies can be transferred to Daming in the Far East, and these technologies are exactly what Ming needs.

This is like the reason why coastal economically developed areas in later generations transferred some backward technological production capacity to inland areas.

Industrial upgrading in economically developed areas, while relatively backward industries can be revived in poor areas, this approach conforms to the law of economic development.

Jinzhou is the Dalian area of ​​later generations, and it is also one of the shipbuilding bases of the Republic. It is the most suitable place to set up a shipyard.

Zhu Youjian's lifting of the sea ban is not to limit the development of Jiangnan interest groups and continue to make profits. Tax collection is only one of his purposes. The deeper vision of this policy is to promote the development of maritime trade and promote the development of Daming handicrafts to a wider area. The scope expanded, not just limited to traditional products such as silk, porcelain, and tea.

He hoped that through exchanges with the European manufacturing industry, the local handicraft industry would develop in the direction of manufacturing, and the sea coachman was the best link to communicate with the vast sea between the East and the West.

"My lord, the weather in Jinzhou is cold most of the year. Is it suitable to set up a shipyard here? Why not go to Mingzhou or Fuzhou to set up a factory? I don't know how to build a ship, but I just think that the craftsmen will not be able to work in the severe cold, so Have this question."

Zou Weilian raised objections to the establishment of a factory in Jinzhou, which was in a cold state for most of the year in his impression, and Chen Qiyu also looked at Zhu Youjian with proving eyes.

"The reason why I consider building a factory here is to reduce the huge cost caused by felling the giant trees in Liaodong and then transporting them to the south. Besides, the south is hot and humid and rainy, which may not be good for the wood to dry. The mid-year rainfall is concentrated in June and July, and it should be fine to dry the wood in the rest of the time.

However, since Zou Qing mentioned this point, it should be tentatively decided in advance, and it is better to make a decision after consulting relevant industry insiders. "

Zhu Youjian didn't know whether it was appropriate to build a shipyard in Jinzhou, so he could only find two reasons to convince himself, but what Zou Weilian said was also reasonable, so he decided to seek evidence from multiple parties before making a choice.

There is no rush to build a factory. No matter what kind of agreement is reached, the Dutch special envoy must return to the country and report to the government of his country before deciding how to implement it. It will take nearly two years just for this east-west trip.

It would be great if there were mechanically powered ships like the ones of the later generations, and it took only half a year to travel in the sea area of ​​thousands of miles.

However, the invention of the steam engine will be decades away. If my own arrival does not change the course of European history, it will be impossible to manufacture mechanically driven equipment with the current level of technology.

It seems that it is necessary to take the time to tell Song Yingxing the principle and concept of the steam engine, and let him think and study slowly now.

"We'll discuss this matter later. What I'm going to say next is that the key point of this negotiation is also what the Dutch side is most interested in. If this matter can be negotiated, Daming will benefit even more from the Netherlands!"

(End of this chapter)

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