Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 542 Bring Xiyi to Open Your Eyes

Chapter 542 Bring Xiyi to Open Your Eyes

Since Zhu Youjian taught Chen Qiyu and Zou Weilian face-to-face tips, in the next few days, Fang Yongzhi took the officer surnamed Huang to accompany the three special envoys of the two countries in the capital in two four-wheeled carriages dedicated to the Spinning Department. Strolling around in the east and west, you can appreciate the prosperity and prosperity of the world's largest city.

In fact, as early as the second half of the [-]th century, the first four-wheeled carriage appeared in Europe. Although it was not popularized on a large scale due to various conditions at that time, the four-wheeled carriage had been thoroughly popularized first, so Van Bron Horst and others did not show much curiosity about this new thing that just appeared in Daming, which made Fang Yongzhi, who originally wanted to show off, feel very disappointed.

What really surprised van Bronhorst and others was the variety of details they observed.

The spacious and flat stone pavement in the capital of Ming Dynasty, the various shops with various signboards hanging on both sides of the street, as well as the various types of goods in it, the neat and clean clothes of the pedestrians and merchants on the road, and the public health facilities set up every hundreds of steps , the relaxed and happy expression on everyone's face, the confidence and vigor exuding from the body, etc., these tiny details made them feel deeply shocked.

"Mr. Fang, I have a question to ask. Over the past few days, we have not seen beggars or homeless people in the streets and alleys, which surprised us.

As far as I know, your country has encountered many very unfavorable events such as drought and large-scale domestic rebellion in the past ten years. According to the law of the development of things, although this is the capital of your country, it should not have such a clean and tidy place. The appearance of the city and the stable and prosperous situation, what is hidden in it? "

Under Chen Qiyu's special order, the four-wheeled carriage that Fang Yongzhi was riding in was accompanied by two Dutch envoys, himself, Huang An, and Etro and his handrail in another carriage. , only a secretary from the Spinning Department was arranged in the car to accompany him, and there was no official.

"Hehe, it's a long story. Since the envoy asked me, I will give a brief explanation. What the envoy said is not bad. I have been facing natural disasters and man-made disasters for more than ten years. When I am in trouble, I almost overthrow it. dangerous.

However, fortunately, my emperor is an unborn hero, and he came up with wonderful tricks one after another, turning the dangerous situation into a prosperous one in just a few years.

The current status quo is just the beginning. The entire capital, no, the entire Ming Dynasty, from the officials and gentry down to the common people, everyone in the country believes that the future of our Emperor Ming will be far better than that of the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasties, and the lives of the people of the country will definitely be better. It will be better than today!
As for your envoy's inquiry about beggars and refugees, I will not hide it from your envoy. Just three years ago, every prefecture and county in the northern part of our Ming Dynasty was full of refugees and howling. I can't bear to look directly at it, and the capital cannot escape this situation.

However, with the rapid improvement of the situation, my emperor decreed that the local governments should not only properly accommodate the refugees, but also house the old, weak and young in nursing homes. For those who follow, this point basically put an end to the appearance of beggars on the road.Old Liu, go to Chengbei Nursing Home! "

Seeing the suspicious expressions of Van Bronhorst and Pahlavit, Fang used it to see that it was still early, so he directly ordered the coachman to drive directly to the nursing home in the north of the city.

Facts speak louder than words, these Xiyi don't believe it, I will take you to open your eyes today!
When the carriage was removed because the temperature was still high, and the four-wheeled carriage with only the roof shade was left rumbled into a large courtyard with a large area, Fang Yongzhi got out of the carriage first. An official who looked like a grasshopper from a distance was hurrying over, followed by two attendants in cloth robes.

"Hehe, Prime Minister Fang Shu is very polite. Where did this Fanyi bring to pay homage to our courtyard today? Hey, this kind of Fanyi has never been seen before, and I never thought that there are such tall people in Fanyi. It's just that This red beard and green eyes, and the clothes, shoes and hats on his body are so weird, why does he look like a monster in the Shan Hai Jing?"

It can be seen from the tone of the person's speech that this person is very familiar with Fang Yongzhi, his words are more casual and friendly, and the hypocritical greetings of the officialdom are less.

"Haha! Old Zhang, you have such a stinking mouth. Fortunately, these Xiyi don't understand my Ming Dynasty official language, otherwise they might be angry after hearing your arrangement like this!

This time it is not the Nanyang Fanyi, it is the Western Yi. There are tens of thousands of miles away from us. This time, they came to meet the Holy One. They saw that there were no beggars and refugees on the streets of the capital. They didn’t believe it, so I simply Bring them here directly to learn more, and let these Xiyi see how my Emperor Ming treats every citizen! "

With the complete stability of the situation in Ming Dynasty, more and more small foreign countries came to pay tribute. In order to show them the appearance of the ceremonial state of the suzerain country of Ming Dynasty, under the orders of Zhu Youjian, the Spinning Department often took people to several breeding places. The visit to the charity home allowed these Fanyi to feel the humanistic care of the Ming Dynasty for the elderly and the young. This nursing home was used the most, and after a long time, it became the same as Zhang Li, the director of the nursing home. Acquaintance and friend.

"Success! Anyway, I've seen a lot of these Fanyi, so let's follow the original procedure, shall we?"

Zhang Liyong asked with a nonchalant smile while sizing up the few Xiyi special envoys who were looking around with curious eyes.

"Okay! Just walk around as usual, Lao Zhang, you will lead the way!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yongzhi gave an order, and Huang An hurriedly greeted Van Bronhorst and others. After Zhang Liyong stepped forward to greet several Xiyi, a group of people followed him, listening to his introduction, and began to visit. This large nursing home.

This nursing home is located in the northeast of the capital, covering an area of ​​about 12 acres. There are more than [-] two-story houses for homeless people, which can accommodate nearly a thousand homeless old, weak, sick and disabled. At present, more than [-] people have been recruited in the hospital, and these [-] people are all people who have lost the ability to work. Among them, there are more than [-] people with disabilities, and the rest are children over [-] years old or under [-] years old. .

The management organization of the Nursing Home is temporarily under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health. Zhu Youjian plans to separate the Civil Affairs Department of later generations after the Department of Health is upgraded in the future. It is now temporarily under the Department of Health.

In the capital, there are four nursing homes of the same nature, one of which is dedicated to accommodating women, and the managers are all women, and the other three are men. This is also for the convenience of management and to avoid indecent incidents. Way.

Each nursing home has two large kitchens and two canteens that can accommodate 200 people eating at the same time. The gathered people have their own special wooden tableware, which can effectively prevent the spread of epidemics.

There are four public bathhouses in the Nursing Home. Due to limited conditions, the bathhouses do not have that kind of large bathing pools, but showers made of bamboo tubes are prepared. The heating effect of the iron barrels after receiving direct sunlight is for the use of the recipients. In winter, hundreds of wooden barrels are prepared for people to bathe.

When designing these personal sanitation facilities, the officials of the Ministry of Industry complained a lot, thinking that the emperor was burned with too much money, and there was no need to provide such good facilities for these useless people. Be merciful.

Who knew that their private complaints were detected by Jin Yiwei and spread into the palace. Zhu Youjian lost his temper when he heard about it. From now on, there will be no strange words again, and they will be honestly and strictly implemented according to the emperor's instructions.

Due to the large number of people, more than ten public toilets were built in the nursing home, which directly abolished the bad habit of using toilets for convenience in the room, which made the overall environment better.

There are also two consulting rooms in the hospital, which are equipped with decoctions to treat symptoms such as wind-cold fever, diarrhea and typhoid all year round. Each consulting room has a doctor and four apprentices so that the dependents can seek medical treatment in time.

Of course, medicine and medicine can prevent death from illness. This kind of measure is more to give people a kind of psychological comfort. According to the current medical level, if it is really an emergency, a doctor without modern western medicine methods will be helpless.

The nursing home where Zhang Liyong works employs dozens of handymen of various kinds. These employees receive different monthly salaries depending on the type of work they do. With an income of more than eight taels of silver, you can save two meals, which is net income.

These employees are all locals of the capital who live around the nursing home. There are men and women. They can go home after a day's work. This kind of occupation is already quite good.

All the money consumed by the four nursing homes in the capital comes from internal funds, and each nursing home consumes about 10,000 taels of silver each year. This [-]+ taels of silver is not worth mentioning to Zhu Youjian now. What is more concerned is that through this kind of action, a strong humanistic feeling is conveyed to the whole society, so that more rich people will focus on the poor and helpless weak.

Zhu Youjian has always believed that helping those in need is one of the essences of Confucian civilization, and the brilliance of human nature requires those in high positions to set an example, so that it is possible to form an atmosphere of perfection in the whole society.

Van Bronhorst and the others looked around at the quickly tidy courtyard, and sometimes they would even walk into a house at random to check it out. They were satisfied when they saw the same clean indoor environment and the serene faces of the beneficiaries. They will all exit the room after saluting these old and weak people.

As the group walked, watched and listened to Zhang Liyong's eloquent introduction, the faces and eyes of Van Bronhorst and Pahlavit turned into expressions of respect and exclamation.

Just after they walked into another courtyard, the sound of reading books from several houses surprised them.

"The courtyard here is called Mingliyuan. It was specially ordered by the Holy One to be established in various nursing homes. It is specially used for boys and girls in the courtyard to study and understand. The Holy One's heart to educate the world is incomparable even a saint!"

After seeing the astonished expressions of Van Bronhorst and others, Fang Yongzhi spoke loudly to them in a very proud tone.

Pahlavit and others walked lightly to the half-opened flower window or the door of the classroom to look in. There were about [-] boys of different ages sitting in the room, each with a desk in front of them. There are books and pens and ink, and an old man over fifty years old with a white beard is standing in front of the lecture to lead the reading. Behind him is a large square wooden board painted with black paint, with a few white Chinese characters written on it.

Whether it is the teachers or the children who are studying in the house, they are obviously used to being watched by outsiders, and most of them turn a blind eye to these people gathered around the school door. Only a few children secretly glanced at the people outside the house with curious eyes.

"Hey! The school is an important place! Outsiders don't have to peep! Let's go!"

The old teacher rolled his eyelids and shouted angrily, his originally kind expression became gloomy, and his whole person became gloomy.

Although Pahlavit and the others couldn't understand the other party's language, they turned around and left in a hurry under the pressure of the old man's intimidating manner. Yongzhi and Zhang Liyong laughed together.

This old man who teaches is not an ordinary person. He is a retired eunuch released from the imperial prison in the palace. The field is still very strong.

Going here, the visit that took nearly an hour is over, and it is close to noon. After Fang Yongzhi declined Zhang Liyong's invitation to stay for a meal, he brought the special envoys of the two countries back to the carriage and met with Zhang Liyong. After saluting farewell, return to Honglu Temple for dinner.

 Thanks to a little sword fairy, Venus for the graphics card.

(End of this chapter)

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