Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 546 The target is the big Buddha Lang robot in Manila

Chapter 546 The target is the big Buddha Lang robot in Manila
Chen Qiyu expressed his views loudly, but the two Dutch envoys obviously still had doubts and did not express their views immediately on his words.

In fact, the Netherlands has been coveting Spain's colony in the Philippines for a long time. Some senior government officials have long talked about sending troops to drive the Spaniards out of South Asia. However, because this matter is likely to cause unpredictable consequences, no consensus was reached among the top leaders. Afterwards, it was shelved, but such voices have never stopped in the top ranks of the Dutch government.

What the two Dutchmen did not expect was that they would hear a similar voice in a large eastern country thousands of miles away, and this voice was so unquestionable and resolute, which made the two of them feel anxious about gains and losses. .

"Vice Prime Minister Chen, if your government will put your words into action, what will we need to do in the Netherlands? If things go well in the future and the Spaniards withdraw from South Asia, what benefits will we get from the Netherlands ?Which country is under the jurisdiction of the Manila port? How does the port management charge fees?

After struggling for a moment, Van Bronhorst raised a question from the Dutch side. This kind of substantive question shows that the Dutch side is extremely interested in this matter. If the conditions are right, the Dutch will definitely participate in it.

"Hehe, the first thing I want to emphasize is that my Emperor Ming has always disliked hegemony, and if I want to attack it with a large army, it is ultimately for free trade with other countries.

Once this is done, merchants from your country and other countries can freely stop at the port of Manila and conduct trade with any country, exchange what is needed, in order to enrich the people and strengthen the country.

As for port jurisdiction, it depends on the price paid during the period.If the matter of dispatching troops is only our own country, then the port will belong to our country in the future, and the charges should be determined according to the regulations of our imperial court.

But if your country can also participate in this battle, after the success, it can be divided according to the size of one party's contribution. This discussion will uphold the principle of fairness, and the specific content can be discussed in detail.

As far as I know, regardless of the benefits of free trade, there are tens of thousands of merchant ships passing through the port of Manila every year in a single round. Since the country is founded on the basis of business, its income is well known.

This official believes that if the two countries work together, they will each do their best and work together to complete this major event.

The strength of our Emperor's Ming army lies on land, while the strength of your country lies in the ocean. If your envoy intends to facilitate this matter, then you can chat about the specific matters quietly until everything is safe! "

Chen Qiyu's current arguments were all formed by Zhu Youjian's continuous forcible indoctrination. From the perspective of Chen Qiyu's original intention, he did not approve of using troops against Daming overseas, but since the emperor had a strong interest in this matter and was determined, He had just received the super promotion award of the University of Martial Heroes Hall, and he wanted to stand by the emperor no matter what.

Besides, this matter cannot be reached overnight. Even if a final comprehensive cooperation agreement is reached with the Dutch side, it will take at least one to two years for the final implementation. After all, the distance between the East and the West is too far, and it takes too long.

At this time, Spain has gradually declined from its prosperity in the [-]th century, and the amount of silver they obtained in countries such as Mexico and Venezuela in South America has also dropped sharply. Among them, the fleets of the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom continued to plunder Spanish merchant ships. reason.

The powerful fleet of sea coachmen travels across the oceans, not just for trade,

Relying on strong ships and sharp guns, they will carry out targeted armed robbery at sea. The main target is to target various merchant ships traveling between Spain and the Pacific Ocean, and they often make huge profits. This has also become the rapid economic strength of the Netherlands. an effective means of improvement.

"Respected Vice Minister Chen and Minister Zou, I would like to briefly discuss this matter with my companions later, and then give your government a definite answer.

What I want to know more now is whether your government has enough interest and sincerity in reaching a comprehensive trade with the Netherlands?
My humble opinion is that this matter is closely related to the war to expel the Spaniards that Vice Minister Chen just mentioned. If the two sides can reach a comprehensive trade agreement and formally sign a cooperation agreement between the two governments, it will have a positive impact on the topic just now. Influence. "

Van Bronhorst did not give a clear answer to Chen Qiyu's suggestion, but turned the topic to what they most wanted to achieve during this visit.

"I don't know what kind of comprehensive trade your envoy mentioned? I would like your envoy to talk about it, and then I and your colleagues will make a judgment on what your envoy said. Please!"

Facing the ambiguous attitude of the Dutch envoy, Chen Qiyu did not appear eager for success.

He knew in his heart that from the analysis of the other party's words and expressions just now, the Dutch had already been tempted by his proposal, and now the initiative of the negotiation was firmly in the hands of Daming. In this case, you can take the opportunity to propose more favorable conditions in the later negotiations.

"Dear Vice-President Chen, the comprehensive trade agreement with the Ming Empire proposed by us is actually not difficult to understand. We hope that your government can build and open more docks in developed coastal cities, and allow our Dutch merchant ships to directly enter the docks. , trade with local merchants, and pay relevant fees in accordance with the tax policies formulated by your government during the transaction process.

Equivalent to this matter, we in the Netherlands will also open equivalent ports to merchants from the Ming Dynasty and levy taxes on both parties to the transaction.

Vice Minister Chen and all respected Ming officials also know that we in Europe have a very large demand for Ming products, whether it is silk, tea, porcelain, lacquerware or other exquisite handicrafts produced by Ming. France, Prussia and other countries are deeply loved by nobles.

If your country can open more ports and allow our merchant ships to enter and exit freely, it will have a more positive role in promoting our purchase of various products in your country with a large amount of silver.

This kind of commercial behavior will also bring a large amount of gold, silver and other precious metal currencies and other raw materials to your country's government, and will bring continuous and stable huge wealth to your country's respected Emperor and your country's finances, and will also make your country The living standard of the people has been improved rapidly.

Your country's respected Earl Zheng has acquired countless wealth in maritime trade, which is why he has the largest fleet in the Far East. His reputation is also widely spread in distant Europe. This powerful strength is obvious to all. , All of you respected gentlemen should also understand.

Of course, we in the Netherlands will also gain a lot of benefits in this regard. After all, we have the largest and strongest fleet in the world, and only we have the strength to distribute the goods of the Ming Empire to all parts of the world.

Vice Minister Chen, Minister Zou, and other distinguished gentlemen, through contact during this period of time, we have discovered that both His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty and everyone here today are very enlightened gentlemen with very open minds. These factors will definitely have a positive and positive impact on our ability to finally reach an agreement! "

This time it was Pahlavit who stood up. The East India Company was responsible for the trade negotiations, and it was Pahlavit who made this proposal in front of the high-level Dutch government, so he very much hoped that an agreement could be reached. In order to win more interests and political prestige for the Netherlands and itself.

"Since your envoy raised your government's request this time, then I, under the emperor's order, also put forward reciprocal conditions, and then the two sides will negotiate according to the other party's request, is that good?"

Faced with the negotiating conditions that were not too much from the Dutch side, Chen Qiyu, who had been called into the palace by Zhu Youjian for discussion these days, did not reply hastily, but immediately expressed Daming's views and opinions.

A bargaining negotiation officially kicked off. The two sides talked from morning to noon, and after lunch for more than an hour, they finally initialed an agreement after satisfying the basic demands they wanted to reach. It will only be approved after review by Zhu Youjian.

(End of this chapter)

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