Chapter 545
Chen Qiyu's remarks first refuted the Dutch side's assertion that Taiwan is a land of no man with facts, then threatened with force, and finally threw out a big gift package that made the Dutch have unlimited imagination.

Of course, this gift package is tentative, and it depends on whether the Dutch can get on the road.

After listening to Chen Qiyu's soft and hard words, the expressions on the faces of Van Bronhorst and Pahlavit became ugly, while Chen Qiyu leisurely took a sip from his teacup, and Zou Weilian and others looked at it with a smile on their faces. The two Dutchmen waited for the other's response.

"Dear Vice-President Chen, you may have some evidence on whether or not Taiwan belongs to the Ming Dynasty. We have reservations about this for the time being, but I'm afraid that your country intends to send troops to continue fighting with our country. Won't produce the best results!

You may not know that the city of Zeelandia was built using our classic European bastion method, which is a three-dimensional defense system that is difficult to break through.

Although Zeelandia is not a big city and there are not many troops, our defenders have extremely powerful firepower output. If your army wants to easily break through this fortified city, I am afraid that you will have to pay a very heavy price!
And we have the most powerful navy in the world, and our giant ship cannons are invincible at least for now.If the two sides fight again, our warships can bombard your army from the sea, killing and injuring your soldiers in large numbers, and we can also provide supplies to the city of Zeelandia through the sea. In this case, it will be a protracted and exhausting battle. A huge war will not do any good to our two countries! "

Van Bronhorst struggled for a long time, but he forced himself to get up calmly to express the Dutch side's point of view, but his last sentence still revealed his true inner thoughts.

"Your envoy, sit down, please be calm and don't be impatient. When it comes to the battle, I have some capital.

Before I was a few years old, I had commanded thousands of troops and had countless confrontations with rebels from all walks of life in the territory. I also know the cruelty of the battlefield and the cruelty of the war.

But if it involves territorial disputes, then the use of large soldiers is also a must. Our Emperor Ming has billions of people. If we want to form an army, we can get millions of brave fighters in an instant.

And as far as I know, the total population of your country is only one million, and it is tens of thousands of miles away. It seems that the gain outweighs the gain if you compete with our Emperor Ming for an island that is only a few hundred miles away.

I have something to ask your envoy. It is said that your country was a subsidiary of the Dafo Langji Kingdom a hundred years ago, but later it came out of its jurisdiction to establish a separate country. What I want to ask is whether your country is now an enemy or a friend? "

After Chen Qiyu refuted Van Bronhorst's somewhat guilty remarks just now, he immediately raised a question that seemed to have nothing to do with the content of the current negotiations.

"Dear Vice-President Chen, first of all, I would like to correct your statement. We, the Netherlands, did not rebel. We broke with the Kingdom of Spain in order to fight for independence.

As for the current relationship between the two countries, frankly speaking, they are not friendly countries.This time we jointly visit your country, but the goals we want to achieve are not the same, which is why we separately request to negotiate with your country. "

Although Van Bronhorst didn't understand why Chen Qiyu suddenly changed the subject, he still expressed the current facts very directly without thinking.

"Hehe, your envoy is indeed a frank person, and this statement is also related to the upcoming negotiations.

As far as I know, Dafo Langji invaded and occupied the territory of Luzon, and set up governors and troops in its capital to suppress the people of Luzon, seized goods from its land, and enslaved its people for its own use. It's an act against morality.

In addition, our dynasty lacks its own resources, so it needs to purchase copper and iron ore from Luzon for the country's use. This kind of trade is really a normal move, but according to our dynasty's maritime merchants, Dafolangji Kingdom used its monopoly Luzon Zhili actually forbids me from purchasing merchants in North Korea, and drives them away by force. This kind of hegemonic behavior is really chilling.

As far as I know, your country is also a land that lacks resources, and a large amount of minerals are needed for domestic construction and development. Moreover, when your country trades with other countries on the ocean, it must stop at several ports on the way to replenish all necessary resources. Materials, the stronghold of Taiwan Island is such a place.

The port of Manila is located in a prime location, and it is also a necessary place for your country to travel between east and west. However, it seems that Dafolangji also prohibits your merchant ships from stopping and trading. Is this true?
In view of this, I want to join hands with your country to plot the land occupied by Dafo Langji.

After this is done, your country's merchant ships can freely enter and leave Luzon's port, and you can also choose a place to resettle your population on its land. If this is the case, there is no need to keep Taiwan. What does your envoy think of this discussion?Dare to sign this agreement on behalf of your court? "

After realizing that the Dutch no longer had too much resentment towards the Taiwan stronghold, Chen Qiyu straightforwardly stated the ultimate solution to the Taiwan issue: exchange the Spanish-occupied Manila for the Dutch stronghold on Taiwan Island. As for the reason, use The Spanish government and military obstructed free trade as an excuse.

Zhu Youjian knew very well that Zeelandia, built by the Dutch, was an extremely difficult fortified city. This typical European bastion was built with three-dimensional defense, and its firepower covered no dead ends. It would inevitably pay a heavy price to break through.

And since there are other plans, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Zhu Youjian believed that as long as Manila could be conquered, the Dutch would definitely accept Ming's plan, abandon Taiwan, and move to this good port in South Asia with an extremely advantageous geographical location.

Zhu Youjian has no ambition to occupy the entire territory of the Philippines. After expelling the Spaniards, let the Dutch choose a place to establish a stronghold. Anyway, it is not the territory of Ming Dynasty.

Regardless of the situation at the time or the history of later generations, the Netherlands has never become a military power.Even if it now enjoys the reputation of a sea coachman, it only refers to its position in world trade, not its military strength to dominate the world.

It is the right way to be friends with this kind of country with low ambitions, because the threat it poses to Ming Dynasty will be within the controllable range. No matter what big event they encounter, the first thing the Dutch think of is negotiation, unless it involves major self-interest , it will choose to use force to solve the problem when the negotiation fails to achieve a result.

"Dear Vice-President Chen, may I ask if what you just said is true? Your government wants to go to war with the Spaniards?
What you may not know is that although Spain is in a period of decline, its military strength is still very strong.

The Spaniards have occupied the Philippines for more than 60 years. They built a large number of forts and other fortifications in the port city of Manila, and the castle they built in Manila was also a bastion, and the number of troops far exceeded ours in Taiwan Island. number of people on.

Frankly speaking, it will be far more difficult to drive the Spaniards out of the Philippines than to break through our city of Zeelandia.

Although your army defeated our Dutch army in Taiwan, that conflict did not explain anything. Although we welcome your government's proposal very much, we are skeptical about whether your army can defeat the Spanish! "

After hearing Chen Qiyu's unexpected plan, both Van Bronhorst and Pahlavit showed surprise expressions on their faces. Meaning, but after thinking for a moment, Van Bronhorst stated the facts in a very solemn tone, and expressed the concerns of the Dutch side by the way.

This concern is not without reason.

After 30 years of struggle with the Spaniards for independence, the Dutch were finally able to establish a country. It can be said that the Dutch who know Spain best are the current Dutch.

"Hehe, if the Dafolangji country is strong and prosperous, how did your country break away from its rule and build a country?
As far as I know, your country is invincible only on the sea, but your army is far from unstoppable. If you compare it like this, the army of Dafolangji is only a small number!

In the northeast of our Huangming, there are also rebels who established a country. Their military strength is not weak, and they have disrupted the border of our Huangming for [-] years, but what is the result?His idea of ​​establishing a country is just a dream!
Unless you don't want to, otherwise, with the strength of my Emperor Ming, let you be tyrannical, and you will not escape the end of destruction in the end! "

 The Netherlands was called the Netherlands at that time. In order to conform to our familiar cognition, it has been called the Netherlands in this book.

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(End of this chapter)

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